Aspects in the Thaumonomicon for crafting items sometimes change to the aspects of the item. But it goes beyond a simple visual glitch. It chances the recipe as well.
An example would be to craft a Thaumium Bar you need 4 magic in the crucible then toss in an iron bar.
But when the book changes to display the aspects of the thaumium bar you need 4 magic AND 4 metal then toss in the iron ingot.
This also happens with infusion recipes. After I crafted my first Magic mirror (cheated in the glass part) the recipe in the book changed to the aspects on the magic mirror, Luckly I remembered the aspects seeing as I just crafted it. So I gathered the 8 darkness, 8 travel and 8 exchange (That last one is HARD to find. I had to end up using some shimmerleafs) and set them over to the side, then activated the infuser. I quickly noticed it was taking essence from my jars that it shouldn't be doing. I set out my active essence jars so I can quickly double check if I have everything I need, leaving all the others over against the wall. I had to abort the infusion because I didnt have all the stuff the mirror now required.
Each time iv had problems with this is right after I crafted the thing. It doesn't always happen. but it happens alot.
Not sure if crafting the item causes it, or looking at it with the thaumometer.
As common as this is im sure its been reported already, but just to be sure.
- Fabhar
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Member for 14 years, 1 month, and 21 days
Last active Tue, Jul, 11 2017 17:46:28
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XelNigma posted a message on Thaumcraft 6.1.BETA26 [no longer being developed]Posted in: Minecraft Mods -
Hexer123 posted a message on Mo' Creatures - v12.0.0 for Minecraft 1.12.1!! Now Opensource!!hey this is just a suggestion and ive been thinking about but have you guys thought of making it so when you have a horse with a rope attached to it and you right click on a fence you tie the horse to the fence so it wont move. just a suggestion and i think it would be a small addonPosted in: Minecraft Mods -
Solaria posted a message on 1.0 New Features! OFFICIAL Report on New Features! MINECRAFT IS RELEASED!Posted in: 1.0 Update Discussion
[color="#8B0000"]Remember these are "Pre" releases and nothing is completed until the full release.[/color]
[color="#000000"]Find any new features? Screenshots? Report them all here![/color]
Note: This is NOT the place to report bugs. Just new features.
Report bugs here.
[color="#8B0000"]1.0 PreRelease 2 (For 1.1)[/color][color="#000000"]
- No trolling.
- No spamming.
- Read entire OP before posting.
- No advertising.
- No reporting/posting about bugs you find.
- Do NOT ask for help with any issues in this topic.
[color="#8B0000"]Weekly Releases (For the future 1.1)[/color]
PreRelease 2
- Apples drop from "normal" trees.
- Mobs no longer 'trample' crops. They will if they jump.
- Press "B" and you can change the game mode (surv/creative)
- Can now use shears to destroy tall grass and break it again
- Taiga biomes are back.
- Sheep eat grass and regain their wool
- Farmland is no longer destroyed by items and particles
- Added multiple languages
- Corrected a setTileEntity multiplayer bug
- Corrected a powered rail bug
- Corrected a redstone update bug
- Automatic "Snap Shots": "These "snapshots" will be named 11w47 ( year and week) + a, b, c etc (in case we do more than one), in one word such as "11w47a" - Jeb_
- Fixes double door glitch (fixed in 1.0.1?)
[color="#8B0000"]Minecraft 1.0.1 Official Release[/color]
- Icon change of the last achievement, "The End."
- Redstone wire that is not connected to anything now resembles a single red dot.
- That's it. Sorry guys. Well, all of the 1.9 stuff is in too. But that doesn't count as 'new' material. ;P 1.9 info is organized below for your convenience. Have a nice day. *Smiles*
[color="#8B0000"]Minecraft 1.0.1 is released!
Official Release
The game should download the update as with any normal update! (Force Update on the Launcher)[/color]
[color="#8B0000"]Release Candidate 2 (RC2)[/color]
Post about this will be around #2400 within this topic.
- [color="#000000"]
- New Sounds were added shortly before the RCs. Info added in Pre6 too.
- New Getting hurt sound!
- New Explode sound!
- New Chest opening sound!
- New Arrow Shooting sound!
- New Door opening sound!
- New throwing sound! (Eggs / Snowballs)
- New throwing sound! (Eye of Ender)
- New Enderman Teleporting Sound!
- New Enderman Getting hurt Sound!
- New 'Gathering' Orbs Sound!
- New Eating Sound!
