It's been a while since I've played and I wanted to check the progress so far. If it's possible, would there be some sort of 3 phase simulation possible? It doesn't need to be accurate, but 3 phase panels, power, and utility lines would be fun to work with in industrial and commercial sized buildings.
The simulation model is DC or very slow AC, so a 3 phase system is not possible and probably will not happen. But we are working on higher powered systems and distribution.
If you have trouble, the best is to get in touch with experts using the official support, they are happy to help you:
That's a bug. You'll notice that the 200V battery is similarly mis-textured (unless they changed that since I last played).
The capacity oriented one is a bug, for the voltage oriented it is actually not a bug. If you look close you will see that there are two 100V cells in series.
a new mod release is out (1.10 r47) ! Here's a brief list of changes :
- New mod map data saving system (safer, MC decoupled, retrocompatible) - so as usual, DO A BACKUP before running.
- Mod now translatable. (Use command "generatelangfiletemplate <fullFileName>" for generate/complete a lang file).
- New translation : Russian.
- New objects : Digital Wall Clock, Industrial Data Logger.
- Enhancement on some 3D models.
- Minors bugs corrections.
For the next release, our future work will be more oriented on home consumers.
these times, we read a lot of remarks about the mod incompatibilities with others and the low activity on the development.
At this point, we want to remind you that this mod is Open Source : so this is a world-wide collective work and everyone can contribute to enhance this mod to make it better. :-D
However, incompatibilities with others mod are unavoidable, since Minecraft as not been studied for modding (no API, etc...). So, the work to maintain compatibility between mods is very important - not to mention that a lot of them are closed source (too bad, really).
Another embarrassing point is that a lot of people download the mod from untrusted website, frequently older versions and sometimes with unknown modified content... Modders and modpackers, we invite you to download the mod from the only one official website on : For specifics needs, we have intentionally left all older versions too.
Finally, about the mod low activity, we (the 3 main developers - dolu1990, lambdaShade and cm0x4D) are very busy now mainly by an important step for our professional carrier. However, our work on the mod development will restart in ~1 month.
I attached a pic of about the simplest system I could think of quick. As erock2016 stated, be sure that you orient the solar panels correctly. They have colored sides (where wires connect) to denote direction of voltage. Just like with batteries you need to have the negative (blue) side grounded.
The simple system shown in pic uses 4 solar panels (tracking is up to you) and 4 cost oriented batteries in parallel. This will effectively run 125 W of lighting. Shown in the pic is 12 of the small 50v Economic ight bulb (though you can use any that total 125w). 4 Batteries is enough storage to run for 2 nights without sun, which is to offset several possible days of rain. As shown in the pic, nothing will ever explode on you. The batteries here do not need any protection as the solar panels current is low enough (no overheat) and the voltage is within tolerance (no overvolt). Using protection is always a plus though.
I went ahead a spent some time to make a world tutorial for this power plant. I give a couple tips along the way and such. At the end is a fully working plant ready for you to run for testing. The build is made step by step to easier explain the process and requirements. I'll attach a spoiler pic of the final plant control center xD.
@erock2016. Lol with the protectors on the batteries. I've noticed the extra slots in most of the items, but for some reason I hadn't remembered the protection slots in the batteries. All of the systems and testing I've done so far has been without protection and I've not had issues. Though, I treat them similar to how a real battery would behave and have been fine. I keep power handling and volts in check and protection isn't needed. This does give me some ideas now that you pointed it out. I'll have to play around a bit with the protectors now. Cheers
Edit: I didn't see your post @OutcastZeroOne. Ty for the heads up on the update! I love the new additions!!
The defense turrent is Excellent!! However, the title says 200v but shift shows 800v (which is correct). Also the max power is 10,000W but high voltage wire can only handle 5,000w; Not sure if that was intended or not.
Seems to have a 12 block range and more power increases rate of fire but also temp rise of wire from pulses.
Lol that you can only run 1 or 2 of these with that 4Kw plant. Time to make a bigger one XD
I have seen something strange in relays behaviour, they change their state when signal is at 70% and return to normally state when signal is at 30%, is this a bug?
Because if I want to make an overvoltage protection system, and put the 100% value of a voltage probe at 60v, and this connected to a normally closed relay, the relay will open at 42v (70% of 60v) so, I have to put 86v in the 100% value (70% of 86v=60,2v), it works fine but it will be easier just to change relay state at 100% / 0% values.
