This is a new and small server running the main plugin of ExtraHardMode. Please feel free to join and bring friends
There is a small town starting to form already. WorldEdit, WorldGuard, and SimpleRegionMarket are being used for this town. Land can be purchased out side of the town but the furthur away you get from the town (as it is the spawn town) the more expensive it will be per block
There is a small store that will be growing soon. There is a mansion out there is you can find it its yours. This is not a pvp server, but there will be a period of war every so after between towns (if more than one is ever built)
IP =
As far as buying land away from the spawn town if goes as follow:
You find a nice spot.
Per 100 blocks away from the border of the nearest town the cost is 1.3 times higer so only a 30% increase in cost.
After the initial claim you can then purchase additional land for houses that must be clearly marked. These new plots for houses will be at a normal cost seeing the nearest town is right there XD
Modding the Server
Always looking for new ideas for plugins to inhance the game and possibly mods
I give the permissions
Do not ask for it
There are few but, do not grief.
Do not beg for mod/admin
Swearing at a minimum
This server is a Feed The Beast mod pack server, utilizing the Universal Electricity mod pack.
The server will run for exactly one week from today (1-30-13) and then restart. This is due to the fact that this is an explosives server and the world will be ridiculously destroyed by the end.
This is a team work server. Four teams (Red, Green, Blue, and Black) enter the world and a victor will be decided on day seven.
Victory conditions are as such:
1. Destroy/Intercept at least 20 missiles that are directed at your team on the final day. (all if less than 20 missiles sent)
2. Build and Maintain a base with 100 blocks of the Bedrock pillar marking the teams base location. This base must be above ground no exceptions.
3. Have the most remaining missiles by the end of the last day. (make sure to use yours or people will destroy them or steal them.)
The winner will be judged by the admins after the final battle (day). Each one of the above is worth 20 points to your score. The following are other ways to earn points.
Build a player defense system (like walls, mines, ect...) - 2 points
Build and save one of each missile type - 6 points
Have a working power grid within your team - 4 points
Attack an enemy base when the other team has at least 5 members online - 0.5 points for failure 5 points for success.
Defend an enemy Attack when they attack with at least 3 members - 0.5 for failure 5 for success.
Make a nuclear reactor - 4 points
Make 4 hazmat suits - 1 point
Have the whole team wear the same colored leather armor on the final day - 10 points
You can attack and score points once per day. You can score defense points three times a day (one per team)
Scouting missions are legal.
Stealing from other teams is legal.
Stealing from your own team or posing as a different team is illegal.
Keep Swearing to a minimum.
Work together (if on the same team) as this is a team effort to win.IP address is
sorry forgot to add itThis is open just try to even out the teams, later in the servers life there will be a system but as of now there is none.
My server is currently hosted off my home computer. If you try and like the server or even like the idea but it lags to much (if at all it doesn't lag as far as i know but i have only had 5 people on a past server at one time) please please please please donate to [email protected]
DO NOT ASK TO BE ADMIN. This will result in 2 warnings then banned. If i think you should be admin i will approach you about it not vice versa.
Donating will get you some perks but please read on for them.
This server i have dubbed the name FreeTownCraft. There is no hamachi needed!
It has a physical currency system. It does have essentials economy only because it is built into essentials. You can get money there but it will do nothing but sit in waste as there is no way to redeem items with said money, so physical trading of items is what you will have to do.
It is free build with no protections. The only protection you will get is what you can provide for your house/town/city whatever! It will make it a lot harder to gain and keep your resources encouraging creative minds to use them and sell their minds to build defences for other people's stuff.
There is currently a world border set at 750 block radius from the spawn. This is so my computer does not crash when playing.
Unfortunatly as it is hosted from my computer it will be off about half the day. I try to keep it up as long as possible though it is normally on from around 6:20 to 10:00 eastern time on week days for sure it may be on the whole night if i leave it up or stay up late. It will be up basically all day on weekends.