- New Potion Drinking Sound! (And you do not 'eat' the bottle anymore.)
- New "Baby" Sheep Sound!
- Blazes have "metallic breathing-in" Sound! Make same sound as a tool breaking when they get damaged.
- Colored sheep now have a random chance of giving you a colored lamb.
- Bows now have durability.
- Quit-Game button in game menu.
- Tools now have a break animation and make a sound when breaking. Blazes make the same 'break' noise sound when hurt.
- Double-Doors open different. Open one left door, and it will open both. [/color]
[color="#8B0000"]PreRelease 6[/color]
- Square Moon/Sun
- Water physics fixed.
- Explosion damage 'fixed'.
- Enderdragon is IN the game.
- Endgame.
- List of bugs fixed [F] here.
- Redstone is faster to mine.
- Redstone wire no long trys to "snap" into a block with a redstone torch ontop of it.
- Option -> Particle change (Void).
- Mining Obsidian takes about 3 seconds. Bug?
- ALL doors require redstone - BUG - Confirmed.
- New blocks
- Enderdragon healer
- Enderdragon egg
- Stairs drop stairs when mined.
- Iron bars mine faster.
- Infinite lava has been removed.
- Baby sheep can now be "colored". If parents are of different colors, then you have a 50-50 shot of the color. White counts as a color.
- The "F" key commands have been removed.
- Redstone unplaceable on glowstone. Bug?
- New Sounds! Doors, bow, and explosion.
The Enderdragon's health is now shown at the top of the screen in a purple health bar when you are in the End.The Enderdragon now spawns a platform with an End portal and a pillar with an Enderdragon egg on it in its center.Entering the portal causes the end game text/credits to roll(and then respawns the player in the overworld as if they died). Thanks to Forever A Troll post #2323.
Minecraft Credits upon ending of the game
[color="#8B0000"]PreRelease 5[/color]
- Squids swim up. Passive squid animation is now vertical.
- Slimes no longer have a 'depth y0-16' restriction.
- Pigmen no longer accumulate fall damage while swimming in lava.
- Ender Dragons
- Now take damages by player.
- Glows purple when killed, disintegrates and floats upwards - new animation effect.
- Drops loads of XP and one obsidian block.
- Have the same eye shining thin Enderman has.
- Dragon makes "a player gettin hit sound" when damaged.
- Mobs 'neutral' in creative mode. Except for spiders, ghasts, and silverfish.. Note: Enemies from spawners are still hostile.
- Dragon Eggs. - Not in game, recently tweeted by Notch.
- Baby animals in SMP.
- Items retain their enchantments if chest is destroyed.
- Fences no longer connect to leaves.
- Lily pads are no longer gray in inventory, have a tool tip.
- Melons breaking into more than one piece again.
- Fixed fence "hitboxes".
- Balancing of enchantments.
- Find 'iron' gear in strongholds.
- Silk touch does not work on spawners.
- Game Crashing piston glitch fixed.
- Eye of Ender now points directly to the Ender Portal.
- Camera rotation
- I, J, K, L, N, and M control where your looking (I,J,K,L are up down left & right, N and M are rotations)
- F9 Adds a fixed camera angle. ( You can move this with I, J, K, and L)
- M+N resets the view. *Important*
- H and Y are the zoom controls
- H + Y together resets the zoom
- F9 locks your view
- Tweet from Jeb_ (As you know I always forget at least one thing when upload a release... The "camera controls" (F6 etc) are not supposed to be there =/) So..don't get your hopes up. Though these features are really nice for everyone..except the flying in survival mode.
- Toggle fly with F6. Survival mode.
- You receive a warning when changing render distance to far only if you're not running Java x64.
- Option to turn off clouds in the video menu.
Textures/Liquid Movement Mechanics
- Texture Tweeks
- Gravel
- Glowstone
- Monster Spawners
- Iron Block
- Wood Planks
- Grass
- Water
- New Water Physics for vertical movement.
- Water is back the way it was before pre4, plus: Whenever a water source is surrounded on all sides by blocks or water (not necessarily source blocks) and it has an air block or (non source) water block below, then that air/water block turns into a water source. From Darquan (I think it is intentional. It eliminates the underwater currents when you place and remove a block. The behaviour seems to be carefully chosen such that it cannot automatically flood entire caves, nor does it seem to break typical ways of using water for automatic harvesting.) Bug.
- Water can be placed in water again.
- "End Stone" (from The End) and "Mycelium" from the Mushroom biome!
