Hello all I'm new here on this forum. I figured I would make a introduction with my builds. I am DreamWanderer from Planet Minecraft. I have been playing Minecraft for 10 years now! For the past 4 years or more, It has been my passion and hobby to recreate real life vehicles ingame. I had originally started out with a much smaller scale, but since about 4 years ago, I upsized my builds a little, to allow more detail, and to better distinguish each vehicle from each other.
- Ebsidian
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Member for 2 years, 3 months, and 15 days
Last active Mon, Dec, 11 2023 10:48:40
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Sep 24, 2023DreamWanderer posted a message on New to here. Showing my builds I have been working on for approx 4 years =DPosted in: Show Your Creation
Spruce posted a message on Username Request ChangePosted in: Forum Discussion & InfoLate reply, but name changes can be requested through either the website's support email ([email protected]), or through contacting one of the site admins on the official Discord. They're generally very lenient with these types of support tickets and will most often follow through with your request. This was the case in my experience, at least for me.
Quote from Shadowbird»
Unless something changed, I see that generally name changes can be done only once per user, and as long as the name is available...
I'd prefer if they allowed users to change their own monikers however many times, just with the added feature of the ability to detect and display whether a name is available to use or not at the moment, almost similar to Minecraft account names.
Would be a very much appreciated feature. I'm good with my name now, but I'd much rather have it changed on my own terms than having to contact site support.
ThreeEightius posted a message on Why was Beta 1.7.3 liked so much?Posted in: DiscussionMC beta 1.7 was the last version before they brought in major changes to the survival play style.
Hunger, sprinting, enchantments, bow charging, potion effects, etc. did not exist.
The End did not exist, strongholds, ravines, mineshafts, villages, NPCs did not exist.
The map was relatively simpler, worlds generated with much more unique terrain and floating islands or weird cliffs...
And there were the Farlands!
The list goes on and on about things added after beta 1.7.3 that changed the direction the game is heading. It used to be a simple and peaceful sandbox building game. A lot of people (including myself) feel the game is now too RPG-based. If you ask any random player now what is their goal in the game, most would say "Defeat the dragon" or "Get all the end-game items, enchants, and whatnot". Back in beta 1.7.3 and before, the goal was to build beautiful things and turn your empty land into a nice, unique town, or base, or castle.
Now I know I might receive a lot of hate from people saying "Yeah but you can still build now, it's not like you HAVE to defeat the dragon."
And I would agree. Yes, even with today's versions I can still do most of the stuff I used to do. But there was something special about Minecraft before all this RPG gameplay was added, that made it stand out from other games. Now it's just becoming more and more like any other mainstream game.
Even though beta 1.7.3 was not perfect and had some bugs, the overall gameplay was at its best and Minecraft shined as a unique game. It just went downhill from there.
(Again, this is just my opinion as a veteran from Alpha 1.2.2)
Dread posted a message on Lets see your characters!Only one I've made so far.Posted in: Skins
robotsinmyhead posted a message on Lets see your characters!COW. SUIT.Posted in: Skins
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