Omg I wish I could've been able to still beta test this mod but I LOVE IT! Also, in the next update, add a dimension from the OreSpawn mod to mix things up a bit, and then add like a big bertha and slice for other weapons in that dimension. (If you dont know what im talking about just search up OreSpawn on Google)
Nice. If you are havin problems with bl that shouldnt be there, try uninstalling and reinstalling. This usually happens due to a bad file within blocklauncher or an error.(That last post was to the guy that said the lava punch wouldnt work) forgot to hit quote lol
I am a fairly good texture maker now, and I am a modder. I rate myself at probably an 8 out of 10. I might be joining Qbot Indutstries with QuintonMostert, but if I'm not I would be glad to.
Hey guys, I have some problems. I need to know how to set an item as armor so you can wear it, and i have some bugs in my mod that shouldn't be there.
Problem #1: Spawner won't work even though I have the mob set and everything, error says that "Entity.setNameTag only works on mobs" even though I have the mob set and everything.
Problem #2: one of my attackHooks won't work, even though everything is right. It is supposed to knock the enemy back and set them on fire, but it isn't doing that. It's doing nothing.
Problem #3: if I have functions too far down in the script, the don't work.
Btw guys I am about to have to put the mod into different parts like part 1,2, and 3 so all of the functions will work. Idk what is wrong with the stuff on the spawner and the enchanted baseball bat because everything is right in the script, so idk. Thx for the video review Gaggio. And i also Need one in English, so if someone could do that that would be cool.
You should PM MrArm, the maker of the too many items addon
I want to, but idk how to add new entities and an arrow is considered an entity.
Problem #1: Spawner won't work even though I have the mob set and everything, error says that "Entity.setNameTag only works on mobs" even though I have the mob set and everything.
Problem #2: one of my attackHooks won't work, even though everything is right. It is supposed to knock the enemy back and set them on fire, but it isn't doing that. It's doing nothing.
Problem #3: if I have functions too far down in the script, the don't work.
If someone knows what is wrong, please help.
Fixed it again, this time I put it in a zip.