- Lava can be made infinite by digging 1 square down, and making a "plus" sign - 5 squares total. Fill the outsides with lava.
- Lighting is different. Colors are now better matched with the color of the light source.
- Longer reach for fighting mobs.
- Creative mode - logging back in will no longer make you 'fall' from falling.
- Player bow draw-back animation improved.
- Range of attack distance in creative has Reports of better FPS.
- Balancing of enchantments.
- New Achievements
- DIAMONDS! - Acquire diamonds with your iron tools.
- Enchanter - Use a book, obsidian and diamonds to cunstruct an enchantment table.
- Librarian - Build some bookshelves to improve your enchantment table.
- Overkill - Deal eight hearts of damage in a single hit.
- We Need to Go Deeper - Going through a portal to the Nether.
- Return to Sender - Destroy a Ghast with a fireball.
- Into Fire - Relieve a Blaze of its rod.
- Local Brewery - Brew a potion.
- The End? - Locate the End.
- The End. - Defeat the Ender Dragon.
- Villages now have small fenced off patches of dirt with either wheat or tall grass growing in them, connected to the houses.
- Light glitch on stairs fixed.
- Jumping makes you lose xp points. Bug for some?[/color]
[color="#8B0000"]PreRelease 4[/color]
Posts on part 4 start at #1484
Twitch released the change-log for part 4 here.
- Moon/Sun are round. Moon has phases. Direction of sunrise/set has changed.
- Glistering Melon added. Crafted with Melon and Gold Nugget. Non-edible.
- Cutting up melon gives you 1 melon slice. Bug.
- Glistering melon can be used for initiating brewing.
- Villages a lot more common? Need more info on this.
- Endermen seem to be stronger.
- Water freezes faster.
- The potion of swiftness now leaves a visible effect on the player.
- Signs can be rotated easier.
- You can attack/kill mobs through glass.
- Supports HD Texture packs. Press F3+T to reload the texture pack.
- Pig spawners are an obtainable block now. Just use the silk touch enchantment on any mob spawner and it gives you a pig one.
- Mobs CAN spawn on glass. Bug?
- You can place Water on Water like Stone on Stone now.
- You can't throw Water into Water any more.
- Walking through webs is faster. Unconfirmed.
- Strongholds contain more chests.
- Enderpearls can be found in stronghold chests.
- Toss "Ender Eye" into sky to find location of strongholds.
- New texture for the placeholders on the portal. No longer 'crystal'.
The End/Ender
- "The End" is the new realm.
- Cannot leave. You will have to die
- Hard to leave "The End in creative mode.
- Dragons are not available yet. You can get them via hacking above.
- Ground breaks into cobblestone.
- From Jeb: The exit from "The End" is the end. Then you respawn.
- Obsidian pillars.
- Enderdragons skins exist.
- Experience orbs are black.
- Cannot build Netherportals in "The End".
- Use Eye of Ender on the 'portals' in the strongholds.
- Maps in the End are blank.
- Large floating island.
- Beds explode.
- Water is place-able.
- You'll have to generate a new stronghold with a pre4 map in order for the portal to work without hacking.
- All potions with gunpowder = Splash Potions. Throw-able. Works with all potions. Putting them in dispensers are fun.
Quote from Dima~Cheveyo_On_Post_1795 »
Potion of Regeneration
Potion of Strength
Potion of Swiftness
Potion of Fire Resistance
Potion of Poison
Potion of Weakness
Potion of Slowness
'Sharpness I' enchanted sword
'Bane of Arthropods' effect
- There is a chance you get multiple effects when you enchant items.
- Enchantment Table now has a tooltip name on creative mode.
- Enchanted levels are 1-7. Adding bookshelves gets you more and more 'higher' levels. So far the report is up to 1-50.
- Enchantments now have names.
[color="#696969"]- Bane of Arthropods I/II/III/IV/V - Adition damage to spiders. 0.75-1.5 hearts extra damage per level.
- Sharpness I/II/III/IV/V - Addition damage to mobs. 0.5-1 heart extra damage per level.
- Fire Aspect I/II - Lights mobs on fire.
- Smite I/II/III/IV/V - Extra damage to zombies, zombie pigmen and skeletons.
- Knockback I/II - Knocks mob and players backwards upon hit.
- Looting I/II/III - Mobs have a chance to drop more loot.
[color="#696969"]- Sword of Featherfall I/II/III/IV - Fall-down slowly, less fall damage. (Only applies to boots.)
