So while waiting for Canopy Carnage to be out (and sufficiently tested), I've decided to for-real beat The Sea of Flame. Just a quick question: all those random stacks of 16 wool in various chests aren't meant to be there and I should ignore them, ya?
Personally, I enjoy the rumbling boom of TNT canon, and the continuous twang of a bow unleashing a constant stream of arrows.
I wanted to do a TNT cannon, but then I realized that I have no idea where the wool is in the fortress and didn't want to blow the chests into into kingdom come :S
Edit: I need to get some video software; you really would have enjoyed how phase 1 went Vechs...
Well, it's time for me to try to breach the last area of The Black Desert... How might this be possible? I decided make my plan into a little story:
Upon creating a secret passage through the great wall, our hero noticed a strange keep in the distance. With closer inspection he also noticed that the walls of this fortress were lined with monsters and their devilish little cages, the prisons that mark the points in space and time where our world crosses into the very gates of hell; this must be where the remaining treasures lay hidden... It was at this thought he saw a flower-shaped platform high above the monstrosity... A perfect perch for him to descend unto these foul creatures and slay them with the light. However in order to reach this platform, a catwalk must be constructed, preferably along the close wall and out of sight. With luck this will be far enough away to prevent the birth of Ghasts, who seem to be pulled into the world from a very dark and horrid place, drawn here by the presence of the living. From there another passage will be constructed, this time above the monolithic pillars, and below the crushing sands that they support; a perfectly concealed chamber from which he can leap and claim the upper-most portion of the keep, and from there descend again, and again to reach the lower levels. With the searing flames our hero holds, a shower of ember will purge the demons below, and spread far enough to prevent the wailing apparitions from crossing over into our world. If this does not work, a shower of water will be released and our hero will have to ride the deluge into the pits of this vile place, construct a barricade to shield himself from his foes, and take out the vile prisons of the undead before an army of demons overtakes him...
Let me know if you guys want to know how this turns out :smile.gif: (provided you weren't irritated with my random blog haha)
Thanks Zuthilios, I always save the red wool until very last so those other two pieces would have driven me insane looking for them @_@
And I third NitroN's gravel-sign idea. However, for more incentive to NOT use them, Vechs could place a redstone torch on top that's powering a circuit, which when broken will unleash some evil trap nearby (dynamite/lava removing the exit from the VM chamber, a hole in the wall opening right outside that unleashes insurmountable amounts of creepers upon the world, etcetera). It would make the player think twice about endangering the area near the VM just for a tiny hint from a big troll haha.
Edit: Found the Lime wool thanks to flymod, don't think I would have ever have found it it years otherwise. Just the yellow left now. - Any hint would be greatly appreciated, I just want to finish this now rather than spend another day on it flying around aimlessly.
Yeah I definitely lucked out when I glanced up and saw the chest...
I'll give you a hint on where the is if you give me very tiny hints on where to locate the [Brown] ones are... I've already established fantastical bases, farms, etcetera all over the map, but running all over the desert inspecting every bit of sand is getting old :sad.gif:
I may not have found if the Victory Monument didn't have some glass in it.
Edit: I feel dirty asking for hints after completing the Kaizo VM on my own... Maybe just give me some cardinal directions/above or below ground :tongue.gif:
Vechs, I may have found a wool placement error in The Black Desert.
In the Crypt of the Forgotten Royal, both the Tomb of the Covetous Princess and the Tomb of the Warrior King have light gray wool . Maybe I was just incorrectly assuming that you wanted to place a different colour in each tomb, but it seems like one of those two was meant to be a different colour.
I've just cleared the King and Queen's chamber in the Crypt of the Forgotten Royal, and I have to say Vechs, usually when I see rooms of the type found in the Forgotten Queen section, I delete the world and curse the map creator for putting that type of puzzle in the map as they're less than fun. However this was the first time I actually found it entertaining! Maybe it was because I knew there was treasure to be looted :3
Also, I kept hearing explosions coming from the basement of the Forgotten Queen area, but never saw any TNT or creepers down there... Am I crazy or is that area ACTUALLY haunted with the Forgotten Royal? :S
Hmm, in my opinion, the flat pines and the trees that look like this:
look quite bad. They sort of need more detail (e.g. the pines shouldn't just be perfect squares).
