I don't know if you're referring to any specific area, but a good practice would be to repair one of the structures there and make a base out of it, and only explore at night. The specific areas of interest really just need some crafty cleverness to get through unharmed.
There was a trap at the graveyard in Legendary? It did have a massive crater in it when I got there, thought it was way too peaceful. Guess it had set itself off for me too.
Yeah. I had just entered the area and was observing the small clearing, when a bunch of TNT blew up underground not particularly close to me, spitting sand here and there.
I think Mj64 was right and it went something like this.
Me: "Doh dee doh here I am! Hey look graves way over there!"
Me: "...Kay?"
Dear Vechs, I am afraid I lost the lime wool in Legendary :sad.gif:
When I assaulted the kill room under the pyramid, I died several times until I lighted up the room so that no more monsters were spawning. During that time, creepers blew up left and right and also skellies attacked creepers by accident which resulted in several additional explosions. Other than the clean stone, I found nothing of value in that room. After watching the lets play of one of the other players, I found out the lime wool was supposed to be in that room. I never knew it was there until than. I don't think its a good design if wool can be lost so easily. Anyway.. I would like to color a white wool block green, using the cacti die. Would you consider that cheating? If you say its cheating, I will not complete the monument and will place a sign saying "Vechs fault it got lost" or something on the empty place ;-) Anyway.. you should protect the wool chests better in the future. Maybe surrounding them with obsidian or something.
That seems to be the risk you take when you run kamikaze through an area lighting it up with torches. If he placed every wool chest in a safe room, then that room would need to be surrounded in bedrock, and even then players could just ignore the challenges and try to run right for it. Collecting the Lime wool has given me more difficulty than anything else in the series for a while now, and it either takes a very crafty player or a lot of luck to obtain it.
Also Vechs, the trap in that graveyard area set itself off, like many of the others have for me. I'm starting to think something is happening when chunks load in my games, I can't think of any other reason that three off your killing devices have all self-destructed.
I just raided the castle with ghast spawners in east commons in legendary. I lost all my torches, so now I have to use pumpkins for light sources :dry.gif: I can't smelt the logs because I have no cobblestone. if anybody knows a good deposit of stone, tell me.
oh, and was a stick the only reward for my efforts of raiding the castle? so many explosions I could've missed something, but I don't think so after I read Vechs sign...
For a lot of cobblestone,
you can look in the West Commons, off of Intersection 3. I won't tell you exactly where, but the area has a TONNE of spiders. This is the only place I need to go to get the materials for my tools now :smile.gif:
Did you read the sign at Humble Start that said those two times were the only times I would be nice, and that if you asked me for help on the four hams I would just laugh at you?
Hahahahaha, I mock you, and your face is stupid!
Damnit... stupid conscience.
There is no wool in Caves of Confusion.
To help your anti-conscience, I wasn't going to look any more anyway. Having found white, orange, magenta, light blue, and yellow wool (in that order) left me to realize the wool pieces were placed in the same order as the Victory Monument. If I found Lime wool then I wasn't going to go back there.
Thankfully you're not some kind of evil psychologist who would have say, left no wool in the Easter Commons but leave the colour that would be assumed to be there in the last area done some evil mind-games.
Hey Vechs (or anyone who can answer for that matter), are there pieces of wool in every one of the areas of Legendary? I.e. at least one in every branch of every intersection?
And on a completely and utterly unrelated note that has nothing to do with the above inquiry, you wouldn't be so sinister as to hide a chest behind a perfectly normal and uninteresting bunch of cobwebs in the Caves of Confusion, would you...?
Was the locked chest important? I couldn't figure out how to open it, and then it vanished after I placed it a second time...
Also I've realized that OOT extended music tracks on YouTube are very fitting for this map. I'm listening to the Spirit Temple track as I try to tackle the first chambers.
Actually, there's another tree in infernal sky. But he's a bit hard to get to if you don't have any tools. In fact, it's pretty sure you'll never find it, or maybe when pigs can fly..
Yeah when I happened upon that tree I was like: "what's the point?". You'd have to get there with sandstone blocks if it were really to be a backup tree (or maybe wool blocks). Either way bleh.
I'm really just pleased to know that Vechs is working on a map... Also when I say "pleased" I really mean frightened. And instead of frightened it's terrified.
My two favorite parts of the map so far are the Tombs of the Forgotten Royals, and the Mossy Cobblestone Fortress.
The Tombs were entertaining, but at the same time irritating. I loved the Tomb of the Warrior King, and that was my favorite overall. The Tomb of the Forgotten Queen annoyed me, and it took me FOREVER to ferry all the items out of the last chest. The Tomb of the Jester Prince promoted every idea of paranoid I had ever had (On a sidenote, is there any way to get into the room with the Wool Chest and Wood/Gold/Iron Statue without destroying part of the Obsidian Wall between you and the statue?). The Tomb of the Covetous Princess was just suspicious xD. Sadly, it took me until seeing the chest at the very far side to realize that the ceiling was made of Gravel xD (another sidenote, Is there anything in there other than the two chests? Because there were two chests with Light Grey Wool in the Tombs of the Forgotten Royals. One with the Warrior King and one with the Covetous Princess, with the Princess's being the easier one to aquire).