- Aqua Affinity I - Eliminates the harvest penalty of mining blocks underwater. (Only applies to the helmet.)
- Projectile Protection I/II/III/IV - Protection against projectile entities (e.g arrows)
- Respiration I/II/III - Underwater breathing time +15 seconds; time between suffocation damage +1 second. (Only applies to the helmet.)
- Fire Protection I/II/III/IV - Protection to fire. (Lava?)
- Blast Protection I/II/III/IV - Protects from explosions. Creeps & TnT.
- Protection I/II/III/IV - Converts environmental damage to armor damage.
[color="#696969"]- Pickaxe of Efficiency I/II/III/IV/V - Dig faster. +10% mining speed to each lvl.
- Unbreaking I/II/III - Adds chance to ignore 'usage' of tools with each use.
- Sword of Looting I - Chance for more drops.
- Silk Touch I - Lets you mine blocks without breaking them. You can get glass blocks back. Efficient for glowstone mining.
- Pickaxe of Fortune I/II/III - Chance of multiplying the drop rate.[/color]
Enchanting techniques that have been found.
Most of my testing was done in creative with a diamond sword. I did some tests in survival and couldn't see anything that made me think it was much different to creative.
It's relatively easy to test. Go in creative make a floor of shelves and a roof of shelves only and test what enchant levels you can get. You still get 5 same as with just the table.
It seemed unlikely to me that adding shelves that did do something would suddenly make ones that did nothing do something. Unlikely but not impossible. Now my first thought was that possibly the algorithm to modify the enchantment level might be influenced by not only bookshelves but also by the shelves surrounding that bookshelf, but tests I made didn't seem to indicate that was so.
So far the only positions I've found that add to enchantment levels are
Layer 1
Layer 2
If there are any other positions of shelves that increase the enchantment level I've been unable to find them.
The shelves can be blocked by almost everything. I tested Ladders, torches, redstone torches, levers, buttons, trapdoors, wood & stone pressure plates, signs, redstone and repeaters and found they all block the shelves from increasing enchanting level. The only thing I found that did not block the shelves was pictures.
NB the 8 corner shelves are not blocked by the other shelves.
Lvl50 Enchantment - shadowskeeper21 post #1794
Lvl 50 Confirmation post #1718
Thanks aXu for the following information. Post #1739
For those who want to edit your items' enchants (with NBTEdit, for example), enchants are saved in following manner:
Data -> Player -> Inventory -> (your item here) -> tag -> ench -> (TagCompound) ->
id: Id of enchant (list of them at wiki)
lvl: Level of enchant (too big numbers won't crash MC, but it doesn't show them in roman numbers)
You can even enchant other items than those normally enchantable. For example, I tested it with wood planks It shows the glimmering animation in inventory, but not in your hand (dunno if this applies to only blocks or all items not enchantable).
[color="#000000"]Information released after Part 3[/color]
Enderdragons (Sounds really neat when you say it). Link to topic here.
Click here for full image.
Eye of Ender is the new stronghold locator where the portal to The Ender will *probably* be. Throw it up high in the air and it will fall about 5 blocks in a new direction. Go in the direction it lands. Do this too much and it may return to The Ender.
From the looks of the following image, you have to fill it with "Ender Eyes" in order for it to activate.
[color="#8B0000"]PreRelease 3[/color]
Posts about Part 3 start with post number #892 for those who want to read them.
- Baby Animals! Parents seem to 'follow' babies after birth. Do not drop loot for XP. Faster animation and they eventually grow up. Baby sheep can be sheared. Grow up time seems to be 1 day.
- Animals have a Cool down after breeding.
- You can saddle baby pigs and ride them
- Wheat bug is fixed.
- FPS is better? Unconfirmed.
- Number above XP bar. Level?
- Silverfish Spawners in dungeons.
- Snow fall breaks torches.
- Breaking book shelves give you 3 books.
- Mini mine spiders are 1x1 and not poisonous. Unconfirmed.
- Eye of Ender. Ender Pearl + Blaze Powder. Use unknown.
- Able to "eat" milk and water.
- Pie chart in the F3 screen is in! (And its a minecraft! wtf..) XD
- Navigate through some of the features by using the number keys, or 0 to go back.
- Crystal Block.
- Fishing Rods can be enchanted.
- Cauldron Icon.
- Color of the label of highlighted object is now purple. Inventory for example.
- Swords and bows have been weakened.
- Endermen do more damage. Unconfirmed.
