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    posted a message on [CTM][Collection] Vechs' SUPER HOSTILE Series (Spellbound Caves II out now!)
    Quote from MCRails

    I completely agree with everything that you said, but this last idea I think is perfect. The bonus chest found while exploring can still bring excitement to the player without the frustration of exploring just to find the wool.

    A personal example of this was when I was making my way through the East Commons. I saw the one giant tree in the center of the island and decided to climb up it just to explore and get a better view of the entire area...
    I was then ecstatic when I found the chest halfway up the tree. It was a great reward for my exploration away from the main areas.

    This right here is a perfect example of a well-designed map (and I mean the SH series as a video game map/level in general, I think we can all agree that the design of this series is at if not above par of most modern video game level designs). I had no idea that chest was there. I had no desire to go anywhere near that big stupid tree after Canopy Carnage. You've been rewarded for your endeavor and exploration, while I have not been punished for avoiding a tedious expedition to a location of ambiguous wool-promise.

    My thoughts on the Swamp of Despair are much the same as well: the most successful games seem to make the accomplishment of the primary goal a matter of difficulty, and the highest reward a matter of exploration and completion. A thought for future SH maps: place some sort of hacked item in these difficult-to-find chests, something that can only be found in said chests, and have it be a post-monument-completion collect the several hidden whatchyamathings side-quest.
    Posted in: Maps
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    posted a message on [CTM][Collection] Vechs' SUPER HOSTILE Series (Spellbound Caves II out now!)
    Quote from Ristaccia

    There was a trap at the graveyard in Legendary? It did have a massive crater in it when I got there, thought it was way too peaceful. Guess it had set itself off for me too.

    Yeah. I had just entered the area and was observing the small clearing, when a bunch of TNT blew up underground not particularly close to me, spitting sand here and there.

    I think Mj64 was right and it went something like this.

    Me: "Doh dee doh here I am! Hey look graves way over there!"
    Me: "...Kay?"
    Posted in: Maps
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