- FFJustinxP
- Registered Member
Member for 14 years, 2 months, and 10 days
Last active Thu, Feb, 12 2015 20:27:32
- 311 Total Posts
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Markillion posted a message on Killion Detention Center - Largest and # 1 Prison Server [UPDATED: 1.7.4]We no longer use the MCF.Posted in: PC Servers -
erinjackson posted a message on Lots of skins :Dsome of the skins i have madePosted in: Skinsdownloads are in the spoilers
ill upload more soon
if you would like me to make you a skin leave a reply and i will when i get time
Female skins
Sheep skins
****Skins above this line updated 4 october 2013****
thanks ffjustinxp for helping me with this skin
CakeRaider posted a message on Killion Detention Center - Largest and # 1 Prison Server [UPDATED: 1.7.4]Mario made a thread on the Evo forums that I think is a really good idea, so I am hoping to bring some attention to it. It is really entertaining to read other people's experiences on Killion I think, so if you want to post your story, or just go and read other's stories, go for it! Here is the link.Posted in: PC Servers -
Starzeh posted a message on Killion Detention Center - Largest and # 1 Prison Server [UPDATED: 1.7.4]Hey guys. If you aren't wardens, stop acting like them. I'm not sure how many times we have to say this.Posted in: PC Servers
None of you should be responding to others telling them anything is final, or telling them what they can or can not do. It is confusing for the person originally posting. -
Guest1999 posted a message on Killion Detention Center - Largest and # 1 Prison Server [UPDATED: 1.7.4]Posted in: PC Servers
Thankyou Very Much Starzy! I am extremely excited to log on and Chat Mod! I am busy today but can log on Sunday and start to have even more fun :). -
VU_Dores posted a message on Killion Detention Center - Largest and # 1 Prison Server [UPDATED: 1.7.4]Neon and I are no longer noob mods! Congrats to everyone that was accepted! I can't wait to talk to all of you!Posted in: PC Servers -
Starzeh posted a message on Killion Detention Center - Largest and # 1 Prison Server [UPDATED: 1.7.4]Posted in: PC Servers
Accepted for Chat Mod. -
Starzeh posted a message on Killion Detention Center - Largest and # 1 Prison Server [UPDATED: 1.7.4]The winner of the Cafe building contest is Kdog.Posted in: PC Servers
Before anyone screams "BIAS" I was unaware that she'd be entering, and there was another winner chosen but it seems they chose to withdraw their entry. -
theeggroll posted a message on Killion Detention Center - Largest and # 1 Prison Server [UPDATED: 1.7.4]well guys, my time has come. with school and marching band i really dont have time to play video games and do well in school. I am a trumpet player and my school is ranked within the top 10 schools in the united states, and i am in all AP classes. Because of this, i have to unofficially quit killion (and all of minecraft and all video games) Well i guess i should tell my story shouldnt I?Posted in: PC Servers
I was reffered to the server by an irl friend whos ign is legomanic(numbers). i joined the server on march 12 2012, screwed around with stone swords and then sorta left. i came back in the summer and thats when i "officially joined" june 22 2012. When I came back i quickly earned 15k rapidly, then learned that the price to rankup to B block had dropped by 5k. i FLEW through b-block, it was super easy, and i was really starting to enjoy the server. in b-block i met someone who turned out to be a great freind; anacondapimphand. he invited me to his clan, the best clan killion ever has, and ever will see; rape. In clan rape we were stone sword noobs and had such a blast together. we were then joined by a free named inmars who brought new life to the clan, and supplied us with iron armor so we could be iron armor noobs. When i got to A-block i got about 40k, then was scammed out of all of it by jc_rocks. sadened, i found out about star pen, and went there for a while. i found it quit boring with no pvp, and i would leave and come back all the time. i made around 39k when a guy star4evar1 was leaving the server and said "first person to msg me im a duck gets 100k" i typed it out quickly, and next thing i knew, i had 100k more! i was so happy, i got my friend legomaniac to give me 24k. from there i was able to rankup to free straight from A-Block. I got to free and joined yokaidera for a day, but was kicked due to taxes, so i just kinda derped around in A-block starpen mine and earned money. I was quickly losing interest in the server, and i had no clue that clans existed
. One day i was running through freeville, bored and a guy named im_VC44 was saying "ranking free's up to feesh msg me!" i msg'ed him and he told me there was a 1 day glitch, where if you prestiged you got to keep your money! he gave me 192k and i ranked up to feesh. after returning the money i started my journey through prestige. I got through feesh fairly quickly, then ranked up to blaze. within 5 minutes of ranking up to blaze i was banned for advert -.- after appealing my ban i was accepted and unbanned. i sped through blaze and made it to ender. in ender i sold lotsa stacks and made around 800k. In ender i met LOTS of older players on killion, and made lots of freinds. there was a butt named cassie60 who was really mean
I clan hopped for a little while in ender joined some random clans who i later found out were hated and/or crappy. i was finally invited to be leader of a clan called raid by gkide xD i joined raid, turned it into a semi okay sort of decent clan, then decided to make a new clan with just flamedragon08 (whom i also met in ender) we made this new clan and it was a big time ally clan
little did i know that one day this little clan i had created would become one of the best the server has to offer. after three months in ender i finally got citizen. This was my most exciting moment on killion
I mostly just chilled in A block mob arena and got mob drops and enchanted stuff. then i started to build up my clan base, and finally got /clan home. eventually i started to build it up and make it good. our base is currently 56 pstones and growing, we have a hexa skelly spawner and a quad skelly spawner, so now making money is no problem
I have been banned from killion twice and both times my appeals were accepted, which i do believe is a record. I have made 2 clans with /clan home [brass] trident and [ICE] frost necromancers (an alt clan with astrospeedyj)
I know i have made gazillions of friends on this server, you guys know who you are, but there are a few people that i really must say something about
AnacondaPimpHand/TheApatheticone: My oldest friend on the server, really really funny dude, who i could never fail to make laugh. I still hate how you got so much richer then i am xD clan rape will live on forever, it is and always shall be the best clan killion has ever, or ever will see.