- Notch's Take on the new baby animals: The idea with the baby animals is to alter the original models to make them act as new ones. This scales well. Say we want to do old animals or robot animals or whatever in the future. By having it be mutators to the original models, we can add a new animal by just adding a single new model instead of adding four (or whatever) new ones. And even better, to introduce a brand new variant of animals, we don't need to go through them all and add that variant. Source.
Credit goes to: Seriousity for finding most of these. <3
Offical Potion Topic
Amazing Potion Guide!
- Potion brewing stand. Step 1 is to fill them with water.
- Milk Removes all effects.
- Redstone increases the duration of a potion. Confirmed.
- Glowstone decreases the duration of a potion and increases effectiveness. Confirmed.
- Cauldrons will hold water for you. Water will "evaporate" over a period of time.
- Right click with glass bottles to draw water. It makes the water level go down lightly.
- Cauldrons can be moved with pistons without losing the water.
- They can be fill with water buckets only. Not lava.
- You can climb into them! Bathtubs and sinks are now possible.
- You can walk across them.
- Brewing stand is activated by putting nether wart in the upper slot. Possible use of other 'activation' items unknown.
- Positive Potions
- Healing Potion: Water Bottle + Netherwart + Ghast Tear (InstantHealth)
- Healing Potion: Water Bottle + Netherwart + Ghast Tear + Glowstone Dust (InstantHealth II)
- Potion of Healing: Awkward Potion + Glistering Melon
- Fire Resistance Potion: Water Bottle + Netherwart + Magma Cream (Fire Resistance 3:00)
- Fire Resistance Potion: Water Bottle + Netherwart + Magma Cream + Redstone (Fire Resistance 8:00)
- Strength Potion: Water Bottle + Netherwart + Blaze Powder (Strength 3:00)
- Strength Potion: Water Bottle + Netherwart + Blaze Powder + Redstone (Strength 8:00)
- Strength Potion: Water Bottle + Netherwart + Blaze Powder + Glowstone Dust (Strength II 1:30)
- Swiftness Potion: Water Bottle + Netherwart + Sugar (Speed 3:00)
- Swiftness Potion: Water Bottle + Netherwart + Sugar + Redstone (Speed 8:00)
- Swiftness Potion: Water Bottle + Netherwart + Sugar + Glowstone Dust (Speed II 1:30)
- Negative Potions
- Poison: Water Bottle + Netherwart + Spider Eye (Poison 0:45)
- Weakness Potion: Water Bottle + Netherwart + Fermented Eye (Weakness 1:30)
- Potion Of Slowness: Water Bottle + Netherwart + Sugar + Fermented Eye (Slowness 1:30)
- Unknown Potions
- Mundande Potion: Water Bottle + Redstone
- Thick Potion: Water Bottle + Glowstone Dust
- Awkward Potion: Water Bottle + Nether Wart
[color="#000000"]Enchantment Tables[/color]
- Animated Enchantment Table!
- Pages flip randomly.
- The words are suppose to be random and they are not suppose to make sense.
- Break with pickaxe in order for it to 'drop'. Or you will lose it...forever.
- Enchanting table is made like so:
Placing bookshelves near the enchantment tables.
[color="#000000"]Air Portals to "The Ender"[/color]
[color="#000000"]Ender Goo will be a portal to "The Ender" and will be the home to the mysterious endermen and deadly enderdragons. Confirmed by Notch.[/color] Source.
Quote from Mouzi
It's called an Air Portal in the code and you can fix it with Ender Eyes.
Doesn't seem to work as of now.
Also, disregard the obsidian, I tried flooding it with water.
Also, someone mentioned that the server now loads a third "level" so that would kind of confirm skylands. Though they have existed before and you can get to them by hacking but I don't know if Notch has changed the skylands for this update.
The sky dimension actually works like it used to work (it's been in the code for quiiite a while) but it gets overwritten by the real world terrain if you visit the real world first. The chunks are in the same folder so they get mixed up.
currently the skylands is just the normal world with different colored sky and clouds are way lower (underground with the normal terrain). The sun is always in the middle of the sky.
[color="#000000"]Ender Goo[/color]
- Ender goo's texture is half a block or so above the physical block.
- Able to physically interact with stuff, it cant be walked through (the texture can be however), and can be stood upon for a platform.
- Is similar to a half step, except very very thin.
- Underside has a stone texture.
- Can be removed with water.
- Can be burned by lava.