The Mossy Cobblestone Fortress was so fun to infiltrate and destroy. I did SO many tunnel networks above, below, around and through the entire fortress to take down all the spawners. I nearly shitted myself when I heard Ghasts outside of the Nether xD. However, Once I made a tunnel along the inside of the wall, I could dig around and find each spawner easily, with the Ghasts being incapable of hitting me. However, the Archer Towers with Skeletons and Zombies were far harder to deal with. I had to use TNT from the Jester Prince to pop them open and destroy them. Most of the time, I would open a small hole, in the top an drop 1 block of TNT inside to kill them all.
The little Mossy Cobblestone fort on the surface was interesting though. In that fort are the MOST Spider Spawners I had EVER seen in one spot at the same time. I nearly screamed when I saw them all. There are like 20 of them!
Though I'm not sure if the chest of duplicated wool is intentional or not, the wool in there isn't supposed to be another colour (if that's what you assumed like I did). That is you can find all the colours in the map somewhere.
Also I loved that spider fort on the surface as well! It was so so devilishly thought out.
Hmm, I suggested this a little earlier in the thread. About one page back. Hatches rain down evil upon you. Personally, I just fear the possibility of a spider jockey spawner. *shudders*
Well I've got 8/16 pieces of wool on the victory monument in The Infernal Sky, and I have to say I'm enjoying not finding chests stuffed full of loot all over the place. It seems like in the last few maps by now I'd have a double chest full of arrows and enough food to choke a horse, but in this map I find myself going way out of my way to collect a measly feather just so I can make more arrows myself.
Granted the map doesn't focus on combat nearly as much as the others, but it's still refreshing to actually have to be frugal with my offensive resources. Not to mention bread is no longer viable due to 1.6 :smile.gif:
That site was a good read thanks Vechs! Also it was very clear that you thought out the Planar Warp. The whole time I was in it on Kaizo all I was thinking was "God damn diamond shapes!". Forget the monsters, I probably knocked all of Steve's teeth out just trying to move/trip around that place.
I have finally conquered the first super hostile level!!! On hard difficulty dying about 4 times 2 of which didn't make any sense. Now its time to do level 2!( Took me a couple of hours and two restarts)
If you haven't started The Endless Deep yet I'd recommend skipping it for now. I think Vechs has plans to improve it vastly once Minecraft has more underwater content. Plus then we can bumble through The Infernal Sky at the same time haha (I've just re-started it with the intent to complete the map)!
I don't know if you're referring to any specific area, but a good practice would be to repair one of the structures there and make a base out of it, and only explore at night. The specific areas of interest really just need some crafty cleverness to get through unharmed.
Yeah. I had just entered the area and was observing the small clearing, when a bunch of TNT blew up underground not particularly close to me, spitting sand here and there.
I think Mj64 was right and it went something like this.
Me: "Doh dee doh here I am! Hey look graves way over there!"
Me: "...Kay?"
That seems to be the risk you take when you run kamikaze through an area lighting it up with torches. If he placed every wool chest in a safe room, then that room would need to be surrounded in bedrock, and even then players could just ignore the challenges and try to run right for it. Collecting the Lime wool has given me more difficulty than anything else in the series for a while now, and it either takes a very crafty player or a lot of luck to obtain it.
Also Vechs, the trap in that graveyard area set itself off, like many of the others have for me. I'm starting to think something is happening when chunks load in my games, I can't think of any other reason that three off your killing devices have all self-destructed.
For a lot of cobblestone,
To help your anti-conscience, I wasn't going to look any more anyway. Having found white, orange, magenta, light blue, and yellow wool (in that order) left me to realize the wool pieces were placed in the same order as the Victory Monument. If I found Lime wool then I wasn't going to go back there.
Thankfully you're not some kind of evil psychologist who would have say,
left no wool in the Easter Commons but leave the colour that would be assumed to be there in the last areadone some evil mind-games.0
And on a completely and utterly unrelated note that has nothing to do with the above inquiry, you wouldn't be so sinister as to hide a chest behind a perfectly normal and uninteresting bunch of cobwebs in the Caves of Confusion, would you...?
Also I've realized that OOT extended music tracks on YouTube are very fitting for this map. I'm listening to the Spirit Temple track as I try to tackle the first chambers.
Yeah when I happened upon that tree I was like: "what's the point?". You'd have to get there with sandstone blocks if it were really to be a backup tree (or maybe wool blocks). Either way bleh.
(read: make more Super Hostile maps! :DDDD)
Though I'm not sure if the chest of duplicated wool is intentional or not, the wool in there isn't supposed to be another colour (if that's what you assumed like I did). That is you can find all the colours in the map somewhere.
Also I loved that spider fort on the surface as well! It was so so devilishly thought out.
God that would be awful...
Granted the map doesn't focus on combat nearly as much as the others, but it's still refreshing to actually have to be frugal with my offensive resources. Not to mention bread is no longer viable due to 1.6 :smile.gif:
If you haven't started The Endless Deep yet I'd recommend skipping it for now. I think Vechs has plans to improve it vastly once Minecraft has more underwater content. Plus then we can bumble through The Infernal Sky at the same time haha (I've just re-started it with the intent to complete the map)!