April 14th, 2024: Wow it's been a long time. If you're looking for an old download and the link is broken, try here: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fo/xoq2rbberv9uba2yu3bvd/AKNGpNR-iZr6NnXy75_xrKs?rlkey=oe7yh1ihwsnyo410kw8ihee29&dl=0
by Karob
(Updated September the 23rd, 2014)
Some time ago I downloaded the Minecraft Coder Pack and monkeyed with the Minecraft code, mostly altering the tree generator to make the trees much bigger. Eventually I decided to make public my little project, now known as the "BigTrees" mod. The purpose of the mod is to create immersive forest environments, inspired by forests I have been to, yet modeled to suit the Minecraft universe. I gladly accept any opinions you might have, and hope to continue updating the mod with new features, though very slowly.
- Adds several large tree types using vanilla blocktypes.
- Sections of the forest biome are populated by either wide trees or tall narrow trees. - Wide trees: Great Oak, Thick Pine, and Block Oak.
- Parts of the forest biome still predominately feature the normal small trees.
- The small swamp trees are accompanied by big trees. - Great Swamp Oak, Cyprus, and Hat Trees.
- There are big dead trees in the desert.
- There are large pines in some regions of the taiga.
- Vanilla birch and pine trees are taller.
- Huge jungle trees have more, longer branches.
- Roots! They sometimes find their way into near-surface caves or off of cliff edges.
- There's a configuration file now. (kbigtrees.txt)
- Planting saplings and placing wood blocks controls the type of tree that grows. (See Tree Growth Guide below.)
- Tall trees: Post Oak
Also see:
(a review in Spanish, by agus_masu)
Minecraft 1.6.4 - BigTrees Mod - Review en Español A review in Spanish.
Minecraft Mod Spotlight: Big Trees (1.5.1) (1.5.1 spotlight, by ThePacerGamer)
Big Trees - Minecraft Mod Spotlight - 1.5.1 (1.5.1 spotlight, by robplaysminecraft)
[1.4.5]Minecraft Mod Review : BigTrees (feat. BetterWorldGeneration) (1.4.5 review, by RusticKey)
Minecraft Mod Spotlight - Big Trees! (Great For Tree-houses!) (1.4.5 review, by Brinko54)
Minecraft Mods 1.3.2 | BIG TREES MOD [Deutsch] [HD] | Der Pedo-Wald A review in German.
Minecraft 1.2.5. - Como instalar MOD BIG TREES y TIMBER MOD How to install 1.2.5, in Spanish!
Big Trees! (1.1b) - Giant Trees in your Minecraft Worlds (by SirCrest)
Minecraft - Jas' Mod Delights #80 : Big Trees Mod Shows version 1.1b.
Minecraft - Jas' Mod Delights #81 : The Big Trees Mod Part 2 Shows the swamp in 1.1b.
Minecraft 1.1 Mods - Big Trees Show the 1.1 swamp. (not english)
Minecraft 1.1 Big Trees Mod - Riesige Bäume in Minecraft (not english)
Minecraft | Mod Review | Timber & BigTree's Mod 1.1 |w/5Grams
Big Trees Mod [MineCraft]
Minecraft Mods - Big Trees My favorite video. Horrible apostrophe usage, though.
Minecraft's Big Tree.mp4 A great slideslow.
1.1b: Added Cyprus and Hat trees to the swamp biome:
1.1b: The swamp at sunrise.
1.1b: A "Hat" tree. You can often climb all the way up them without destroying or placing a single block. (I named them "hat" trees because the leaf pattern reminds me of the conical hats some Asians wear.)
Hop in a boat and follow me! I'll show you a land with great forests and dark woodlands...
Here! An old forest of some sort!
The trees overshadow the land. Perhaps monsters will spawn?
Perhaps you should build a treehouse!
Let's fly over to the swamp.
Here it is. There are some great big trees in the swamp!
And it can be very dark in places too. Hey Mr. Piggy!
Wow, look how the roots hang off that cliff. Hey Mr. Piggy!
The trees are narrow in this woodland.
And they stand proudly on the great hills.
Even pine trees grow a bit taller in this land.
These trees are long dead. The dry desert has kept them preserved.
We've seen a nice variety of big trees here. Now download the mod!
You may do whatever you like with this mod as long as it does not violate Minecraft's license. Just please credit me for what I have done (and don't credit me for what I have not done). Thanks!
BigTrees 1.7.2b: (For Minecraft 1.7.2 and Minecraft 1.7.10.)
(direct) (adfly) (readme) (source)
- Compiled with Forge 1060.
- Fixed crash when growing hat trees.
- Fixed incorrect sapling names in tooltips.
- Fixed incorrect version number in mod properties.
- If you use this mod with Biomes O' Plenty, then I suggest you use these configuration files: (download) They optimize BigTrees spawning in Biomes O' Plenty biomes, and also add new BigTree variants that use Biomes O' Plenty wood and leaf types.
BigTrees 1.7.2:
- Ported to Minecraft 1.7.2 by Thorin_Stonehelm. I will give him the adfly revenue if he wants it.