- Ender Goo will be a portal to "The Ender" and will be the home to the mysterious endermen and deadly enderdragons. Confirmed by Notch. Source.
I say try adding this to the Air Portal and seeing what it does. ;P
New name until further notice/investigation: Ender Goo.
[color="#000000"]New ID's
123 - Brewing Stand
124 - Cauldron
125 - Eye of Ender
116 - Enchantment Table
117 - Brewing Stand
118 - Cauldron
Screenies and Information released after 1.9 Part 2 and before Part 3.
[color="#000000"]Baby Animals! It's a baby moo moo! With a....big..head!XD A few pigs are in the background[/color]
[color="#000000"]Glossy Armor - notice the sword is purple.[/color]
[color="#000000"]A circle in minecraft! Madness![/color]
[color="#000000"]Enchantment Table Interface[/color]
[color="#000000"]The letters come from the Standard Galactic Alphabet.
Well played internets, you are good. (3)
These names will be random and confusing. (7)
Each spell costs experience levels. (15)[/color]
Quote from Viktn0r
The Standard Galactic Alphabet or SGA is used in the Commander Keen series of computer games. It was created by Tom Hall, who originally just wanted to make the writing on signs in the games look futuristic or alien. Then he realised that he could create a whole alternative alphabet and add cryptic messages throughout the games.
[color="#8B0000"]PreRelease 2[/color]
- Animal Breeding! Use wheat to breed. Hold wheat in your hand and they all 'should' follow you. Reports of this being a bit buggy. If you hit an animal in heat, it will stop being in heat.
- Snow Golems attack each other when you try to breed them. And User. Use wheat to make friendly towards you.
- Endermen now take FOUR standard (non-critical) hits with a diamond sword. Zombies & Zombie pigmen 3.
- Endermen now instantly teleport away from water. Agro seems to reset after this. They also dodge all arrows and do not die in the sunlight anymore. New sound effect likely to come in the official release of 1.9
- Zombie Pigmen now randomly drop rotten flesh or gold bits instead of everytime.
- Chickens avoid lava.
- Golden apples have a sparkly animation.
- Golden apple also grants you Regeneration buff for 30 seconds.
- Golden nuggets are officially called "Gold nuggets" now.
- New Items: glass bottles, several new music discs, blaze powder, spider eyes, fermented spider eyes and magma cream. *Items uses unknown - bottles obviously for 'potions' as mentioned on twitter and not implemented yet. Possibly with official release.
- Ender pearls teleports you with the cost of damage when thrown.
- Ender perls do not work in MP.
- Items can be repaired now, just as Notch specified - combine two damaged items to make one with more uses.
- Can't get glass panes back when you break them anymore .
- Pumpkins can be “crafted” into 4 Pumpkin Seeds.
- Milk acts as a "clear all" for effects.
- Wood fences now connect to walls. Fences now only take up the space they appear to, as well as attaching to any solid block adjacent to them. This makes walking through diagonal-oriented fences possible.
- Pressure plates on top of fence posts now make sound when you walk on them or next to them. Cannot place pressure plates on top of nether fence.
- Fences can be placed like normal blocks.
- Normal fences and nether fences don't connect.
Thanks Mouzi for the following information
And a list of descriptions and IDs for them. Excuse the code tag (I couldn't find atag).
EDIT: All possible potion potency levels seem to have I, II, III and IV but not anything over that. After that it will just say potion.potency.5 and 6 and so on.
