
About Me

:creeperdance: by Alvoria WHOA! :creeperdance: by Alvoria

You just have entered the most magical, majestic, and best place you will ever visit! My profile. Anyway, my name is Exxarion. I am a web developer, programmer, and have a P.h.D in Laziness. I have much experience with server related stuff (especially MCPE). I also am a Minecraft skin creator and a huge MCPE server owner. I love to answer PMs and adore when members give me reputation points for no clear reason at all :) . I also can answer help questions on MCPE or my server, A+Craft, so if you have any questions, don't you dare hesitate to message me! I am 23 years old, and have been a Minecraft player for about 2 years now. I am active a lot (now), so if you see me online, be sure to say "Hi!"

Well thats enough of me, i hope to see you somewhere else, like on A+Craft (if you play MCPE)!


-Comic writing
-Animation creating
-Game programming
-Dancing creepers ;) :creeperdance: by Alvoria
-Villager having.... ....a seizure? :nssnss: by Drazile12
-Other crap that doesnt matter...

Location Castle Bleck

Profile Information

Minecraft Exxarion

Contact Methods

Website URL Skype N/A