I know there's an option on Windows that lets you trick your computer into thinking your a folder on your USB drive is a folder on your computer, which would work, but I'm not sure if there's something like that on Macs.
May I suggest Teslagrad items? It`s a little indie game (I think) with awesome gameplay. If you wanna check it out, I would recommend it. Perhaps the Magnet Glove, Blink Boots, Polarity Cloak...and bosses!
Does it have a wiki where I can look this stuff up? I can't seem to find one and I'm not paying $10 to check out a game my computer won't run.
So i was looking through sound files of the mod with the customNPCs mod and i noticed a Poe Laugh sound clip i also noticed that theres a poe model on the offical sites zelda update image by anychance were you planning poes/possibly are poes going to be added in this halloween update your making? id love to see them they do fit the spirit of the update/season aswell
Wait, did I forget to add the poes to the Zelda update? O.o
I've found that most of the chests that I have found in the monuments (such as the spider tree, floating house, and dungeon with redead) are empty,and not just once, Every time the chest or chests are empty.
Yeah I'm aware of that. I'm completely redoing the content of chests and it'll be released in a fix in a few days hopefully.
Quote from will99100�[16:13:14] [main/INFO] [FML]: Java is Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM, version 1.8.0_20, running on Windows 7:amd64:6.1, installed at C:\Program Files\Java\jre1.8.0_20
Does it have a wiki where I can look this stuff up? I can't seem to find one and I'm not paying $10 to check out a game my computer won't run.
The model is in there, I guess I just forgot to do anything with it.
I'll fix that soon.
Wait, did I forget to add the poes to the Zelda update? O.o
Put this in your sword class:
public boolean hitEntity(ItemStack stack, EntityLivingBase living, EntityLivingBase living2)
stack.damageItem(1, living2);
return true;
Just change the setFire time to whatever you want.
It's still under construction, but it has most of the information you need for the current update.
A bunch of new polls are there, too, so make sure to make your votes count.
Yeah I'm aware of that. I'm completely redoing the content of chests and it'll be released in a fix in a few days hopefully.
GameRegistry.addSmelting(Blocks.stone, new ItemStack(Items.coal), 0.8F); (0.8F is experience gained)
Shaped recipe:
GameRegistry.addShapedRecipe(new ItemStack(Items.arrow, 4), new Object[] {" A ", " B ", " C ", 'A', Items.flint, 'B', Items.stick, 'C', Items.feather});
Shapeless recipe:
GameRegistry.addShapelessRecipe(new ItemStack(Blocks.planks), new Object[] {Blocks.log});
iron_sword = new ItemSword(ToolMaterial.IRON).setUnlocalizedName("iron_sword").setTextureName(modid + ":iron_sword").setCreativeTab(CreativeTabs.tabCombat);
GameRegistry.registerItem(iron_sword, "iron_sword");
That's the fifth line of your crash report.
See that bold bit at the end?
That means you have Java 8 installed.
There's the problem O.o