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    posted a message on Shooting in Colorado! I'm mad
    I don't understand the modern world..

    People die every day. People never think about crazy things that go on in other countries, albeit rarely. But once it happens in any first world country (usually America who blows their own news out of proportion), "oh no."Everyone and their mothers have to get all butt-hurt about it. Stay away from all these negative things. They rarely bring up any sort of discussion value other than everyone agreeing that whomever did some twisted act has a morbidly twisted mind. Keep the wounded in your hearts and thoughts, and the deceased closer. No need to ***** and complain about it. Some people crack. Some people get into things they shouldn't have. Face the facts and move on.
    Posted in: General Off Topic
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    posted a message on Pokemon Name Thread
    NEW -Greek edition (plus some randoms)
    Eos (Sun)
    Nyx (Night)
    NEW(2) -Regular male names edition
    NEW(3) -Regular female names edition

    Will add more as time goes on.
    Posted in: General Gaming
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    posted a message on How can i speed up my pc?
    Quote from Derpcakes

    Are you calling him a liar? The anecdotal fallacy claim has to be the weakest fallacy of them all and you are using it to avoid having a proper response or even accepting that this could have happened.

    Do you know what studies are made of?

    Personal experiences.
    Your colorful vocabulary isn't scaring anyone.

    Yes, studies are made of personal experiences, but who needs to study something through personal experiences that we have built and know the inner workings so well that it is a huge industry that powers the modern day world?
    Quote from UberChargedChris

    Well thanks guys :) anyways im getting 64 bit computer right now so thanks for the help
    or lack therof
    Posted in: Computer Science and Technology
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    posted a message on How can i speed up my pc?
    Quote from Falcrest

    I kind of have to agree with Govna here, the human eye can track a maximum of 30 fps, gamers have been proven to be able to tell the difference between 30 and 60 but that's because we spend our days staring ate screens.
    Anything over 60 even a gamer's brain can't tell the difference.
    I said that..

    I never said anything about telling the difference between lower frame rates. Everyone and their mothers can tell the difference at a range of 1-30. When you get higher, it gets sketchy.
    Posted in: Computer Science and Technology
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    posted a message on How can i speed up my pc?
    Quote from stuntdude

    Speeding up a computer in general? Everything.

    Your computer's performance wont be affected if your harddrive is 95% full or 15%.
    Posted in: Computer Science and Technology
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    posted a message on How can i speed up my pc?
    Quote from Govna

    That's a lie.
    No. You can easily tell the difference at lower frame rates, but the higher you go, the harder it is to discern. Still possible, but not necessary.
    Posted in: Computer Science and Technology
  • 0

    posted a message on How can i speed up my pc?
    Quote from Falcrest

    The fact of the matter is a better processor and a video card with dedicated VIDEO memory is more than enough.
    My machine has a quad core processor, and a video card with 2 gigs of dedicated memory and I can run minecraft with a 256x256 texture pack, realistic water shaders, and realistic lighting effects. Plus use optifine to double my render distance and max out my settings.
    I still run Minecraft at about 240 fps.
    Haha, 240 fps. That's great, considering most screens only show a fraction of that. Plus, the human eye can BARELY tell the difference between say 60 and 600 fps. But even then you have to put your nose on the screen.
    Quote from Govna

    Your computer wouldn't run faster because you have more free space on your harddrive.
    The only thing you could do with your harddrive is defrag it, which gets only slight performance gain, but only in the programs that had fragmented files, or get an SSD and put your OS on there, along with programs you use regularly.
    Posted in: Computer Science and Technology
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    posted a message on How can i speed up my pc?
    Quote from Falcrest

    I can agree. To a point, RAM is useful, but yo0 really only need 2 gigs for anything. My machine runs 8 and really... doesn't need it, all it does is remember recent actions so they can be preformed faster, in games, nearly useless.
    I have 8 as well. I have never really reached half of that, unless I'm running my mc server, playing mc, listening to music, talking on skype, have chrome open in the background, which I do occasionally. Even then, it doesn't fill all of it.

    Quote from Govna

    No it wouldn't. Unless you're getting out-of-memory errors, assigning more memory to minecraft wont change anything. It's not going to start using more memory just because you assign it more.
    Thank you, Govna.
    Posted in: Computer Science and Technology
  • 0

    posted a message on How can i speed up my pc?
    Quote from Derpcakes

    So basically being behind in RAM is good?
    Being behind if you want to multitask a few programs. If you dont, you won't use all of it. 3 is plenty if you aren't multitasking

    Quote from zhriz

    say you have 4 gigs of ram.

    assign 3 to mc, and guarantee it will be better than 1

    lol bad logic
    It will only use that if it needs it. I don't think you understand what you are talking about.
    Posted in: Computer Science and Technology
  • 0

    posted a message on How can i speed up my pc?
    Quote from Derpcakes

    I don't think anything you could do to your computer would make minecraft work better unless you buy a better processor and more RAM (you need decent ram for minecraft).

    You could try lowering the graphics settings for your computer's UI, but that's all I know.
    RAM isn't everything, people. Just slapping on more RAM isn't going to get anyone anywhere.
    Posted in: Computer Science and Technology
  • 0

    posted a message on How can i speed up my pc?
    Quote from zhriz

    the specs there are good enough to play minecraft, but don't expect it to be very good. as i said earlier, try and clean out your pc, delete unneeded files. that should free up more space. if i were you, i would try and get a bit more ram though.
    No, you do not need more RAM for Minecraft. Minecraft wont ever use all 3 gigs unless you specify it to AND you do some crazy ****, like a super hi-res texture pack. shaders, tons of mods, and blow up 10,000 TnT.
    Posted in: Computer Science and Technology
  • 0

    posted a message on How can i speed up my pc?
    You JUST want to make Minecraft better? Or do you want to do things that speed up your whole PC?


    How old is the PC? Has it been used a lot?
    Posted in: Computer Science and Technology
  • 0

    posted a message on I have created a new potential meme
    Forced meme seems a bit forced.
    Posted in: Culture, Media & Arts
  • 0

    posted a message on Creepy thing i found on Johnney Bravo...
    You didn't find this, sorry.
    I've seen this quite some time ago.
    Posted in: Culture, Media & Arts
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