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    posted a message on ★Selling Custom Pets, Cosmetics & Vehicles★EULA Friendly★Perfect for Premium Content★

    Hey Guys, Girls & Mobs!

    So I'm selling the rights to use some awesome models as apart of a new service I am offering, most premium content does not get purchased due to no originality with the pets being vanilla mobs and cosmetics being basic blocks or dyed armour which is why I've setup this service. Instead of giving your players the same mobs as pets that every other server has why not give them some custom ones? Check out just a few of the pets and cosmetics we've made!

    All the vehicles, mobs & cosmetics you see can be achieved in 100% pure vanilla Minecraft as well as all models have the appropriate animations including vehicles having spinning propellers as well as we can also add in model specific sound effects for all the models.

    This is an amazing new way to add new content to your server to help revitalise it and give your players a whole new range of premium content increasing the amount of users purchasing and donating to your server.

    If you're interested in using any of the content displayed or interested in having some of your own original ones made please contact me on Discord @ Elxafil#0119 to discuss this.

    Posted in: Art Shops
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    posted a message on looking for a modeler

    Hey, I can easily help you. If you want feel free to contact me on Discord @ Elxafil#0119

    Posted in: Requests
  • 0

    posted a message on Looking to recruit a staff team for a huge upcoming RPG server [Devs, Mods, Admins, Builders]

    Hi, I think I could help. Please contact me on Discord @ Arctoran#0119.

    Posted in: Server Recruitment
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    posted a message on ✨Blockode Network✨Owner/Partner Needed ✨Once in a Lifetime Opportunity✨New Trailer Added ✨Staff, Builders, Developers✨
    Quote from Mr__Nyxx»

    I'm interested in being one of your builders. I am very experienced with WorldEdit, and with build aesthetics in general. Let's chat on discord.

    Mr. Nyxx#6161

    Hi, if you are interested please apply on our forums here.
    Posted in: Server Recruitment
  • 0

    posted a message on ✨Blockode Network✨Owner/Partner Needed ✨Once in a Lifetime Opportunity✨New Trailer Added ✨Staff, Builders, Developers✨
    Quote from CoolEmil»

    Do you have a discord?

    Our discord is linked on our website or you can join here.
    Posted in: Server Recruitment
  • 0

    posted a message on ✨Blockode Network✨Owner/Partner Needed ✨Once in a Lifetime Opportunity✨New Trailer Added ✨Staff, Builders, Developers✨
    Quote from Docter_Dreams»

    Hey, is there any need for Game or Chat mods?

    Yes, those sort of jobs would fall under standard moderators and admins.
    Posted in: Server Recruitment
  • 0

    posted a message on ✨Blockode Network✨Owner/Partner Needed ✨Once in a Lifetime Opportunity✨New Trailer Added ✨Staff, Builders, Developers✨

    Hey Guys, Girls & Mobs!

    Blockode is a new and upcoming network aimed at moving away from "gamemode" and "minigame" servers and actually creating entirely new modded like games within the vanilla Minecraft engine meaning anyone can play, we've made heaps of progress in this last year working effortlessly to try and produce some playable content and we've finally done that.

    What makes us different to other servers or networks? Well the key difference is most servers choose to use methods of gameplay quite cliche in this day and age using the same gamemodes such as Factions, Prison, etc. where we want to incorporate all of everyone's favourite gamemodes into singular new games with never before seen features and concepts including but not limited to NPC AI (They act, move, talk and interact exactly like normal players), Voice Over Dialogue, Custom Models (Not just items, blocks and furniture as well), Custom GUI interfaces for new methods of crafting, Vehicles, Overhauled Recipes System and so much more in the works and still hidden from public knowledge this is a project you will want to keep your eye on as we have achieved what mod developers have been trying to do for years all without using a single mod, that's right! All of our content is completely Vanilla compatible meaning anyone can play.

    One of our first games, Palegio: A Realm Untold, is the most fully immersive MMORPG adding in all new content, mobs, more biomes and places to explore, furniture, siege weaponry(for PvE wars & battles), foods, ores, blocks, items, foods, weapons and tools as well as an ever changing game based on what the players do so each player over time will have their own variation of the game based on their actions throughout their play through on top of dynamically changing dialogue both towards the players and between the NPCs based on the players progress and decisions also with NPCs that live their own lives from getting up in the morning to going to sleep in the comfort of their home bed at night.

