- Facelessone001
- Registered Member
Member for 13 years, 3 months, and 18 days
Last active Fri, Aug, 8 2014 20:32:53
- 1,171 Total Posts
- 114 Thanks
Mar 2, 2012Facelessone001 posted a message on Minecraft News - 1.2 Update, Jeb's Engagement...and Digital Diamonds?Wow, Curse. You must really care about MC and the people who make it the game it is. Jeb's Fiancee is kind of old news to the people that are actually in the loop.Posted in: News
Feb 29, 2012Facelessone001 posted a message on The Forum Has Been Upgraded!Whoops double post. I'm still getting used to this. I like the useless "Edit and report buttons are faded and near impossible to see unless you are looking for them." Very nifty feature.Posted in: News
Feb 29, 2012Facelessone001 posted a message on The Forum Has Been Upgraded!Yes, but WHY THE NEED FOR ALL THE INTERFACE CHANGES? I like the new post writing doobly, but other than that, it's hard to get used to. I liked it when I knew the forums like the google homepage.Posted in: News
Yes. This too. A million times. This is all I really do on this site, other than browse the science and technology for anything interesting.Quote from Vekh
You also removed the Recent Threads box that once was on the front page. Sachverell, can you please provide us with a reasonable explanation for this? The View New Content page doesn't really do the same thing.
Feb 29, 2012Facelessone001 posted a message on Minecraftforum.net MaintenanceThey tried to streamline it, but now it's more like a forum for 8 year olds. Thanks, Curse, we really needed that. /sarcasmPosted in: News
Feb 28, 2012Facelessone001 posted a message on Bukkit Officially Joins Mojang!Holy Mother of God...Posted in: News
I approve. -
Feb 20, 2012Facelessone001 posted a message on No Minecraft for PS Vita; Self-Developing Catacomb SnatchI feel for the PS3 fans out there.Posted in: News
Dec 29, 2011Facelessone001 posted a message on Minecraft News - Mojang New-Hires, Updates & MoreThat's very punny.Posted in: News
Dec 27, 2011Facelessone001 posted a message on Dead Worker's Party Covers "Questworld - Shipwrecked"Posted in: News
Sorry :sad.gif: I didn't mean to crush your dreams... -
Dec 27, 2011Facelessone001 posted a message on Dead Worker's Party Covers "Questworld - Shipwrecked"This is so awesome!Posted in: News
- To post a comment, please login.
Fail troll is fail.
Alright. Opened a new tab and gave a question.
Question to discuss:
Who's your favorite pony?
Stranger 1: im 16 f
Stranger 1: you?
Stranger 2: I don't care
Stranger 2: why the **** are you telling me
Stranger 1: woah man calm down
Stranger 2: sorry
Stranger 1: last night that is exactly what my boyfriend said to me before breaking up with me :'(
Stranger 2: so now you're looking for revenge sex on omegle?
Stranger 1: sure
Stranger 1: im just looking for the right person though
Stranger 2: I'm sorry your boyfriend broke up with you, but it seems he made the right choice
Stranger 2: I'll pray for the bro's soul
Stranger 1: thats mean
Stranger 1: but actually im a vergin in all ways and i intend to stay like like
Stranger 1: and just so you no budd
Stranger 1: we have been foing out for 4 years
Stranger 2: why open with "im 16 f" then?
Stranger 1: because your sussposed to
Stranger 1: every heard of something call asl???
Stranger 2: your supposed to answer the question
Stranger 1: well i dont ****inh have to if i dont ****ing want to so back the **** off
Stranger 2: so you've been going out since you were 12? lol
Stranger 1: yes
Stranger 2: ah teenage love
Stranger 1: sorry im kinda pissed
Stranger 2: must be tough
Stranger 1: it is
Stranger 1: he went after my best friend insted
Stranger 2: ahright that's kinda a **** move
Stranger 1: ikr!
Stranger 1: he told me that he didnt love me anymore and that he was just trying to get to my best friend
Stranger 1: so then i said but why are you doing this to me i love you and he said why are you telling me this?? and i said becuase i want to be with you
Stranger 1: and he told me that im a ***** and i am usless so he wanted someone else
Stranger 1: boys suck
Stranger 2: I'm really sorry
Stranger 2: he's a ****
Stranger 2: you'l find someone better
Stranger 1: thanls
Stranger 1: thanks*
Stranger 2 has disconnected
They didn't discuss the question at all
I'm a Freshman in High School. There's this amazing Junior girl that's really into me...
and her whole family's strict Mormon.
-So F***ing difficult
Then upload pictures from your computer onto the site.
After that, on the forums, you can simply put
Hahah. Alright then.
EDIT: This post is today a year old!
3. Do you want to make the whole world flat, or just a part of it?
To make the full thing, I'd really suggest using the multiverse plugin and Downloading a flatmap. For a segment, set two points with your wooden axe wand (to get one use //wand). Build a tower as high up as you can of whatever. look at the top block and left-click the side of it. Jump off the tower, and give yourself a diamond pick. (ID 278) travel diagonally from the tower, as worldedit's wand tool is only good for making rectangles. find a suitable distance away, and having your d-pick in hand, type '//' which enables super-pickaxe. dig down to a suitable distance, and get out the wand again. Now right click the ground and type '//set 0' this will strain the server, but it will make a nice rectangle of air that is flat. Caves, lava, and water will pour into your area, but dont worry, the command '//walls (whatever block)' will take care of that.
For different colored names, there are many easy-to-use chat plugins that are great for making groups that have certain colors.
Hope this helps,
Much, much better. This is what I like in an app. If I had mine, I'd put it up, too, but it is on another computer at my dad's house. T_T
-Chances they will see this are very slim.
Wow. I really should bookmark this.
Sketch0900, you are gladly accepted. I have little knowledge in perms and if you could help, that would be epic!!!
And this guy only looks for servers, applies, starts his own server, asks if people want hosting for their server, looks for servers, applies, starts his own server, rinse and repeat.
Bah. It's not that late. Not even midnight. I have insomnia, so this is only the start of my night.