I have to agree a bit. Perhaps there need to be sub-regions of a sort where certain types of trees are much more prominent than others, so the more unique looking ones don't look so out of place. Like there could be a part of the forest with a lot of willows, another with many regular deciduous trees, and another for weird trees, etcetera. Oh, and I'm sure you've already looked these up Vechs, but I found some MC trees that look particularly nice for inspiration!
Also, I put together a picture of how I predict Canopy Carnage will turn out for most of us:
I feel like there needs to be some amount of linearity to generate enough interest to finish the monument. Of all the maps I found that Kaizo was the most fun, and the one that I've been most driven to finish the Victory Monument. I bring this up because I'm about half a monument through Black Desert, but you can spend so much time just lighting up the place with torches hoping to stumble upon wool, and it's hard to keep interest when all you find is more and more sand. That and the fact that there are SO many treasure chests in the map, wool is kind of an after-thought (especially when you're sitting on mountains of cake and diamond tools).
I also had a lot of fun making Kaizo, because I had more control over what the player would experience. On the Black Desert, I may have given the player a bit too much food from chests. After watching several LP's of Kaizo, I thought maybe I took things too far in the difficulty, so I provided more food in Black Desert, with the intention that the player could totally screw up and lose their entire inventory a few times, and still be able to find some food and not feel like they had to start the map over. Then again, I'm withholding final judgement on difficulty until someone can complete The Black Desert. It is entirely possible that the player will use up all of their food trying conquer some of the areas in the map. Red wool is going to be a complete ass to try and get. :smile.gif:
I definitely want to do a sequel to Kaizo Caverns. Kaizo has some good variety in the caves and how they are layed out and what resources you find in them, but for the sequel I want to make it even more varied. (Underground jungle cavern, more underwater areas, maybe more caverns with glowstone to cut down a little bit on the tedium of lighting up caves, might have a cavern open to the sky with trees growing out from the walls, etc.)
I suppose anyone who has played these in order is just hardened after Kaizo haha. Though I did fall for a few traps in the Black Desert quite convincingly. And I feel like I was a bit critical in that post, and should also mention these maps = <3 (when they're not mauling my minecorpse).
If you do a sequel to Kaizo, perhaps it could be island based (with sea travel between)? I think part of the fun of Kaizo came from the ability to conquer small portions of the map, which could be replicated with an archipelago theme. Of course I'm sure you'd find ways of making seafaring treacherous enough to counter the availability of
fish. Maybe things like whirlpools, death currents, waterfalls of doom. Heck you could even take a note from SH#5 and make a "Black Sea" to traverse across. Oh! And combined with the aforementioned water hazards it would be... Actually never mind! No need to do that! Please pretend I didn't say anything! ._.
I feel like there needs to be some amount of linearity to generate enough interest to finish the monument. Of all the maps I found that Kaizo was the most fun, and the one that I've been most driven to finish the Victory Monument. I bring this up because I'm about half a monument through Black Desert, but you can spend so much time just lighting up the place with torches hoping to stumble upon wool, and it's hard to keep interest when all you find is more and more sand. That and the fact that there are SO many treasure chests in the map, wool is kind of an after-thought (especially when you're sitting on mountains of cake and diamond tools).
He submitted one to MINECRAFTdotNET, and while they are judging it to include or not, he can't upload that video series anywhere else.
So I've got a little update if anyone is interested. After four days of PMs I got him to respond that my video had been added to his list to upload...but the guy won't tell me when its going up, nor will he give me any kind of estimate, and he only responds to 1 PM in 4. Overall I'm extremely frustrated by the whole situation, and am thinking of just putting the video on my channel and resuming business as usual.
That does sound frustrating. Why can't you put them on your YouTube channel while he's decided to put them up?
So uhh... what is yogscast by the way? I keep seeing that word every now and then. Is it someone who makes maps?
haha i love you so much :biggrin.gif: yogscast is pretty much the best known lets players, and i thought i was the only one who wouldn't watch them :smile.gif:
I don't either <_<. For some reason I find their videos very uninteresting, even though everything is clearly very well done and thought out.
Was walking underground, being careful around some gravel near lava, hitting it while on cobblestone...nothing happened, so I wandered off and the glow of the lava grew faint in the distance; I saw a spider and put down a torch. Next thing I knew I was falling down a gravel trap into lava. As I descended, I saw that if I had only been two squares over when I put down that torch, I would have been on solid stone.
