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    posted a message on Witchery 0.24.1

    Alright, I've got an issue here - Villager blood doesn't regenerate like player blood does on the server I'm playing on. I make sure to only drain to half, without hurting them, and still nothing. Am I missing something here, or is it just set up that way? It makes imprisoning villagers kinda pointless since they'll never recover their blood.

    Posted in: WIP Mods
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    posted a message on Thaumcraft 6.1.BETA26 [no longer being developed]
    Bug Report:

    Crucible recipes change once you've scanned the item you make with them. For instance, originally, a flesh golem only cost me 5 human, 5 movement, and five spirit in the crucible. After scanning it and learning its aspects, however, I now have to provide 10 flesh, 14 human, 5 movement, and 5 spirit - coincidentally, those are the aspects of the flesh golem when you scan it with the thaumometer as an item.
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on Thaumcraft 6.1.BETA26 [no longer being developed]
    Quote from MarkusIsberg

    how do you get Lucrum? (the one that looks like a golden hand)

    I'll give you a hint. The hunger of humans is never truly sated.
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on Ferrenis - A Small, Friendly. 12 Player Survival Server (With an economy!) (1.1)
    I might be interested. My IGN is Fabhar

    EDIT: Nevermind, I just noticed it's for 1.1. I'm sticking to 1.0 for a while longer. Sorry.
    Posted in: Minecraft Survival Servers (archive)
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