Item: Potato/Rotten Potato
Enchants: Silk Touch 1
Effect: Applies slowness 1/2 to another player upon hit.
Description: Why are you spreading the disease? Go run on a treadmill or something instead, you rotten couch potato!
Like most other players, my activity is decaying because of school work and other related activities. As you might have already guessed, I won't be as active here or any other game for that matter. I'll still hop on here and there when I have the free time, but you won't see me online as much anymore. Focusing on my schoolwork is my #1 priority right now, and I hope most of you can understand that.
I am making this post for more or less rumor control when people start hearing it.
Today I have decided to resign from Warden. The main reasons I resigned was to focus on school that Is starting next week and I also need to start looking for a job. Because of those two things, I wouldn’t have enough time to Warden on Killion and it wouldn’t be fair to the other applicants that also want the position. But there is another reason to me resigning as well. Throughout being a Chat Mod and Warden, a lot of times I felt unappreciated for the estimated 1000+ hours I have been doing both. I don’t know if it is just a personal feeling I have been having or not, but I have been. I am very grateful for both opportunities Mark and Starzy have given me for doing both. It has been immense fun and I have learned a lot and I owe it to both of them.
I plan on still being somewhat active, but I really need to make life my priority, which is hard sometimes for me to do. If I do end up stop playing due to being busy I will make sure to stop by and say hi to everyone.
I always looked up to you and other chat mods as a Free, and I really did appreciate your hard work and how much effort you put into your job. I respected all chat mods and wardens, so much that I wanted to help as well. It's hard for me to see you resign from a staff position, but I can relate to how Killion interferes with real life.
Anyways, thanks for the hard work and time you put into Killion, I really do appreciate and respect it. I hope to see you online from time to time, and good luck on whatever Killion held you back from.
Sense there is all this X-Ray controversy I have a suggestion.
When a player is reported for or suspected of using the X-Ray Mod a warden should first look into it a bit by,
1. Downloading the X-Ray mod.
2. Turn it on to see where all the ores are.
3. Then watch the suspected player to see if they go to the directly to the ores.
4. If they do go directly to the ores multiple times you know they are X-Raying. (With Proof)
5. Then there wont be any "I wasnt using it"
Thats just my opinion on the whole thing. Hope it gave some people ideas.
Wardens don't ban off of player reported evidence alone.
I disagree with this suggestion.
The whole reason I bought a horse on Killion was for the sake of PVP. And, when I PVP, it is usually in the prison. While on a horse, it is incredibly hard to hit people. Just because 1 person on the server has that mastered, horses shouldn't be disabled in the prison.
You bought horses for PvP, I bought horses for transportation. With your second suggestion, transportation becomes almost impossible in the prison, and as soon as someone kills your horse, you can't PvP with it anymore.
I also don't want horses to be disabled in the prison, which is why I'm suggesting alternative options.
Killion Co. Couch Potato
Item: Potato/Rotten Potato
Enchants: Silk Touch 1
Effect: Applies slowness 1/2 to another player upon hit.
Description: Why are you spreading the disease? Go run on a treadmill or something instead, you rotten couch potato!
In other news, Astro picks his nose in public.
LeftSign1: OneManMiner - Slave #1
LeftSign2: I bound him to coal chains, the same coal he mines for me
MiddleSign1: NeonBurrito_ - Slave #2
MiddleSign2: I stripped him to show some dicipline
RightSign1: astrospeedyj - Slave #3
RightSign2: I have to use heavier chains or he'll escape
Rightsign: Sadface - =(
I always looked up to you and other chat mods as a Free, and I really did appreciate your hard work and how much effort you put into your job. I respected all chat mods and wardens, so much that I wanted to help as well. It's hard for me to see you resign from a staff position, but I can relate to how Killion interferes with real life.
Anyways, thanks for the hard work and time you put into Killion, I really do appreciate and respect it. I hope to see you online from time to time, and good luck on whatever Killion held you back from.
Wardens don't ban off of player reported evidence alone.
Sky is teaching us how to fly
Episode 2
Starzeh will quote your application. Keep in mind that guards are only accepted when needed.
Allow Chat Mods to use /afk
The way you guys abuse the names of books, players, and birds is what forces us to warn you.
You bought horses for PvP, I bought horses for transportation. With your second suggestion, transportation becomes almost impossible in the prison, and as soon as someone kills your horse, you can't PvP with it anymore.
I also don't want horses to be disabled in the prison, which is why I'm suggesting alternative options.