- Also works with Minecraft 1.7.10.
- Includes new configuration options allowing you to make multiple copies of trees with slightly different settings, e.g., using Biomes O' Plenty blocks for leaves and trunks of post oak trees as well as vanilla blocks.
- If you use this mod with Biomes O' Plenty, then I suggest you use these configuration files: (download) They optimize BigTrees spawning in Biomes O' Plenty biomes, and also add new BigTree variants that use Biomes O' Plenty wood and leaf types.
BigTreesForge-164.zip: (direct) (adfly) (mirror) (source)
890 kilobytes - Compiled for Forge
- Updated to Minecraft 1.6.4.
- Details and instructions are in included "readme.pdf".
BigTreesForge-162.zip: (direct) (adfly) (mirror)
891 kilobytes - Includes Forge version only.
- Ported to Forge.
- Added large birch tree.
- Added custom saplings.
- Vanilla tree modifications do not work.
- Details and instructions are in included "readme.pdf".
BigTrees-162.zip: (direct) (adfly) (mirror)
852 kilobytes - Includes client and server versions.
- Updated to Minecraft 1.6.2.
BigTrees-161.zip: (direct) (adfly) (mirror)
852 kilobytes - Includes client and server versions.
- Updated to Minecraft 1.6.1.
Old Downloads:
69 kilobytes - Forge version only.
- This is just the Forge patch version of the mod.
- Updated to fix a bug that crashed the game when used with other mods.
315 kilobytes - Includes client and server versions, and Forge version. No BWG patches included.
- Updated to Minecraft 1.5.2.
- Now loads config file from "config" directory like most other mods do.
- Corrected Forge version loading config files from wrong directory.
- Includes Forge version. To install the Forge version, first install Forge into minecraft.jar, then install BigTrees-152-forge into minecraft.jar. DO NOT put BigTrees-152-forge.zip into the "mods" folder. Thank you for your cooperation. )
313 kilobytes - Includes client and server versions, and Forge version. No BWG patches included.
- Updated to Minecraft 1.5.1.
- Minor tweaks.
- Includes Forge version. To install the Forge version, first install Forge into minecraft.jar, then install BigTrees-151b-forge into minecraft.jar. DO NOT put BigTrees-151b-forge.zip into the "mods" folder. Thank you for your cooperation.
563 kilobytes - Includes client, server, and BWG3 patches.
- This should work fine with 1.4.7 Minecraft (and Better World Gen).
- Added a patch for BWG3 Forge version for servers.
- Modifies one less class, allowing compatibility with more mods (like the Highlandsmod), thanks to some advice from sdj64 (and Lighkeks for pointing it out to me).
- Added more config file options for choosing which dimensions BigTrees naturally generate in and can be manually grown in.
- Added a single option that can disable all modifications to vanilla Minecraft trees (except the jungle trees, which already have their own option).
- Fixed a bug where the tree generators were not really realizing what dimension the tree was being generated in sometimes.
- Now if the configuration file "kbigtrees.txt" does not exist it will automatically generate whenever a world is loaded. (Standard log file or terminal output will tell where the file is located any time it is created or loaded.)
- BWG3 patch now also adds BigTrees to the Cave world type.
- Added growing pattern for dead desert trees. Like this, as seen from above:
w w w = wood<br>w s s = sapling<br>
BigTrees-1.4.5b.zip: (direct) (adfly) (mirror)
380 kilobytes - Includes client, server, BWG3client patch, and BWG3server patch.
- Fixed a bug that caused crashes with the BWG3 patch.
- Might have fixed another bug.
- Properly packed the zip files this time.
418 kilobytes - Includes client, server, BWG3 client patch, and BWG3 server patch.
BigTrees 1.4.2
- Updated for Minecraft 1.4.2.
Client: BigTrees-client-1.4.2.zip (AdFly) (Mirror)
Server: BigTrees-server-1.4.2.zip (AdFly) (Mirror)
BigTrees 1.4.2 for Better World Generation 3 v1.1.3
- Patches BWG3-113 to have BigTrees in it!
- Does not generate BigTrees naturally in the cave worldtype. (May change in the future.)
Installation instructions: Download BWG3-113 and this patch. Install BWG3-113, then install this patch. (You only need the patch - you do not need the BigTrees download above.)
Client: BT142-BWG113-client.zip (AdFly) (Mirror)
Server: BT142-BWG113-server.zip (AdFly) (Mirror)
BigTrees 1.3.2b
- Fixed bug that caused jungle tree branches to not generate.
- Fixed bug that prevented custom hat tree height. (Then I tested it out with height 100. Check it out.)
Client: BigTrees-client-1.3.2b.zip (AdFly)
Server: BigTrees-server-1.3.2b.zip (AdFly)
BigTrees 1.3.2b for Better World Generation 3 v1.1.1
- Patches BWG3-111 to have BigTrees in it!
- Does not generate BigTrees naturally in the cave worldtype. (May change in the future.)
Installation instructions: Download BWG3-111 and this patch. Install BWG3-111, then install this patch. (You only need the patch - you do not need the BigTrees download above.)
