Hey, I've got an issue. I've gotten the Research that lets golems follow me around, and it mentions that the combat-capable ones will defend me. I made a combat-capable one, and made it follow me around, and it didn't attack anything - only when I left it near a Guard seal did it attack things. What's the deal?
This is regarding the 1.7.10 version - while I can swap out the head on my shovel with an iron head just fine, I can't swap out the axe on my Lumber Axe with an iron version. What gives? Both tools are fully repaired.
Additionally, this is in single-player, on the Regrowth pack, if that helps.
So, where does a man go looking for a server to play Thaumcraft 4.2 on? Because I'm interested in playing with other folks. I'm a-okay with Warp being enabled, and even Taint, if necessary. I'm also open to other mods. I know this probably isn't the place for this, but I don't know where else to put it. My Skype is megafoan (or Fabhar, one of the two), so feel free to add me if you have an answer or are interested in inviting me to your server.
What do Filing Cabinets do? I built one, expecting it to hold the inventory of three chests or more, since three chests are needed in the craftin recipe, but while it appears to have a large amount of space - and even a slide bar - I can only place a single item in it, and cannot interact with the slidebar at all.
I keep crashing when I look at a nether portal through the thaumometer. I can't play the world anymore because when I load the world, my player is looking at the portal and it crashes almost instantly again.
I've loved Thaumcraft since the first version and I'm still loving it! Keep up the good work Azanor! Best mod ever.
Heres the crash report and if you need the rest let me know
at thaumcraft.client.renderers.item.ItemThaumometerRenderer.doScan(ItemThaumometerRenderer.java:304)
at thaumcraft.client.renderers.item.ItemThaumometerRenderer.renderItem(ItemThaumometerRenderer.java:170)
at net.minecraftforge.client.ForgeHooksClient.renderEquippedItem(ForgeHooksClient.java:200)
at net.minecraft.client.renderer.ItemRenderer.renderItem(ItemRenderer.java:89)
at net.minecraft.client.renderer.ItemRenderer.func_78440_a(ItemRenderer.java:490)
at net.minecraft.client.renderer.EntityRenderer.func_78476_b(EntityRenderer.java:712)
at net.minecraft.client.renderer.EntityRenderer.func_78471_a(EntityRenderer.java:1296)
at net.minecraft.client.renderer.EntityRenderer.func_78480_b(EntityRenderer.java:1002)
at net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.func_71411_J(Minecraft.java:945)
at net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.func_99999_d(Minecraft.java:837)
at net.minecraft.client.main.Main.main(SourceFile:101)
at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(NativeMethodAccessorImpl.java:39)
at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.java:25)
at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Method.java:597)
at net.minecraft.launchwrapper.Launch.launch(Launch.java:131)
at net.minecraft.launchwrapper.Launch.main(Launch.java:27)
Crucible recipes change once you've scanned the item you make with them. For instance, originally, a flesh golem only cost me 5 human, 5 movement, and five spirit in the crucible. After scanning it and learning its aspects, however, I now have to provide 10 flesh, 14 human, 5 movement, and 5 spirit - coincidentally, those are the aspects of the flesh golem when you scan it with the thaumometer as an item.
I've run into a minor issue - which wand do i need to make first in order to make the silverwood wand? the iron capped greatwood wand does not hold enough vis even when full (50) to make the silverwood wand.
You need the Gold-capped or Thaumium-capped Greatwood wand.
People are talking a lot of this taint. Mind if someone explains taint to me?
Think of taint as a growth that spreads over the land, covering trees, dirt, stone, and even changing animals that stay in its presence too long. It's dangerous, it's deadly, and it's not clear how to stop it from spreading.
I raise my thumb to this hint :I
Not spoilery, but enough to get the point across (i already have all these fancy things, so i get it completely )
ALSO! Having just finished researching Thaumium bosses i'm not entirly sure what they do. The description just says, "They're magical, so they MUST be the best!", which tells me very little :c
I'm intending to make an Obsidian wand with thaumium caps because,
A; It seems like it would be heavy, and for roleplay would be neat for hitting things with
B; Earth is my favorite element for everything, this one especially since it'll refill its self for easy mining :3
C; no one else seems to be going for the Obsidian Core, at least not on Youtube.
D; It's basically completely black, with little bits of very dark purple on the ends, seems perfect for an evil character.
SO! Do Thaumium Caps reduce the percent used when using Foci? Increase the ammount gained by channeling nodes? I'm clueless :C
Thaumium caps reduce vis cost, both for foci and creating things in the table. I actually make it a priority to make an obsidian wand so that I can use it with the foci that lets you dig, since it's essentially infinite that way.
Hey, if anyone has a Thaumcraft 4 server and is looking for players, just let me know! Looking for people to play with. Great job on the mod, Azanor, glad you made it so that primal knowledge regenerates over time if you're in the right area or have crystal clusters around.
Yes. Shift+Scrollwheel will switch between installed modules in the glove, all of which respond to right clicking. In the case of the Plasma Cannon, press and hold like you would with the bow, to charge the power of the shot.
Hey, I've got an issue. I've gotten the Research that lets golems follow me around, and it mentions that the combat-capable ones will defend me. I made a combat-capable one, and made it follow me around, and it didn't attack anything - only when I left it near a Guard seal did it attack things. What's the deal?
This is regarding the 1.7.10 version - while I can swap out the head on my shovel with an iron head just fine, I can't swap out the axe on my Lumber Axe with an iron version. What gives? Both tools are fully repaired.
Additionally, this is in single-player, on the Regrowth pack, if that helps.
Crucible recipes change once you've scanned the item you make with them. For instance, originally, a flesh golem only cost me 5 human, 5 movement, and five spirit in the crucible. After scanning it and learning its aspects, however, I now have to provide 10 flesh, 14 human, 5 movement, and 5 spirit - coincidentally, those are the aspects of the flesh golem when you scan it with the thaumometer as an item.
You need the Gold-capped or Thaumium-capped Greatwood wand.
It means the aspect is a red herring. When you use it to research that particular research, useless runes will vanish.
Think of taint as a growth that spreads over the land, covering trees, dirt, stone, and even changing animals that stay in its presence too long. It's dangerous, it's deadly, and it's not clear how to stop it from spreading.
Thaumium caps reduce vis cost, both for foci and creating things in the table. I actually make it a priority to make an obsidian wand so that I can use it with the foci that lets you dig, since it's essentially infinite that way.
Go into creative mode.
I'll give you a hint. The hunger of humans is never truly sated.
Thank you!