Flamedragon08/zanadoo101: If you have never seen brass clan chat (coughgoldcough) you wouldnt know exactly what makes flame such a great and funny person. We had some of the best conversations ever, and it was always fun to be around you. I still remember that day in ender when i met you. I dont think i could have asked for a better in game wife
Woncersponcer/spencerwencer: This kid is so innocent, its insane. I have no clue how he is so innocent but dayum. Spencer is a great guy, who is super nice and never fails to be derpy. He is bad at muting his mic during a skype call when is girlfriend calls or when his cousin is doing something bad around his house.
OneManMiner: Thanks for letting me borrow your feesh, you were a great person to be around, you were a very good slave to have, and im glad i convinced you to join brass. I'll never forgive you for muting me for saying "cocky"
Astrospeedyj: We go wayyyy back, i met you in blaze and you were a really cool guy, i had a lot of fun with you and i enjoyed making ICE with you. Our base was pretty awsome, but we are both lazy so it died
Blueshooter265: always had fun skyping you. you are a really funny guy and a good friend. I wish you best of luck in pulling DEPL out of its slump of low activity, and i hope you dont quit killion. TS with cakeraider, burnteggoz and you was one of the best times i ever had on ts.
Soppyeggoz/burnteggoz: i really enjoyed TS'ing you, you were a pretty funny guy who had the guts to sing in ts (even if it was a little bad) you are a fantastic guard.
Adrimay1: great person right here. I never had a time where i wasnt happy to see adri. shes great to know if you dont already know her. I had a lot of fun trolling you on skype, and the chest full of melons legacy will always live on.
im_VC44: i hate you for taking my treads, that was not fun q.q you're one of killions best trolls that isnt a jerk. I will always remember you for ranking me up to feesh, and skyping you and Adri were the good ol' days
Ctrogers: I dont know much about you, but you're a cool guy and you begged to be added to my quitting post
erinjackson: i had a lot of fun IM'ing you on skype, i still cant believe you even considered sending it xD you crazy. You were a funny person and not a very good troll for the official troll of killion
Anyways, Here is my list of achievements
TheBoulder posted a message on Killion Detention Center - Largest and # 1 Prison Server [UPDATED: 1.7.4]In-game Name: The Boulder's IGN is GordanJullickPosted in: PC Servers
Who were you banned by? The Boulder was banned by an admin he assumes
When were you banned? (Date and Approx time, use -5GMT) The Boulder was banned around 1 hour and 40 minutes or so
What was the ban reason? The Boulder was banned for "Watch season 1"
Do you admit fault? The Boulder might.
What was your current rank (Block)?: The Boulder was a Citizen
Why should you be unbanned? The Boulder watched the first episode he promises he'll watch the rest.
Any other information: The Boulder does realize now, that she is in fact, a wolf. - To post a comment, please login.
Killion Co. Couch Potato
Item: Potato/Rotten Potato
Enchants: Silk Touch 1
Effect: Applies slowness 1/2 to another player upon hit.
Description: Why are you spreading the disease? Go run on a treadmill or something instead, you rotten couch potato!
In other news, Astro picks his nose in public.
LeftSign1: OneManMiner - Slave #1
LeftSign2: I bound him to coal chains, the same coal he mines for me
MiddleSign1: NeonBurrito_ - Slave #2
MiddleSign2: I stripped him to show some dicipline
RightSign1: astrospeedyj - Slave #3
RightSign2: I have to use heavier chains or he'll escape
Rightsign: Sadface - =(
I always looked up to you and other chat mods as a Free, and I really did appreciate your hard work and how much effort you put into your job. I respected all chat mods and wardens, so much that I wanted to help as well. It's hard for me to see you resign from a staff position, but I can relate to how Killion interferes with real life.
Anyways, thanks for the hard work and time you put into Killion, I really do appreciate and respect it. I hope to see you online from time to time, and good luck on whatever Killion held you back from.
Sky is teaching us how to fly
Episode 2
Allow Chat Mods to use /afk
"It's part of the chestnut master race." -wwerate