ARRRRRRRRG! At first I feel all wonderfully clever for out-witting an army of Ghasts and stealing their precious red wool from right under their... er... tears... And then I merrily skip back to the victory monument to notice but one other piece of wool missing. Curse you Kaizo Wool!!! I've even renovated every cavern into a monster-free villa and haven't seen any additional hiding spots... T-T
Geepers Vechs you make these maps faster than I can die in them!
Just wondering how you're going to approach fire in Canopy Carnage? I mean obviously if the player decides to burn down the place with lava or a flint & steel then it's their own fault for wrecking the map, but what about lightning? It starts fires...
Rain puts out fires.
From what I could gather from research on the topic, rain is not 100% guaranteed to put out fires. I've read things about lightning striking people's tree forts in a manner that creates a fire covered from the rain, and by the time it breaches the roof of the structure the fire is too out of control for the rain alone to put out.
I haven't done any personal testing on the matter; just want to make sure the map won't be breakable by a freak storm.
Half of the reason I like watching Zisteau play minecraft is his (most of the time vocal) reactions to stuff. His series would be much less entertaining if it was just watching someone play minecraft and talk about what they're doing.
Geepers Vechs you make these maps faster than I can die in them!
Just wondering how you're going to approach fire in Canopy Carnage? I mean obviously if the player decides to burn down the place with lava or a flint & steel then it's their own fault for wrecking the map, but what about lightning? It starts fires...
So I'm playing through Kaizo Caverns (It's fantastic btw ^^), and just cleared out Ilvern Mines.
It turns out that if lava destroys a wood block with tracks on it, and those tracks have a chest-cart on them, the chest pops and the contents may or may not be lost.
Long story short, could someone let me know if there's a wool chest in the mines that I may have accidentally burned up? I really want to find them all myself but I'm worried I accidentally broke the game :sad.gif:
There is nothing critical in the minecart chest. The mine area is mostly for
getting the gold for the gold block to put on the monument. Oh, and now with Beta 1.5, you have plenty of gold to make a really awesome powered rail network to quickly zip around the caverns. :biggrin.gif:
Ah okay thank you!
I really hope that Zisteau succumbs to the urge to ride the tracks first thing :3
So I'm playing through Kaizo Caverns (It's fantastic btw ^^), and just cleared out Ilvern Mines.
It turns out that if lava destroys a wood block with tracks on it, and those tracks have a chest-cart on them, the chest pops and the contents may or may not be lost.
Long story short, could someone let me know if there's a wool chest in the mines that I may have accidentally burned up? I really want to find them all myself but I'm worried I accidentally broke the game :sad.gif:
From what I could gather from research on the topic, rain is not 100% guaranteed to put out fires. I've read things about lightning striking people's tree forts in a manner that creates a fire covered from the rain, and by the time it breaches the roof of the structure the fire is too out of control for the rain alone to put out.
I haven't done any personal testing on the matter; just want to make sure the map won't be breakable by a freak storm.
Just wondering how you're going to approach fire in Canopy Carnage? I mean obviously if the player decides to burn down the place with lava or a flint & steel then it's their own fault for wrecking the map, but what about lightning? It starts fires...
Ah okay thank you!
I really hope that Zisteau succumbs to the urge to ride the tracks first thing :3
It turns out that if lava destroys a wood block with tracks on it, and those tracks have a chest-cart on them, the chest pops and the contents may or may not be lost.
Long story short, could someone let me know if there's a wool chest in the mines that I may have accidentally burned up? I really want to find them all myself but I'm worried I accidentally broke the game :sad.gif: