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    posted a message on Builder Aplication
    Quote from Crontic

    Yeah, your accepted. We have a new server IP, so it is: 123:45:678:901:25565

    Fail troll is fail.
    Posted in: Minecraft Survival Servers (archive)
  • 0

    posted a message on Omegle - A Troll's Heaven.
    I might just have to try this out.

    Alright. Opened a new tab and gave a question.
    You're now watching two strangers discuss your question!
    Question to discuss:
    Who's your favorite pony?
    Stranger 1: im 16 f
    Stranger 1: you?
    Stranger 2: I don't care
    Stranger 2: why the **** are you telling me
    Stranger 1: woah man calm down
    Stranger 2: sorry
    Stranger 1: last night that is exactly what my boyfriend said to me before breaking up with me :'(
    Stranger 2: so now you're looking for revenge sex on omegle?
    Stranger 1: sure
    Stranger 1: im just looking for the right person though
    Stranger 2: I'm sorry your boyfriend broke up with you, but it seems he made the right choice
    Stranger 2: I'll pray for the bro's soul
    Stranger 1: thats mean
    Stranger 1: but actually im a vergin in all ways and i intend to stay like like
    Stranger 1: and just so you no budd
    Stranger 1: we have been foing out for 4 years
    Stranger 2: why open with "im 16 f" then?
    Stranger 1: because your sussposed to
    Stranger 1: every heard of something call asl???
    Stranger 2: your supposed to answer the question
    Stranger 1: well i dont ****inh have to if i dont ****ing want to so back the **** off
    Stranger 2: so you've been going out since you were 12? lol
    Stranger 1: yes
    Stranger 2: ah teenage love
    Stranger 1: sorry im kinda pissed
    Stranger 2: must be tough
    Stranger 1: it is
    Stranger 1: he went after my best friend insted
    Stranger 2: ahright that's kinda a **** move
    Stranger 1: ikr!
    Stranger 1: he told me that he didnt love me anymore and that he was just trying to get to my best friend
    Stranger 1: so then i said but why are you doing this to me i love you and he said why are you telling me this?? and i said becuase i want to be with you
    Stranger 1: and he told me that im a ***** and i am usless so he wanted someone else
    Stranger 1: boys suck
    Stranger 2: I'm really sorry
    Stranger 2: he's a ****
    Stranger 2: you'l find someone better
    Stranger 1: thanls
    Stranger 1: thanks*
    Stranger 2 has disconnected

    They didn't discuss the question at all
    Posted in: General Off Topic
  • 0

    posted a message on Do you have a girlfriend/boyfriend?

    I'm a Freshman in High School. There's this amazing Junior girl that's really into me...
    and her whole family's strict Mormon.

    -So F***ing difficult
    Posted in: General Off Topic
  • 0

    posted a message on how do i post a screenshot?
    http://www.imgur.com make an account.

    Then upload pictures from your computer onto the site.

    After that, on the forums, you can simply put
    Posted in: Screenshots
  • 0

    posted a message on Tales of Malcaran are over. Please Lock and/or Delete this Topic.
    Quote from Kame

    Actually, change everything in my story to male instead of female, and my name will be Kam Esstory. Muscular, tall figure, brown hair, green eyes.

    Hahah. Alright then.
    Posted in: Starting Up / Looking For Server
  • 0

    posted a message on COUNT TO 100,000,000 FOR A WORLD RECORD!
    EDIT: This post is today a year old!
    Posted in: Forum Games
  • 0

    posted a message on Will give mod title if answered
    1. http://wiki.sk89q.com/wiki/WorldGuard/Commands for all world guard commands.
            default: true
            - -modifyworld.blocks.place.tnt
            - modifyworld.*
            - default
            - '*'
                test.test: '100500'
                    - nocheat.fly
                    prefix: 'ADMIN'
            - admins
    All you need to do is copy one whole group segment, rename it, and then modify it to your liking.
    The prefix is the 'title' you are looking for. Prefix: 'Admin'

    3. Do you want to make the whole world flat, or just a part of it?
    To make the full thing, I'd really suggest using the multiverse plugin and Downloading a flatmap. For a segment, set two points with your wooden axe wand (to get one use //wand). Build a tower as high up as you can of whatever. look at the top block and left-click the side of it. Jump off the tower, and give yourself a diamond pick. (ID 278) travel diagonally from the tower, as worldedit's wand tool is only good for making rectangles. find a suitable distance away, and having your d-pick in hand, type '//' which enables super-pickaxe. dig down to a suitable distance, and get out the wand again. Now right click the ground and type '//set 0' this will strain the server, but it will make a nice rectangle of air that is flat. Caves, lava, and water will pour into your area, but dont worry, the command '//walls (whatever block)' will take care of that.

    For different colored names, there are many easy-to-use chat plugins that are great for making groups that have certain colors.

