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    posted a message on [CTM][Collection] Vechs' SUPER HOSTILE Series (Spellbound Caves II out now!)
    Out of curiosity, which Super Hostile maps have you guys legitimately completed the Victory Monuments for? And in which order did you do so? I seem to be playing them in order of decreasing difficulty haha
    Posted in: Maps
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    posted a message on [CTM][Collection] Vechs' SUPER HOSTILE Series (Spellbound Caves II out now!)
    Quote from Vechs


    I'm trying to keep in mind that some people actually pay-per MB of data downloaded, and make it easier on them. My ISP is quite awesome, but some people (especially in Europe I think) have a lot of metered internet - other people just have very slow connections, so downloading a 30 MB map takes quite awhile for them. It's the same reason I'm so invested in 7zip format, because of how dramatically it cuts down on file size.

    Mm I've forgotten that some people have limiting factors with their service providers. An something I forgot to mention is that I really to enjoy your signage in the maps. Especially finding the old spawn in Canopy Carnage ^^
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    posted a message on [CTM][Collection] Vechs' SUPER HOSTILE Series (Spellbound Caves II out now!)
    Good grief I never would have found that! Who on Earth would think to look there? :rolleyes:
    Anyway Thanks Twillik and Jaxin!

    Well now I suppose I can give some feedback. For simplicity's sake I'll list what I felt worked and didn't work in point form:

    What Worked
    :Diamond: That this was a completely unique and interesting experience in Minecraft!
    :Diamond: Interesting Lore scattered about (I actually had a lot of fun searching for Alpha and Bravo!), and the story associated with your arrival to the jungle.
    :Diamond: The fact that it achieved the atmosphere of a very large, monolithic, suffocating and dangerous jungle.
    :Diamond: Six car train of drive-by skeletons @_@
    :Diamond: The curious scenario of having too much wood and no cobblestone in sight (I didn't think to dig down right away so it made for some interesting events).
    :Diamond: That it seemed impossible to get anything done on the map and still make it back to your house at night. The map was the exact right size to make you say "Ah I have time to go look around there", and then realize you need to cower in a hole all night or leg it through the jungle. Great fun with the latter! ^-^

    What Didn't Work
    :Flint: The fact that it was completely flat, perfectly square, and the bedrock walls were very noticeable made it feel less immersive and more MCedit-esque (though it should be noted that the actual plant life rarely felt like copy pasta)
    :Flint: The red wool was the much easier than Kaizo and the Black Desert (maybe your series has just made be battle-hardened haha)

    And Vechs I agree that for whatever reason the slightly more linear maps are indeed more fun. Since Kaizo Mario World was an inspiration, I think it would be fantastic if at some point in the series you made a Super Hostile World, or "Super Vechs Land" if you will.

    That is sort of a generic evil overworld type place with incredibly difficult sights to see. You could revisit past themes, only on a smaller scale (i.e. have a forest with a wool or two inside, mountains, a gigantic lake, a cave or two, a valley, a snow-peaked mountain, a volcano, a floating island somewhere, a desert, etcetera). I feel this would bring back the feel from Kaizo in which you had at least an inkling of whether you missed some wool, and would bring back the small doses of accomplishment once you cleared a definable area. Basically map with a Legend of Zelda and/or Metroid feel in the series would be awesome.

    And since you haven't done anything with snow yet, the overworld type area could be completely covered in snow, so you wouldn't have to put grass down to make it look less bland. Actually I'm suprised you haven't done a snow-themed map yet solely because of these:

    tldr: <3 Super Hostile
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    posted a message on [CTM][Collection] Vechs' SUPER HOSTILE Series (Spellbound Caves II out now!)
    Quote from JaxinZ

    'The blue wool in Canopy Carnage can be found at some ruined docks.'
    Actual Vechs quote, I got it as a reward for beating Kaizo Caverns.

    Ruined docks? Well shoot I haven't seen anything like that... Airdocks perhaps? Gah. Well at least I've found some grass :3
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    posted a message on [CTM][Collection] Vechs' SUPER HOSTILE Series (Spellbound Caves II out now!)
    Does anyone have a hint for the whereabouts of the blue wool in Canopy Carnage? It's the only one that still eludes me :sad.gif:

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    posted a message on Life on Bogota - An SMP Story (Let's Play)
    Just so you know, I can't look at a victory monument now without getting that silly song stuck in my head @_@
    :Red: :Yellow: :Red: :Green: :Blue: :Blue: :Blue: :Red: :Purple: :Green: :Yellow: :Orange: :Red: :Red:
    Posted in: Let's Play (and Live Stream)
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    posted a message on [CTM][Collection] Vechs' SUPER HOSTILE Series (Spellbound Caves II out now!)
    Quote from birdmaddd

    Found another use for Infernal Sky...

