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    posted a message on Can't connect to my server.
    Quote from bluelight51

    Whenever I attempt to connect to my server I always getting the connection refused error..blah blah. But, the 25565 port is open my server is running and I have put the correct Ip address in the server.properties file. I have no idea why it isn't working. Anyone have any ideas?

    The Server-IP: field needs to be left blank. The server software automatically detects that information when it starts. If you put any address there besides then no one, not even yourself, will be able to connect to your server. Basic troubleshooting: If you can't connect to your own server, it's not likely your router, as any machine connected to that router wirelessly or directly doesn't need port forwarding.
    Posted in: Legacy Support
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    posted a message on Minecraft crashed!
    Quote from mrbysco

    yesterday in the morning i had the same mod's installed. after he crashed and i tried to fix i think it was: modloader (1.6.6)- audiomod (1.6.6)- Achievement Pages r5 - or more creeps and weirdos!

    but before the crash the game worked correctly!!!!

    If the only thing you have done to a clean Minecraft installation is install those mods, then they are likely the culprit. Play with a clean installation (no mods) for a while and see if it crashes. If it doesn't, then check the instructions for installing them and make sure there isn't a proper order to installation. Also, open up Minecraft.jar with 7zip or WinRAR and delete the META-INF folder if there is one, that can cause crashes when mods are installed. If all else fails, ask the plugin developers.
    Posted in: Legacy Support
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    posted a message on Server unable to start
    Quote from Illidan_Betrayer

    alright i will try this solution when i get back home, ill post updates.

    It has been mentioned in a couple threads that by editing a single block in your world and saving using MCEdit, it may restore functionality. You can try that, if you like.
    Posted in: Legacy Support
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    posted a message on Server unable to start
    Quote from Illidan_Betrayer

    Is it possible to still keep our world if i try out what you suggested? it just too awesome to let go :sad.gif:

    Unfortunately, it may not be possible. Do you keep backups of your world? Some server softwares keep regular backup world folders in compressed files. If not, then you might not have any choice but to start over. One server software, called a 'wrapper', is SimpleServer, which makes a backup of the currently loaded world every half hour, or however often you want to do so. You can find it here: http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic/309373-software-simpleserver-wrapper-810-beta-164/
    Posted in: Legacy Support
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    posted a message on Server unable to start
    Quote from Illidan_Betrayer

    Hey all. So a friend of mine has a Minecraft Server, and one day (2-3 days ago) it just stopped working and is giving this error http://twitpic.com/5mnxc5 .

    So now it won't start, any ideas?

    Here is some additional info :

    *It started on XP, so my friend installed Win 7 hoping that it would get resolved. It didnt :sad.gif:
    *No plugins of any kind are used

    Try making a new world by opening the server properties and editing the "World=" line to something like "World=Test". This will force creation of a new world. That should clear out any problems. Likely this was caused by certain mods or by something interrupting the server in the middle of saving the world.
    Posted in: Legacy Support
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    posted a message on How do you change your members title?
    Quote from Tueman

    "Coal miner,Out of the Water,Diamond Miner" all of that.

    Your title changes based on how many posts you've made. But please don't spam posts. That will get you in trouble.
    Posted in: Legacy Support
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    posted a message on Port Forwarding Question...
    Quote from Jimmy.pl007

    look on your router underneath maybe on top

    Router model numbers are typically found on a white sticker on the bottom of the router, but many models also display the model number along with revision (if applicable) in the browser-based router settings. If you know how to set up port forwarding on your router, you can get there. It's typically on the top of the status page that comes up when you access the router.
    Posted in: Legacy Support
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    posted a message on ATTN: MCRegion Users Upgrading to MC 1.3
    Some have said that allowing single player to convert instead of multiplayer takes care of that, which I find highly suspect, as they are supposed to use the same conversion engine, but I could be wrong. Regardless, beyond this fix which restored about 90% of everybody's work, a couple things were oddly missing (such as my friend's tower on the server, which was complete before a some of the stuff that was restored). This is the only fix I know of currently, and I'm away from home for the moment, so I can't do further testing.
    Posted in: Legacy Support
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    posted a message on ATTN: MCRegion Users Upgrading to MC 1.3
    Bumping for the last time.
    Posted in: Legacy Support
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    posted a message on ATTN: MCRegion Users Upgrading to MC 1.3

    Unfortunately, I'm not a Linux user, so I can't give any instructions for that OS. You could try PMing the creator of the mod, Scaevolus. He'd know if anyone would.
    Posted in: Legacy Support
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    posted a message on ATTN: MCRegion Users Upgrading to MC 1.3
    Bumping to keep current.
    Posted in: Legacy Support
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    posted a message on ATTN: MCRegion Users Upgrading to MC 1.3
    No problem, I'm a computer tech, so helping people comes naturally. Have fun!
    Posted in: Legacy Support
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    posted a message on ATTN: MCRegion Users Upgrading to MC 1.3
    Okay, first of all, make sure that none of the folders in your directory path have spaces in their names, as that will throw the program off. Second, make sure that you're targeting the save correctly. You want to target the save directory, which by default should be a folder called "world" or "world2" or something like that. Assuming it's in the default location, that would be: C:\Documents and Settings\<usernamehere>\appData\.minecraft\saves\world

    So essentially, the command would be, at a command prompt: java -jar RegionTool.jar unpack <directorywheresaveis>

    Also, you may need to change the directory to wherever your RegionTool.jar is. You'd start at C:\Documents and Settings\<usernamehere>, so first, if you put it on another drive, you'd need to navigate to it by typing the drive letter and a colon, like this: C: or D:

    Then use the "cd" command followed by the directory where you put the file. Then follow the instructions laid out previously. Does that help?
    Posted in: Legacy Support
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    posted a message on minecraft 1.3 betA UPDATE TEXTURE PACK
    Quote from imarshal521 »
    no u keep ur caps under control. i typed so fast i didnt even realize i accidently pressed cap locks. geez

    Have fun fixing your own problems then.
    Posted in: Legacy Support
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    posted a message on ATTN: MCRegion Users Upgrading to MC 1.3
    ATTENTION: Minecraft does NOT recognize previous versions of McRegion used with 1.2_02 and below, and will not convert anything you have done past its installation and use. To prevent loss of world data (and hard work) you MUST unpack the regions created by MCRegion using the tool offered here: http://mod.ifies.com/f/110106/RegionTool.jar

    Place it wherever you feel like, it doesn't matter.

    Now, open a command prompt (as administrator in Vista/7) and navigate to the directory you placed the tool in. Then type the following: java -jar RegionTool.jar unpack X:\<filepath>

    "X" is the drive letter, <filepath> is where the actual save folder is. In my case, the save I was using for my server is located at D:\Games\IndieGames\Minecraft\SimpleServer\World2. So I would have used "java -jar RegionTool.jar unpack D:\Games\IndieGames\Minecraft\SimpleServer\World2. It will run the process and then you can convert the world normally through Minecraft 1.3, keeping all your previous work.

    The reason this happens is because after you install McRegion, any changes you make are packed and converted on the fly to the new format. Minecraft does not recognize this as of yet, and thus will only convert the files it recognizes from previous vanilla installs. Using this tool unpacks McRegion saves to the vanilla format again, allowing a successful conversion.

    If you have already converted your world, this may not work, as Minecraft may delete unrecognized data during the conversion process. Therefore, you will need to restore your world from a backup, use the tool to unpack it, then load the world to make Minecraft convert it.

    Feel free to PM me if you have difficulties and I'll try my best to help you.
    Posted in: Legacy Support
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