    Hope this helps,
    Posted in: Starting Up / Looking For Server
  • 0

    posted a message on Tales of Malcaran are over. Please Lock and/or Delete this Topic.
    Quote from Kame

    This is for when the server comes out:

    IGN: kamesstory
    Age: 14
    RP Experience: A little, but I learn fast!
    Did You Read the Rules?: Well, I'm sure I'll learn as I build the server~

    In Character
    Character Name: Kam Esstory
    Character Age: 18
    Faction: Vindala
    Biography: My name is Kamaia, or Kam for short. As a Vindalai'a (female for Vindala I suppose), I love nature, and to preserve it and the light are two of my top goals. I have ginger-colored hair, emerald eyes, and am female; I also have a slim, curvy figure. I get bored easily, and get insulted easily as well. I worry for not only for myself, but for others as well.

    My mother and father were shopkeepers in the small village town of Krish'dia, located in the southern-east side of the forest. Krish'dia was a haven for hunters, and that was how my mom and dad got so much money - their bows and arrows were bought a lot to replace those lost in the hunt. The town was famous for its huge flocks of Diasus geese, Vrash'la deer, and Sectumop'r bears. Before they died to the wretched Savrinns, they taught me the precise art of archery. I also learned to brew medicines out of herbs, sneak around well, and to camoflauge myself in the forest. I can run like the wind, but I can't keep it up for long. I have skill in cooking, and can cook well to keep myself alive, but I have no doubt I would fail as a chef. I am horrible at using swords and axes, but excel in martial arts and acrobatics.

    When I was 14, my mother and father had left to fight the Savrinns that had begun invading our land. They, in addition to being masters of the bow, were also masters of stealth. However, there were so many Savrinns that even my mom and dad could not stay undetected, and they were quickly killed by the enemy.

    When the news reached me, I was shocked. My confidence in everything that I used to be confident in faded. I became a lonely orphan, trying to survive by myself. Fortunately for me, my mastery of my bow and my skills in cooking and stealth had its uses - I was able to efficiently hunt and cook the Vrash'la deer that lived in these forests. It was at that time, a few weeks after living in the forest, when I began to enjoy the peacefulness of living by myself, when I stumbled upon my wolf. He was badly injured from a fight with a whole pack of Vrash'la deer - the horns had speared him in multiple places. With my use of medicine, I healed him, and the wolf, which I named Esstory, started to follow me around and help me.

    I lived in the wilderness by myself for some time. Eventually, the Savrinns, tired of the tense peace between them and the Vindala, attacked. They had sacked 3 or 4 villages, before the came to mine. The hunters had already prepared for this attack, and were already perched on tree-tops with their bows poised, ready rain deadly hails of arrows down into the enemy ranks. But the Savrinn's huge army was too powerful. They cut down tree after tree, and they only sound you could hear from our side besides the twang of bowstrings and the whistle of arrows as the flew through the air, were the screams of Vindala hunters dying, bones cracking as they crashed into the forest floor, hundreds of feet below the canopy. Our side was losing. That is, until the Vindala army arrived. Thousands of Vindala poured out between the giant trees of the Vindala's forest, and attacked the Savrinn's army straight on. Seeing the huge amount of Vindala, the Savrinns fled. However, we know that the Savrinn's threat is not even close to being over. The Savrinns are powerful, make no doubt about it. But I will train, until that fateful day, where I will fight the Savrinns like my mother and father did...

    Much, much better. This is what I like in an app. If I had mine, I'd put it up, too, but it is on another computer at my dad's house. T_T
    Posted in: Starting Up / Looking For Server
  • 0

    posted a message on [Bonus]
    You should have probably posted onto the server you were trying to join.
    -Chances they will see this are very slim.
    Posted in: Minecraft Survival Servers (archive)
  • 0

    posted a message on REGUARDING MINECRAFT SITE

    Wow. I really should bookmark this.
    Posted in: Legacy Support
  • 0

    posted a message on Tales of Malcaran are over. Please Lock and/or Delete this Topic.
    Thanks you guys for the support!

    Sketch0900, you are gladly accepted. I have little knowledge in perms and if you could help, that would be epic!!!
    Posted in: Starting Up / Looking For Server
  • 0

    posted a message on Tales of Malcaran are over. Please Lock and/or Delete this Topic.
    Yeah. Just on this post. I'll head to the last page and work backward so she can see all this!
    Posted in: Starting Up / Looking For Server
  • 1

    posted a message on Looking to host (post your server idea here)
    Dead dead dead dead dead....

    And this guy only looks for servers, applies, starts his own server, asks if people want hosting for their server, looks for servers, applies, starts his own server, rinse and repeat.
    Posted in: Starting Up / Looking For Server
  • 0

    posted a message on Starting a Singleplayer-Mulitplayer Server
    Quote from kennysmith1234

    Haha nice. I would like to join in on the fun. I am 18, and a West Coast American.

    I stay up way late, though, so my schedule matches Aussy time, I guess.

    PM me the IP? Or is it whitelisted?

    Bah. It's not that late. Not even midnight. I have insomnia, so this is only the start of my night.
    Posted in: Starting Up / Looking For Server
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