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    posted a message on [Q] Snow in a swamp biome?

    TL;DR: Is it possible to force snow in a non snow biome on a Spigot server?

    I'm a server owner, and I have an idea for a map that I wanted to do with a resource pack and Custom Terrain plugins. I wanted to do a nuclear winter type thing with ash falling to the ground and the biome color palette of a swamp. Is there any way to force snow in vanilla or with spigot plugins? Sorry for asking a stupid question, I'm honestly hopping back onto the game after a long time, so I'm pretty much clueless. Pretty sure the answer is no though :unsure:

    Posted in: Discussion
  • 0

    posted a message on [Q] Snow in a Swamp Biome?

    TL;DR: Is it possible to force snow in a non snow biome on a Spigot server?

    I'm a server owner, and I have an idea for a map that I wanted to do with a resource pack and Custom Terrain plugins. I wanted to do a nuclear winter type thing with ash falling to the ground and the biome color palette of a swamp. Is there any way to force snow in vanilla or with spigot plugins? Sorry for asking a stupid question, I'm honestly hopping back onto the game after a long time, so I'm pretty much clueless. Pretty sure the answer is no though :unsure:

    Posted in: Creative Mode
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