Client: BT132b-BWG111-client.zip (AdFly)
Server: BT132b-BWG111-server.zip (AdFly)
Client Versions: (1.3.2) (1.3.1) (1.2.5) (1.2.4) (1.2.3) (1.1c) (1.0.0c)
Server Versions: (1.3.2) (1.3.1) (1.2.5)(1.2.4) (1.2.3) (1.1c) (1.0.1c)
Patches for BigTrees and Better World Generation
Patches made by my brother-in-law. More to come, eventually, I hope.
First install BigTrees, then BWG3, then the patch. That way, BigTree growth patterns will always work.
BWG3-104 / BigTrees-1.2.5 Patch: (client 1.2.5)
BWG3-106 / BigTrees-1.3.1 Patch: (client 1.3.1)
BWG3-109 / BigTrees-1.3.2 Patches: (client 1.3.2) | (server 1.3.2)
Slow Computer?
The game might lag a lot while generating these huge trees on some computers. When this happens on my not-top-of-the-line laptop, I pause the game (which significantly increases generation speed) and let it generate for a bit, then unpause. The lag should go away once all your chunks are generated. Having shorter render distances helps. (I use normal.) (Also, lower screen resolution, not-smooth-lighting, and fast graphics help.) (But most of you probably have a way better laptop than my 2GHz dual-core buddy.)
1) Install Forge.
2) Put "BigTrees" in the "mods" folder.
3) Play Minecraft!
Tree Growth Guide
Then plant the saplings on the ground in one of these patterns and wait (or use bonemeal).
Old Change Log
+ Fixed bug that caused jungle tree branches to not generate.
+ Fixed bug that prevented custom hat tree height. (Then I tested it out with height 100. Check it out.)
(client-1.3.2 / server 1.3.2)
+ Stopped taproots from growing through bedrock/adminum.
(client-1.3.1 / server 1.3.1)
+ Simply updated to 1.3.1.
(client-1.2.4 / client-1.2.5 / server-1.2.4 / server-1.2.5)
+ Mostly resolved jungle bush bug.
+ Corrected raw wood on top of cyprus trees.
(client-1.2.3 / server-1.2.3)
+ Made huge jungle trees taller with more, longer branches.
+ Introduced a few scattered huge oak trees to jungle.
+ BigTrees now only appear in regular realm by default (see config file) but can be grown in any realm.
+ Fire prevention coding removed. I found out vanilla MC fires don't spread far anyway.
+ Added new hat tree growth patters as per user request.
+ Fixed a couple sapling growth bugs.
+ Added config file options for configuring jungle.
+ Added height options for all trees to config file.
Changes - 1.1c / server-1.1c / client-1.0.0c / server-1.0.1c
+ Added "thick pines" to taiga.
+ Added tree distribution config options for taiga.
+ Added fire control measures - by default, fire does not spread infinitely in forests now.
+ Made config file options such as "dead-tree-percentage" use floating-point numbers.
+ Fixed a bug that caused an odd structure of floating roots at the center of the world.
+ Fixed a bug that added significant unneccesary lag during tree generation. (It kept reloading the config file A LOT.)
+ Updated client 1.0.0 version and server 1.0.1 version to include latest features.
Changes - 1.1b / server 1.1b
+ Added Cyprus and Hat trees.
+ Added config file options. (Such as a lame option that turns roots off. )
+ Changed sapling growth selection. See "Tree Growth Guide" above.
Changes - 1.1 / server 1.1
+ Tall narrow trees grow non-invasively. They will stunt and grow around things instead of growing through blocks.
+ Added roots.
+ Added configuration file.
+ Added sapling growth control. (Wood block below dirt causes a big tree to spawn.)
Changes - 1.0.0b / server 1.0.1b
+ Added server version.
+ Compatible with Mountain Gen Mod (http://www.minecraft...untains-better/)
+ Made birches and pines taller.
+ Removed wolf spawners.
+ Removed sponge. Totally. May be added back in other ways later.
+ Removed coal, lapis, gold, and diamond from trees.
Changes - 1.0.0
+ This version only generates big trees. It doesn't affect sponge or water behavior or lake generation.
+ Forests have a chance to be dense with classic trees, big trees, or both.
+ Some parts of the forest have tall, slender trees. Other parts have wide, big, "old" trees.
+ Swamp has a few big trees mixed with the little swamp trees.
+ Desert has a few big dead trees.
+ Hills have a few tall trees.
Old Screenshots
Wouldn't you like this to be your neighborhood backyard?
Woodland on the left, the classic Taiga on the right.
A look into the Woodland from a small clearing.
In the shade of the Old Forest.
I'm thinking treehouse...
The wonderful spongy thingies.
Sunset over the Old Forest.
To the O.P: You should update the downloadable Configs with the fixed config file if you get a chance, If you want you can use this dropbox link to the updated config.
Also, I really liked the way the vanilla trees were changed with this mod, and now they just feel so plain. Is there an older version that still works with 1.7.10 that still changes the vanilla trees?
https://www.dropbox.com/s/15lbasflkhshk5x/GreatOak Dark.cfg?dl=0