It's a features. (
it's not a good idea to use 0 % and 100 % because line transmition have a little drop (can never hit 100%)
you can use signal processor or electrical probe to have a on/off trigger
May I use this in my FTB modpack NAM? I am looking over my modpack permissions and have noticed I have not yet gotten any to use this mod. I am currently posting in a thread over in the FTB Forums chronicling my daily progress if you would like to see my pack's progress. I have recently restarted my pack on 1.7.10 and found this is the best tech mod for what I wish to do.
Been playing with this all day and finnaly got things to stop exploding. Built this as a test/joke. 3900w power station useing 130 water turbines :D.
Though I found a glitch, a rather extreem one. After putting down about 40 of the turbines, with no water flowing, there was suddenly power to run all the lights!? I even went so far as to break all the turbines and put down new ones.
That a burn test XD
Could you send me the map please ? By this way i can see the bug and debug it.
I'm all for the concept of cause and effect, or risk with use. Just saying that an explosion is over quickly, but fire can spread. so if lets say too much power is run through too small of wire it will catch fire, and start catching other things on fire nearby, like wood walls, floors, etc.
Also, what about a flat pannel data logger? The old style monitor is cool, but having something like the flat light plate kind of set up would be very nice. Just has to be made from much more expensive parts.
There is in eln.cfg a flag to disable explosion.
For flat pannel data logger i recommend Open Computer : D.
The problem with flat pannel data logger is that in any case, the need are different => generity => not easy to do.
The simulation model is DC or very slow AC, so a 3 phase system is not possible and probably will not happen. But we are working on higher powered systems and distribution.
We have PLC's on our radar quite for a moment, but there were always more important things to do. So it is at least not gonna happen soon.
Did you know that you can use the Modbus RTU in order to control EA wireless signals from a real-world PLC?
An API is worked on:
A port has been started, but it is quite hard and will take time:
Could you file an issue here with an exact description and the crashlog? That would help us to hunt down the bug and fix it.
You can respond here too if you do not have a github account or do not want to create one.
See here an example for how to use the gas turbines:
If you have trouble, the best is to get in touch with experts using the official support, they are happy to help you:
The capacity oriented one is a bug, for the voltage oriented it is actually not a bug. If you look close you will see that there are two 100V cells in series.
!!! r50 advalable and must fix definitely the disappear bug !!!!
Hello world !
a new mod release is out (1.10 r47) ! Here's a brief list of changes :
- New mod map data saving system (safer, MC decoupled, retrocompatible) - so as usual, DO A BACKUP before running.
- Mod now translatable. (Use command "generatelangfiletemplate <fullFileName>" for generate/complete a lang file).
- New translation : Russian.
- New objects : Digital Wall Clock, Industrial Data Logger.
- Enhancement on some 3D models.
- Minors bugs corrections.
For the next release, our future work will be more oriented on home consumers.
Have fun !
The ElectricalAge team
these times, we read a lot of remarks about the mod incompatibilities with others and the low activity on the development.
At this point, we want to remind you that this mod is Open Source : so this is a world-wide collective work and everyone can contribute to enhance this mod to make it better. :-D
However, incompatibilities with others mod are unavoidable, since Minecraft as not been studied for modding (no API, etc...). So, the work to maintain compatibility between mods is very important - not to mention that a lot of them are closed source (too bad, really).
Another embarrassing point is that a lot of people download the mod from untrusted website, frequently older versions and sometimes with unknown modified content... Modders and modpackers, we invite you to download the mod from the only one official website on : For specifics needs, we have intentionally left all older versions too.
Finally, about the mod low activity, we (the 3 main developers - dolu1990, lambdaShade and cm0x4D) are very busy now mainly by an important step for our professional carrier. However, our work on the mod development will restart in ~1 month.
Best regards... and good game,
The ElectricalAge team
<3 ^^
It's a features. (
it's not a good idea to use 0 % and 100 % because line transmition have a little drop (can never hit 100%)
you can use signal processor or electrical probe to have a on/off trigger
Hi, no problem.
I have start my final school projet, for the moment i can't work on both project in same time
Thanks for feed back
As you can see, i'm me to to mutch busy to make lots of updates XD
Hope the situation unlock in some time.
It's not released for the moment
Normaly in next update it's ok. Thanks for issue
Please, report this kind of issue in github. any way thanks for issue ^^
That a burn test XD
Could you send me the map please ? By this way i can see the bug and debug it.
There is in eln.cfg a flag to disable explosion.
For flat pannel data logger i recommend Open Computer : D.
The problem with flat pannel data logger is that in any case, the need are different => generity => not easy to do.