I know what you mean; I forgot that placing a torch counts as "updating" that block... I thought I may have brought the whole bloody desert down on me once the gravel stopped falling T-T
I punched the TNT below the cake, thinking "Bwahaha! Silly Vechs your traps are as obvious as ever!"... As I descended and saw the light grow smaller and smaller, for the first time in five Super Hostile maps, nay, all of minecraft, I thought "I'm going to die down here".
Well I'm up to The Black Desert, and after building a tree house for my eastern outpost (I was chucking bone meal at some saplings, a huge tree popped up; I couldn't resist ^^), I was in dire need of torches. Without the equipment to go looking for coal, I thought I might be able to find some cobblestone to make a furnace for charcoal.
And of course, I happened to spot a 5x5 patch of stone conveniently placed nearby. "Hurrah" I thought, only slightly considering the oddly perfect square it made.
Needless to say I managed to break one piece of stone before seeing what layed beneath, and this was the situation about one eighth of a second later:
I'm really astounded at how you've managed to keep each of these maps so unique and different from each other Vechs! Well done!
I wanted to do a TNT cannon, but then I realized that I have no idea where the wool is in the fortress and didn't want to blow the chests into into kingdom come :S
Edit: I need to get some video software; you really would have enjoyed how phase 1 went Vechs...
Let me know if you guys want to know how this turns out :smile.gif: (provided you weren't irritated with my random blog haha)
And I third NitroN's gravel-sign idea. However, for more incentive to NOT use them, Vechs could place a redstone torch on top that's powering a circuit, which when broken will unleash some evil trap nearby (dynamite/lava removing the exit from the VM chamber, a hole in the wall opening right outside that unleashes insurmountable amounts of creepers upon the world, etcetera). It would make the player think twice about endangering the area near the VM just for a tiny hint from a big troll haha.
Yeah I definitely lucked out when I glanced up and saw the
I'll give you a hint on where the
Edit: I feel dirty asking for hints after completing the Kaizo VM on my own... Maybe just give me some cardinal directions/above or below ground :tongue.gif:
And yes Killkill it is in The Black Desert.
I have to agree a bit. Perhaps there need to be sub-regions of a sort where certain types of trees are much more prominent than others, so the more unique looking ones don't look so out of place. Like there could be a part of the forest with a lot of willows, another with many regular deciduous trees, and another for weird trees, etcetera. Oh, and I'm sure you've already looked these up Vechs, but I found some MC trees that look particularly nice for inspiration!
Also, I put together a picture of how I predict Canopy Carnage will turn out for most of us:
I suppose anyone who has played these in order is just hardened after Kaizo haha. Though I did fall for a few traps in the Black Desert quite convincingly. And I feel like I was a bit critical in that post, and should also mention these maps = <3 (when they're not mauling my minecorpse).
If you do a sequel to Kaizo, perhaps it could be island based (with sea travel between)? I think part of the fun of Kaizo came from the ability to conquer small portions of the map, which could be replicated with an archipelago theme. Of course I'm sure you'd find ways of making seafaring treacherous enough to counter the availability of
fish. Maybe things like whirlpools, death currents, waterfalls of doom. Heck you could even take a note from SH#5 and make a "Black Sea" to traverse across. Oh! And combined with the aforementioned water hazards it would be... Actually never mind! No need to do that! Please pretend I didn't say anything! ._.
I feel like there needs to be some amount of linearity to generate enough interest to finish the monument. Of all the maps I found that Kaizo was the most fun, and the one that I've been most driven to finish the Victory Monument. I bring this up because I'm about half a monument through Black Desert, but you can spend so much time just lighting up the place with torches hoping to stumble upon wool, and it's hard to keep interest when all you find is more and more sand. That and the fact that there are SO many treasure chests in the map, wool is kind of an after-thought (especially when you're sitting on mountains of cake and diamond tools).
That does sound frustrating. Why can't you put them on your YouTube channel while he's decided to put them up?
I don't either <_<. For some reason I find their videos very uninteresting, even though everything is clearly very well done and thought out.
I know what you mean; I forgot that placing a torch counts as "updating" that block... I thought I may have brought the whole bloody desert down on me once the gravel stopped falling T-T
And of course, I happened to spot a 5x5 patch of stone conveniently placed nearby. "Hurrah" I thought, only slightly considering the oddly perfect square it made.
Needless to say I managed to break one piece of stone before seeing what layed beneath, and this was the situation about one eighth of a second later:
I'm really astounded at how you've managed to keep each of these maps so unique and different from each other Vechs! Well done!