I remember seeing tweets by Dinnerbone that older versions of Minecraft were being added to the launcher. I remember seeing Beta and Alpha versions mentioned, but right now the oldest version is 1.0 release. Are the older versions not being added, or are they just not implemented yet?
I'm far too lazy to retype the presets I use, but I play two custom survival worlds using the preset feature;
Layer survival, where you basically dig deeper and deeper into the world to get the resources you need to build an amazing base, and
Void walker, where there are three solid ground levels; one with nothing but grass, dirt, and villages, the next with stone and all of the overworld ores, and the final with Nether related ores as well as pumpkins and melons. Each level is 50 blocks apart, and dungeons and strongholds are enabled. It adds a fun twist to standard survival.
I have the unstitcher and the texture ender, now what do I do with them? They're just two confusing .jar folders that don't do anything. Can somebody tell me how to utilize them?
1. Passive mobs(aka farm animals) no longer respawn by themselves.
2. You have to eat food to stay alive and to heal yourself.
3. Mobs have gotten much smarter. I would discourage attacking packs of pigmen, and you need to be much more careful with creepers.
If you want to make it easier on yourself, gather some resources in peaceful mode first to get established in your world. There is a sea of new features to explore, and it'll take you days to go over each one. IMO, the game is much more fun than in beta. There's so many things to do in 1.6 minecraft.
Back in Beta 1.7.3, when really all you could do was build.
The game has changed alot since then... at that time, I just built stuff and collected diamonds. Now with all of these great features in the game there's so much more to do. I went from using 4+ mods in beta 1.7 to 0 in the current version.
I have an insane obsession with symmetry. I will literally spend tens of minutes breaking and replacing torches along a fence/wall until they are in even increments.
I also spend way too much time making redstone suicide booths in creative mode.
The launcher us exactly the same. You don't need to download it again. Create and new profile, or edit the default one, and check the box for "enabled experimental development versions". Either use newest or set for snapshot 1.6.2.
Layer survival, where you basically dig deeper and deeper into the world to get the resources you need to build an amazing base, and
Void walker, where there are three solid ground levels; one with nothing but grass, dirt, and villages, the next with stone and all of the overworld ores, and the final with Nether related ores as well as pumpkins and melons. Each level is 50 blocks apart, and dungeons and strongholds are enabled. It adds a fun twist to standard survival.
1. Passive mobs(aka farm animals) no longer respawn by themselves.
2. You have to eat food to stay alive and to heal yourself.
3. Mobs have gotten much smarter. I would discourage attacking packs of pigmen, and you need to be much more careful with creepers.
If you want to make it easier on yourself, gather some resources in peaceful mode first to get established in your world. There is a sea of new features to explore, and it'll take you days to go over each one. IMO, the game is much more fun than in beta. There's so many things to do in 1.6 minecraft.
The game has changed alot since then... at that time, I just built stuff and collected diamonds. Now with all of these great features in the game there's so much more to do. I went from using 4+ mods in beta 1.7 to 0 in the current version.
I also spend way too much time making redstone suicide booths in creative mode.
When shaft mining, I bring a ton of stone picks, an iron pick, a sword, and some torches.
I'm very specific as far as putting things in the correct place, so I never bring something into my mine that I don't intend to use.
After you type the sound you want to play, just put "2 1 1" in the command line. That will play the sound at standard pitch and maximum volume.
D'oh. That did the trick. Thanks.
Once saddled, mount the donkey/mule, open your inventory, and equip the chest to the donkey/mule in the armor slot.