    Man after watching that I feel like I just woke up from an actual high @_@
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    posted a message on [CTM][Collection] Vechs' SUPER HOSTILE Series (Spellbound Caves II out now!)
    Quote from Pyrocreation

    Yes, I have all the wool pieces besides the blue one. As for the damage, the walls, keep and surrounding area have plenty of damage...

    Basically if you can post a screenie or tell me where it is so i can look it is fine. I have been looking all over for the past week without luck so I am pretty much done with trying to find it unfortunately (-.-)

    I had been hoping that I could finish one of these maps without having to resort to spoilers but I always miss one wool and its frustrating. That being said I love the maps, I only have died to a trap twice between all the maps so I am pretty proud of my progress.

    Ah okay I know the feeling.

    There is a pretty good chance that you've blown up the blue wool. It's kept on the bridge to the entrance of the doom castle, in plain sight.
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    posted a message on [CTM][Collection] Vechs' SUPER HOSTILE Series (Spellbound Caves II out now!)
    Quote from Pyrocreation

    I am having some issues finding the blue wool in the black desert. I read the hint on this topic saying that it was

    {by the red and brown wool}

    but have yet to find it and I am worried it was exploded in my tnt cannon attack and the creeper attack waves under ghast artillery cover.

    What did your cannon destroy exactly? Have you found the brown and red wool already?
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    posted a message on [CTM][Collection] Vechs' SUPER HOSTILE Series (Spellbound Caves II out now!)
    Quote from PyromanicToaster »
    A question: On Sea of Fire, I managed to die to creeper explosions in one of the island dungeons (the really tall cave that you enter from the top and have to carefully work your way down without falling (I fell to the bottom and then got exploded)). When I went back to collect my stuff, I ended up with 24 red and 24 green wool in my inventory, presumably from an exploded chest. Since there weren't any glowstone platforms there and it's 24 rather than 27 pieces, I'm assuming it's not monument wool, but I want to make sure. Can anybody confirm this?

    Was it the cave you enter off-shore, where it's relatively square and has moss stone and a lava pillar near the bottom (oh and there's a whole bunch of chests all the way down)? If so, then you're right to assume it's not monument wool. I can confirm that it is definitely not the red wool, and am nearly certain that the green wool is not near that area.
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    posted a message on [CTM][Collection] Vechs' SUPER HOSTILE Series (Spellbound Caves II out now!)
    Well I've beaten The Sea of Flame legit this time (Geez Vechs, forget enough wool in every other chest?), and I decided I needed to make something gaudy with the stuff in my storage.

    The pillar I'm standing on is also made of Iron blocks <_____<

    Also just so you know Vechs, I accidentally blew up the monsters' entire fortress below the red wool without even seeing the inside. Oh well, I bet it was a nice everything they had in there :smile.gif:
    Posted in: Maps
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    posted a message on [CTM][Collection] Vechs' SUPER HOSTILE Series (Spellbound Caves II out now!)
    Out of curiosity, is the :Red: in The Sea of Flame held in it's own special death fortress like the other maps?
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    posted a message on [CTM][Collection] Vechs' SUPER HOSTILE Series (Spellbound Caves II out now!)
    So in The Sea of Flame, is there actually any wool in the two giant cave systems that are accessed via the two off-shore mossy cobblestone islands? I've already found a piece of wool in the
    obviously Vechs-crafted dungeon found below the island left of the spawn, but below that just seems to be confusing and endless caves :sad.gif:
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    posted a message on [CTM][Collection] Vechs' SUPER HOSTILE Series (Spellbound Caves II out now!)
    Quote from darthtomi »
    Vechs, Im sure you would like a brake from all that praise and warm and fluffy stuff from others so... for starters, the complete lack of coast line makes Canopy Carnage a rather ankward design. Forrest floor is like "meh" too, but I understand that one, the beach though is a real disappointment. Also, the area seems to be completely flat... I mean, where are the waterfalls, volcanos and rocky overhangs?

    It's completely flat? Awe man I was hoping for an epic forest/jungle covered hill-laden island :sad.gif:
    (I'm holding off on Canopy Carnage until I've got the other Victory Monuments down).
    Posted in: Maps
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    posted a message on [CTM][Collection] Vechs' SUPER HOSTILE Series (Spellbound Caves II out now!)
    So is Canopy Carnage safe from forest fires ignited by lightning? :S
    Posted in: Maps
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