$1 Donator:
10x10x10 plot protected land
10 diamonds
$10 Donator:
15x15x30 plot protected land (the 30 is 15 blocks deep 15 blocks tall)
20 steaks
32 diamonds
64 gold ingots
64 redstone dust x3
Full Diamond tool set
$20 Donator:
30x30x60 plot protected land (the 60 is 30 blocks deep 30 blocks tall)
64 Steaks
64 Diamonds
64 Gold Ingots x2
64 Sedstone Dust x6
Full Diamond Tool Set
Full Diamond Armor Set
what donators recive is generic and can be negotiated. Just email [email protected]
Please email your name, email adress, and amount donated to recive your benifits. Send this to [email protected]
Hello this is probably my 4th minecraft server. Two of which never went public and one that had about ten different people on it before it got it come down with a serious case of grief.
The plan is to eventually have the server an RPG server but mainly right now im looking for help building and laying down roads setting up towns.
I encourage other players that are not interested in the above to join also just keep in mind that the server will be updating plugins and will be changing a ton over the next couple weeks.
this is a cracked server so you must create a password and login when you want to play on the server. This is done by the following commands:
/setpassword {password}
/login {password}
and optional
/safeip {password} (makes it to where the current computer never has to login in again unless I reload the server)
I have changed the mods a little due to some of them not working right.
Heroes is currently Installed!!!!! Unfortunatly only three classes installed, Dwarf, Elf and Human. More are to come though and all suggestions are welcome.
MCTowns is now gone also. In its place is a mod call HeroStronghold. It is very similar to MCTowns and Towny (My old server) but instead of starting the town then building, you build and then claim it as a town. A suggestion is getting people to help Protect your town while it is under construction. It is a new mod and I am still learning about it but so far everything runs smooth.
I have also installed the Mod Gods. It allows players to believe in a god and that god will bless them if they stay within the rule of their religion, and curse them if they don't.
IpLock is installed, you must create a password upon joining by typing /setpassword {yourpasswordhere} then type (optional) /safeip {yourpassword} and you won't have to log in again unless the server reloads.
IConomy is installed, and thats it for the Mods.
Remember this is a very new server and will need some time to get going full force. I am looking for members to help me build (no creative mode)
The IP is as follows:
also this is not a 24 hour server. A few days of the each week it will be though.
its down around 2am-10am eastern time (im asleep then and i have to give my computer a break) also i have had problems with it recently and have been shutting it off constantly and updating it and making it run smooth
Hello I just created a server with towny, iconomy, and simpleregionsmarket more will come if requested and the server becomes popular. Currently 1 town, the default town everyone joins called "Capital". There is another area of houses off in the distance where you can purchase pre-built houses and farm a plot of about 80 wheat, maybe less. The nether and the end are enabled. Pvp is on in the wilderness but off by default in towns (only the registered ones are safe).
If pvp becomes a problem i will shut it off and have set days for pvp and wars between nations (all towns are by default fair game, only nations can pay a neutral fee, during war)
Please join my server for nice people and fun! It is currently set to a 20 member limit but i am willing to increase if it become popular enough.
Hello I just created a server with towny, iconomy, and simpleregionsmarket more will come if requested and the server becomes popular. Currently 1 town, the default town everyone joins called "Capital". There is another area of houses off in the distance where you can purchase pre-built houses and farm a plot of about 80 wheat. The nether and the end are enabled. Pvp is on in the wilderness but off by default in towns.
if pvp becomes a problem i will shut it off and have set days for pvp and wars between nations (all towns are by default fair game, only nations can pay a neutral fee, during war)
Please join my server for nice people and fun! It is currently set to a 20 member limit but i am willing to increase if it become popular enough.
My IP is (you may have to add :25565 after the ip)
My email is [email protected]
Feel free to email with compliments and suggestions
I need help building my world from the ground up. First though i have to see if you can actually get on and work out any kinks that might go along with login.
