Ok I really love the idea and all, but I think it has gone a little over the top. In my opinion the regular world should be the main source of blocks and building, etc. If the Nether and the Aether have as many new blocks and mobs as proposed it kind of takes away from the original minecraft world. Notch's current version of the Nether having only two new mob types and three new block types is a good balance and I think the Aether should have a similar balance. Definitely a needed addition however.
This has probably been brought up before but fishing in lava would be a great idea. For starters there should be a boat for sailing on lava perhaps:
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I don't know if there should be a special fishing pole or not or what that might be if there was, and I'm not sure what the effect should be of fish procured from lava either. Thought it was worth mentioning.
Oh Minecraft thou precious pearl of pixilated pioneering
Thy lure is like the siren's call though somewhat more fulfilling
For hours I shall toil away punching dirt and stone
Just to clear a little land and claim it as my own
Ptolemy said lend a lever and I shall move the earth
But diamond picks are cooler and they make a nicer berth
So many stories form within your code
Though they be plagued with glitches in alpha-beta mode
Like Thomas, oh Thomas, you fool of a sheep
Why did you die and leave us to weep
Your memory will thrive forever within our broken hearts
While your shrine shall tell the tale of woe the monster trap imparts
After days and weeks of labor this world bows to me
Until a creeper comes with loads of TNT
And as my lands lie wreathed in flames, and I left in it's wake
I wander past horizon's for new land's to remake
Then as the moon usurps the sun and by Kamikaze zombies I am killed
Fear not for in time I will return and block by block this world rebuild
I'm having the same problem. It worked fine on highest settings and then suddenly I the frame-rate is barely crawling along.
Dell XPS M1730 (it's a laptop)
Running 2 NVIDIA SLI GeForce 8700MGT graphics cards
AGEIA Physx Accelerator
Windows 7 Ultimate 64-Bit
Has a 17 inch screen that runs in 1080p
Intel Core 2 Duo Extreme Processor
Java version 6 update 22 (most updated)
and much more with plenty of hard drive space to support it all.
In other words, it's not the computer.
Any solution?
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I don't know if there should be a special fishing pole or not or what that might be if there was, and I'm not sure what the effect should be of fish procured from lava either. Thought it was worth mentioning.
Oh Minecraft thou precious pearl of pixilated pioneering
Thy lure is like the siren's call though somewhat more fulfilling
For hours I shall toil away punching dirt and stone
Just to clear a little land and claim it as my own
Ptolemy said lend a lever and I shall move the earth
But diamond picks are cooler and they make a nicer berth
So many stories form within your code
Though they be plagued with glitches in alpha-beta mode
Like Thomas, oh Thomas, you fool of a sheep
Why did you die and leave us to weep
Your memory will thrive forever within our broken hearts
While your shrine shall tell the tale of woe the monster trap imparts
After days and weeks of labor this world bows to me
Until a creeper comes with loads of TNT
And as my lands lie wreathed in flames, and I left in it's wake
I wander past horizon's for new land's to remake
Then as the moon usurps the sun and by Kamikaze zombies I am killed
Fear not for in time I will return and block by block this world rebuild
Edit: Sorry I realize this should go in Fanart.
Dell XPS M1730 (it's a laptop)
Running 2 NVIDIA SLI GeForce 8700MGT graphics cards
AGEIA Physx Accelerator
Windows 7 Ultimate 64-Bit
Has a 17 inch screen that runs in 1080p
Intel Core 2 Duo Extreme Processor
Java version 6 update 22 (most updated)
and much more with plenty of hard drive space to support it all.
In other words, it's not the computer.
Any solution?