    Our second game we're starting, Farm Tycoon, is a peaceful based farming experience allowing players to grow, harvest, cook & sell a whole range of new foods, plants and recipes as well as the ability for communal farms to really bring that community feel to the game which will be seeing one of the biggest updates to coming to the network in a long time as we prepare for our beta 1.1 update which should hopefully fix a lot of exploits and bugs as well as add in new "gender correct" mods such as Bulls, Roosters and Rams alongside an upgraded recipe and crafting system adding in new foods, plants, trees and even the ability to have biome based farms which has been asked for since we first released beta. Not only that but we've made good on our word on adding in mod like content and as you can see from the newly added images above we've added in trains which you can buy tickets for to travel to other towns and villages in the world. We'll be adding in some new updated models for the update as well as shortly after releasing 1.2 which hopes to introduce vehicles.

    We've got more ideas and concepts currently in the works and are polling through the current ideas similar to the way Mojang did the mobs for the Aqua Update but giving little blurbs about the games with no other information putting the development of our games solely in the community's hands, you can view the poll on our staff recruitment thread here.

    So are you interested in applying? Well there are multiple ways you can apply, the first way is via our community forums on the website which you will first need to create an account on to be able to post on the forums and we please ask you use your Minecraft IGN as your username, unless you want someone else's skin on your profile, and one of our staff will review it and if your application is approved you will move onto the interview stage.

    So why are we looking for a new partner? Well due to the unexpected life issues of past ones and the on-going health issues of our owner Elxafil we need help to carry on with this project. We don't care about money, though it would be nice, but we want singular individuals capable of sharing a vision for this project. We want those with the vast imaginations, the child like wonder and most importantly the perseverance to see this project through.

    Interested in joining this project and helping take the lead? All you need to do is hop on over to our forums and copy our template here then submit it under a new application on our applications forum here.

    Want to see a little more? We've got a small teaser trailer for our MMORPG, Palegio: A Realm Untold, as well will be adding one for FarmTycoon very soon!

    We look forward to hearing, playing and working with you, thanks for reading!

    Want to join in the conversation? Connect with us here!
    Posted in: Server Recruitment
  • 0

    posted a message on ✨Blockode Network✨Minecraft Like Nether Before✨⛺Builders/Terraformers⛺‍‍‍✨Staff✨Devs✨Writers✨

    Hey Guys, Girls & Mobs!

    Check out our new teaser trailer for the network live on Youtube here:

    Posted in: Server Recruitment
  • 0

    posted a message on ✨Blockode Network✨Minecraft Like Nether Before✨⛺Builders/Terraformers⛺‍‍‍✨Staff✨Devs✨Writers✨

    Hey Guys, Girls & Mobs!

    So as I’m sure you all know Blockode has been going under a lot of changes recently, there were rumors and speculations that this was because we were closing our doors but I am here to tell you this is not true and it is in fact the opposite. Some of you may have noticed recently the website has been in maintenance mode for quite a long period, this is because we’ve been working effortlessly to upgrade our website from the inside out and actually rebuilt the entire site from scratch so this is a whole new online presence for Blockode.

    Continue Reading...

    Posted in: Server Recruitment
  • 0

    posted a message on ✨Blockode Network✨Minecraft Like Nether Before✨⛺Builders/Terraformers⛺‍‍‍✨Staff✨Devs✨Writers✨

    Hey Guys, Girls & Mobs!

    Blockode is a new and upcoming network aimed at moving away from "gamemode" and "minigame" servers and actually creating entirely new modded like games within the vanilla Minecraft engine meaning anyone can play, we also are current discussing the possibility of joining the Microsoft Developer Program to become apart of the servers within the Better Together Update adding in much more content and functionality through the addition of addons.