ID Code name In-game name Description 1 moveSpeed Speed Movement speed increases, known levels: I, II and III 2 moveSlowdown Slowness Movement speed decreases, plausible levels: I, II and III 3 digSpeed Haste Mining speed increases, known levels: I, II and III 4 digSlowDown Mining Fatigue Mining speed decreases, plausible levels: I, II and III 5 damageBoost Strength Damage dealt increases, known levels: I, II and III 6 heal Instant Health Constantly heals you at a fast rate. EDIT: This actually is not meant to have a duration or has a duration of 0. Will do instant damage when you drink the potion. Known levels: I, II and III 7 harm Instant Damage Constantly damages you at a fast rate. EDIT: This actually is not meant to have a duration or has a duration of 0. Will heal instantly when you drink the potion. Known levels: I, II and III 8 jump Jump Boost Increases jump height, level I to around 1.75 blocks and level II to 2.5 blocks, known levels: I and II EDIT: Level III jumps to around 3.25 blocks and you will take a bit of fall damage and level IV to around 4 blocks. 9 confusion Nausea Screen goes wavy, makes walking difficult 10 regeneration Regeneration Regenerates health (faster) EDIT: Apparently an old effect too, this has been since 1.8 11 resistance Resistance Probably raises your armor class temporarily 12 fireResistance Fire Resistance No fire damage, you will still catch fire, you can also dive in lava (you can not drown in it either). 13 waterBreathing Water Breathing Infinite breath, bubbles still appear but will not decrease. 14 invisibility Invisibility Does not seem to do anything as of now, mobs still attack and no visual change. 15 blindness Blindness Similar to the bedrock fog, you only see black after a few blocks. 16 nightVision Night Vision Night becomes a lot brighter, does not seem to affect caves (unconfirmed). 17 hunger Hunger Old effect, known as food poisoning or disease. Decreases food bar faster. 18 weakness Weakness Opposite of strength? Damage dealt decreases. 19 poison Poison Old effect. Look up poison on minecraft wiki. Known levels: I and II
[color="#000000"]New Recipes[/color]
Quote from ihave13gp
New recipes:
- 1 blaze rod -> 2 blaze powder
- blaze powder + slimeball -> magma cream
- spider eye + brown mushroom + sugar -> fermented spider eye
Example of the new fences
Blue Spider effect and drop
Giving an animal wheat will generate love hearts above its head for a short period of time.
Bring two similar animals together after they've been given food, and a few seconds later a third animal will spawn (of the same type). There aren't any baby animals though, sadly.
- Slimes also drip through the block they are above.
- Hardcore Mode
- Fire from lava doesn't burn you for nearly as long.
- Auto-jumping has been placed back in.
- New ID's for Items and CDs at the bottom of this post.
- F5 is back! (Hit twice to see in first person).
- Tooltips have purple edges.
- Name tag "TESTIFICATE" over the villagers is gone.
- Villages seem bigger.
- XP Gain from jumping has been removed/fixed.
- F8 cinematic mode is back
- Right clicking while holding a weapon = blocking.
Quote from ihave13gp
I decompiled the minecraft.jar files to have a look at the modified health and damage of mobs:
Endermen take 20 hearts of damage and deal 3.5 hearts of damage on normal(was 2.5).
Spiders take 8 hearts of damage.
Zombies take 12 hearts of damage and deal 2 hearts of damage on normal(was 2.5).
Cave spiders take 6 hearts of damage.
TyrantWave found these prefixes in the jar:
Those are all classified as potion.prefix.
"potion.prefix.mundane", "potion.prefix.uninteresting", ....
This could mean these are specifically potion only, or it's more generic and could be related to enhancements to items as well. (As potion works for that too)
[color="#000000"]New ID's & Records - Part 2[/color]
New IDs
117 - Potion
118 - Glass Bottle
119 - Spider Eye
120 - Fermented Spider Eye
121 - Blaze Powder
122 - Magma Cream
New Record/CD IDs
2002 - Blocks
2003 - Chirp
2004 - Far
2005 - Mall
2006 - Mellohi
2007 - Stal
2008 - Strad
2009 - Ward
2010 - 11
[color="#8B0000"]PreRelease 1[/color]
- Blocks under water/lava "drip" into cave/cavern below.
- Trees on higher altitudes have less leaves.
- Grass drops more seeds.
- Lava flows faster.
- Do not jump infinitely when holding down space bar.
- Dried up river-beds in plains biome.
- Animal do not breed.
- Pumpking seeds are back in the chests in the dungeons!
- Lots of reports of mega-oceans.
- Armor values are now determined differently.
- Roses are back.
- Saplings drop less.
[color="#000000"]Mushroom Biomes[/color]
- Mushroom biomes ARE islands.
- "Infected" cows via shrooms
- Shearing Mushroom Cows nets you around 2-5 (need verification on precise range) red mushrooms, and also gets you a normal cow.
- According to the picture, new grass?
Quote of OgreSean
Mushroom Island: Warm biome. Frequent Rain. Somewhat Mountainous. Land base level near sea level.
Mushroom Island Shore: Warm biome. Frequent Rain. Flat land. Land base far below sea level (same as ocean.
Thus, Mushroom Island biomes actually spawn in the middle of Mushroom Island Shore biomes. However, the land for Shore biomes is underwater, which makes them appear like Oceans.
The top block for these biomes is the "mycel" block I mentioned earlier (which is not town related after all, but does play some kind of melody). No monsters, animals, or squids spawn in these biomes EXCEPT for mushroom cows.
