You can still place water in the Nether on any LCE edition that has Update aquatic, You have to break and pick block around/at the same time This only works in creative mode btw
I play on Xbox One so I have 1.12, but yes I am aware of that, my freind did it once and flooded the whole nether.
I remember doing this years ago aswell on Xbox 360 Edition on TU9, I was on the tutorial world and made a waterfall next to the fortress, good times :3
Minecrafter of 10 years here.
If you are a new player, I highly reccomend playing on Xbox, Playstation or a mobile device, it is alot easier.
I still play on these platforms.
The only thing that would make the End "easier" is adding trees that can grow in the End as it is. That gives us access to crafting tables and sticks/planks so we can make chests and shulker boxes, and tools if we really wanted to. I don't know why we'd want to make tools/armor since we can find enchanted versions in the same chests we find Iron, Gold, and Diamonds anyway. I wouldn't want a Stone/Cobblestone variant either, and I wouldn't want End Stone to fill that need. The End is, as you said, supposed to be something of a final area/endgame area. But, it's also the only place that would make some kind of sense to add purple and/or yellow wood since that's the color scheme of the End.
I'd like to think that since they mislabeled the Reinforced Deepslate as "Portal Frame Blocks" (or something very close to that) in the game files when Ancient Cities were released, that that would likely end up being the 4th dimension somehow. Something tells me that internally Mojang is toying around with that idea and at some point, might happen.
I really hope to see somthing like this, imagine a fourth dimension unlockable through the deep dark, maybe to ignite you have to collect 1 item from each dimension then ignite the deep park portal, and then in this dimension is some of the best loot in the game such an enchanted netherite armour.
To me that seems most likely, also pretty sure legacy console never had changed the chunk loading system ever, once I loaded an entire large world of chunks in one session on Xbox One Edition a few months back for an SMP im making, and it crashed when trying to save.
We have kind of had an end update (albeit lackluster) with 1.9, so I think another end update would be nice, but I would also like to see a fourth dimension that is accessible through rare portals in the end!
Legacy edition player here, I have never seen this either and I used to play on a massive console edition SMP last year, and we never had chunk issues.
I have also played on an anarchy server on Xbox One Edition that is over 8 years old and there is no issues.
I reccomend the mod Legacy4J I havent tried it myself but watching videos, once I actually thought someone was on console until I saw in their video they were on a 1.18+ world
I play on Xbox One so I have 1.12, but yes I am aware of that, my freind did it once and flooded the whole nether.
All tutorial worlds TU19 and after were custom made, so when they placed the stronghold, they didnt place it where the eye of ender takes you.
I remember doing this years ago aswell on Xbox 360 Edition on TU9, I was on the tutorial world and made a waterfall next to the fortress, good times :3
Minecrafter of 10 years here.
If you are a new player, I highly reccomend playing on Xbox, Playstation or a mobile device, it is alot easier.
I still play on these platforms.
I really hope to see somthing like this, imagine a fourth dimension unlockable through the deep dark, maybe to ignite you have to collect 1 item from each dimension then ignite the deep park portal, and then in this dimension is some of the best loot in the game such an enchanted netherite armour.
To me that seems most likely, also pretty sure legacy console never had changed the chunk loading system ever, once I loaded an entire large world of chunks in one session on Xbox One Edition a few months back for an SMP im making, and it crashed when trying to save.
We have kind of had an end update (albeit lackluster) with 1.9, so I think another end update would be nice, but I would also like to see a fourth dimension that is accessible through rare portals in the end!
Legacy edition player here, I have never seen this either and I used to play on a massive console edition SMP last year, and we never had chunk issues.
I have also played on an anarchy server on Xbox One Edition that is over 8 years old and there is no issues.
I reccomend the mod Legacy4J I havent tried it myself but watching videos, once I actually thought someone was on console until I saw in their video they were on a 1.18+ world