    One of our first games, Palegio: A Realm Untold, is the most fully immersive MMORPG adding in all new content, mobs, more biomes and places to explore, furniture, siege weaponry(for PvE wars & battles), foods, ores, blocks, items, foods, weapons and tools as well as an ever changing game based on what the players do so each player over time will have their own variation of the game based on their actions throughout their play through on top of dynamically changing dialogue both towards the players and between the NPCs based on the players progress and decisions also with NPCs that live their own lives from getting up in the morning to going to sleep in the comfort of their home bed at night.

    Our second game we're starting, Farm Tycoon, is a peaceful based farming experience allowing players to grow, harvest, cook & sell a whole range of new foods, plants and recipes as well as the ability for communal farms to really bring that community feel to the game.

    We've got one other game in the works which we hope to be one of our biggest community based projects ever, this is still in the planning stages and we will be releasing more information soon.

    Now I know you have done a lot of reading and are probably really interested in what Blockode has to offer but sadly we can't get there alone as in a world like ours everything costs, we are so close to releasing and just need a little more to finish. We have just opened something we have never done before, we are allowing for pre-beta donations and investments with exclusive lifetime content, this is also the only time we will be offering lifetime content, so if you are interested in donating or investing please go to our Donations & Investments page.

    So are you interested in applying? Well there are multiple ways you can apply, the first way is via our community forums on the website which you will first need to create an account on to be able to post on the forums and we please ask you use your Minecraft IGN as your username unless you want someone else's skin on your profile. The second way you can apply is via our Discord as we have 2 separate channels, one for staff applications and a second for our builder applications which in both channels pinned is an application format for each type which you can fill out and submit in the channel and one of our staff will review it and if your application is approved you will move onto the interview stage. You can also apply by filling out and posting the application format below:

    Edit: For clarification we are adding in this list of ranks so people know what ranks are which:
    • High King = Owner
    • King = Co-Owner
    • Duke/Duchess = Manager
    • Prince/Princess = Head Admin
    • Mason = Head Builder
    • Architect = Developer
    • Carpenter = Builder
    • Lord = Admin
    • Knight = Moderator
    • Thane = Helper
    Application Format (Staff & Builders)
    Full Name:
    Rank Applying For (If you’re not sure please check the open positions on the team section of the website):
    Do you have Discord? (Please provide it and not just say “Yes”):
    Do you have a microphone? (Say yes, or no):
    How much time can you commit weekly?: (3-4 hours a day, 4 days a week is required to be considered)
    Previous Experience (Proof Required):
    Any demotions from other servers? (If so, why?):
    Any previous bans from any server? (If so, why?):
    Why should you be accepted?:
    What do you consider your greatest strength?:
    What do you consider your greatest weakness?:
    Anything else you’d like to share with us?:

    We look forward to hearing, playing and working with you, good luck!
    Posted in: Server Recruitment
  • 0

    posted a message on ★ Blockode Network ★ Minecraft Like Nether Before ★ PLAY.BLOCKODE.NET ★

    Update: We've just updated the thread to cover more details about the network and the planned games as well as new link to our donations and investments page located here: http://www.blockode.net/donate-invest/

    Posted in: PC Servers
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    posted a message on ★ Blockode Network ★ Minecraft Like Nether Before ★ PLAY.BLOCKODE.NET ★ Donate or Invest ★ ۩ Builders ۩ ☯ Staff ☯
    Quote from BuilderJohn»

    Full Name: John

    IGN: RaduIonel


    Timezone: +2gmt

    Rank Applying For Head Builder

    Do you have Discord? Support Man#6402

    Do you have a microphone? (Say yes, or no): Yes

    How much time can you commit weekly?: (3-4 hours a day, 4 days a week is required to be considered) If need be 10

    Previous Experience (Proof Required): 5 years as a professional builder for various as well as a solo contractor. Here a a few builds i did this week. https://imgur.com/a/3hihO

    Any demotions from other servers? (If so, why?): I don't play minecraft. I just build.

    Any previous bans from any server? (If so, why?): I don't play minecraft. I just build.

    Why should you be accepted?: I have a wide range of architectural styles that i'm sure your server may be in need of.

    What do you consider your greatest strength?: My experience

    What do you consider your greatest weakness?: My girlfriend.

    Anything else you’d like to share with us?: No.

    Hi, I have sent you a friend request on Discord. Please join our Discord server.
    Posted in: Server Recruitment
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