[color="#000000"]Snow Biome[/color]
- "Snow" biomes more rare.
- Snowman! - Built by Two snow block then pumpkin PLACES not crafted. Not sure how to make a snowman without a pumpkin head. They fight other "bad" mobs. They drop snowballs.
- Snowmen work in the Nether. (Bug? Unconfirmed.)
- Snow now settles on ice.
Quote of OgreSean
Frozen Ocean: Cold biome. Occasional Rain. Somewhat Mountainous. Land base level far below sea level. No animals spawn in this biome.
Frozen River: Cold biome. Occasional Rain. Flat land. Land base level somewhat below sea level. No animals spawn in this biome.
Ice Plains: Same as Plains, except cold temperature.
Ice Mountains: Same as Extreme Hills, except cold temperature.
Have fun with the hilarity of the snowmen attacking other mobs!
Images for Part 1
- Lilly Pads - Picked up by "Punching". Place by putting next to another lilly or surface block. Lilly Pads turn grey when picked up - bug?
- Darker grass - new grass texture for swamps
- Darker water around the swamp area
- Village Monks - 1 Priest is dressed in white
- A few other skins reported - aprons and pink?
- Reported that the mobs folder have 6 different textures for the villagers. (Butcher, Farmer, Librarian, priest, smith & villager).
- Nether Brick
- Nether Fence
- Nether Stairs
- Nether Stronghold - Netherholds!
- Nether Slimes
- "Blaze" Mob
- Nether Dungeons (Same a netherholds?)
- Netherwart - nether plant (A nether mushroom? Need more clarification.)
- Ghasts shoot "bombs" now.
- New Sounds by pigmen and ghasts (unconfirmed)
- Pigman drops "Rotten Flesh" & "Gold Nugget" - 3x3 craft = Gold Ingot
- Ghasts drop "Ghast Tear" - Unknown use
- Blazes drop "Blaze Rod" - Unknown use.
[color="#000000"]New ID's - Part 1[/color]
[color="#000000"]New ID's[/color]
Quote from OgreSean
After decompiling the 1.9 Pre-Release minecraft.jar, here is everything I've found so far:
mn.class (Block.class)
New Blocks:
ID 110 - "mycel" - Apparently related to Villages, and has appearance of either grass or snow. If we had updated sounds, it would apparently play some kind of town melody when the player is nearby or when it is stepped on.
ID 111 - Water Lily
ID 112 - Nether Brick
ID 113 - Nether Fence
ID 114 - Nether Brick Stairs
ID 115 - Nether Stalk (some kind of plant that grows over soulsand and appears in nether strongholds)
ue.class (Item.class)
New Items:
ID 369 - Blaze Rod
ID 370 - Ghast Tear
ID 371 - "Gold Nugget"
ID 372 - Nether Stalk Seeds
wt.class (BiomeGenBase.class)
New Biomes
ID 10 - Frozen Ocean
ID 11 - Frozen River
ID 12 - Ice Plains
ID 13 - Ice Mountains
ID 14 - Mushroom Island
ID 15 - Mushroom Island Shore
Enderman had their spawning frequency cut in half.
vx.class (EntityList.class)
New Mobs
ID 13 - Small Fireball
ID 61 - Lava Slime
ID 62 - Blaze
ID 96 - Mushroom Cow
ID 97 - Snow Man
ID 120 - Villager
[color="#000000"]Click the Plus if I helped you! ---->[/color]
[color="#FF0000"]Feel free to PM me if I missed your report. Do not abuse this. I will not respond to requests for 'help' that pertain to 1.9 pre-releases.[/color]
Keep it classy.
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Alright, I've got an issue here - Villager blood doesn't regenerate like player blood does on the server I'm playing on. I make sure to only drain to half, without hurting them, and still nothing. Am I missing something here, or is it just set up that way? It makes imprisoning villagers kinda pointless since they'll never recover their blood.
Crucible recipes change once you've scanned the item you make with them. For instance, originally, a flesh golem only cost me 5 human, 5 movement, and five spirit in the crucible. After scanning it and learning its aspects, however, I now have to provide 10 flesh, 14 human, 5 movement, and 5 spirit - coincidentally, those are the aspects of the flesh golem when you scan it with the thaumometer as an item.
I'll give you a hint. The hunger of humans is never truly sated.
EDIT: Nevermind, I just noticed it's for 1.1. I'm sticking to 1.0 for a while longer. Sorry.