There is a small town starting to form already. WorldEdit, WorldGuard, and SimpleRegionMarket are being used for this town. Land can be purchased out side of the town but the furthur away you get from the town (as it is the spawn town) the more expensive it will be per block
There is a small store that will be growing soon. There is a mansion out there is you can find it its yours. This is not a pvp server, but there will be a period of war every so after between towns (if more than one is ever built)
IP =
As far as buying land away from the spawn town if goes as follow:
You find a nice spot.
Per 100 blocks away from the border of the nearest town the cost is 1.3 times higer so only a 30% increase in cost.
After the initial claim you can then purchase additional land for houses that must be clearly marked. These new plots for houses will be at a normal cost seeing the nearest town is right there XD
Modding the Server
Always looking for new ideas for plugins to inhance the game and possibly mods
I give the permissions
Do not ask for it
There are few but, do not grief.
Do not beg for mod/admin
Swearing at a minimum
This server is a Feed The Beast mod pack server, utilizing the Universal Electricity mod pack.
The server will run for exactly one week from today (1-30-13) and then restart. This is due to the fact that this is an explosives server and the world will be ridiculously destroyed by the end.
This is a team work server. Four teams (Red, Green, Blue, and Black) enter the world and a victor will be decided on day seven.
Victory conditions are as such:
1. Destroy/Intercept at least 20 missiles that are directed at your team on the final day. (all if less than 20 missiles sent)
2. Build and Maintain a base with 100 blocks of the Bedrock pillar marking the teams base location. This base must be above ground no exceptions.
3. Have the most remaining missiles by the end of the last day. (make sure to use yours or people will destroy them or steal them.)
The winner will be judged by the admins after the final battle (day). Each one of the above is worth 20 points to your score. The following are other ways to earn points.
Build a player defense system (like walls, mines, ect...) - 2 points
Build and save one of each missile type - 6 points
Have a working power grid within your team - 4 points
Attack an enemy base when the other team has at least 5 members online - 0.5 points for failure 5 points for success.
Defend an enemy Attack when they attack with at least 3 members - 0.5 for failure 5 for success.
Make a nuclear reactor - 4 points
Make 4 hazmat suits - 1 point
Have the whole team wear the same colored leather armor on the final day - 10 points
You can attack and score points once per day. You can score defense points three times a day (one per team)
Scouting missions are legal.
Stealing from other teams is legal.
Stealing from your own team or posing as a different team is illegal.
Keep Swearing to a minimum.
Work together (if on the same team) as this is a team effort to win.IP address is
sorry forgot to add itThis is open just try to even out the teams, later in the servers life there will be a system but as of now there is none.
Its a server with a max of 60 people. Currently its just myself and a few friends. I would like to expand the user base as much as possible.
Now RUunning FEED THE BEAST. This is the mindcrack version for minecraft 1.4.5!
Please join and find out.
Online mode only.
Do not ask for admin or mod. I will ban you forever.
The Ip is:
My server is currently hosted off my home computer. If you try and like the server or even like the idea but it lags to much (if at all it doesn't lag as far as i know but i have only had 5 people on a past server at one time) please please please please donate to [email protected]
DO NOT ASK TO BE ADMIN. This will result in 2 warnings then banned. If i think you should be admin i will approach you about it not vice versa.
Donating will get you some perks but please read on for them.
This server i have dubbed the name FreeTownCraft. There is no hamachi needed!
It has a physical currency system. It does have essentials economy only because it is built into essentials. You can get money there but it will do nothing but sit in waste as there is no way to redeem items with said money, so physical trading of items is what you will have to do.
It is free build with no protections. The only protection you will get is what you can provide for your house/town/city whatever! It will make it a lot harder to gain and keep your resources encouraging creative minds to use them and sell their minds to build defences for other people's stuff.
There is currently a world border set at 750 block radius from the spawn. This is so my computer does not crash when playing.
Unfortunatly as it is hosted from my computer it will be off about half the day. I try to keep it up as long as possible though
$1 Donator:
10x10x10 plot protected land
10 diamonds
$5 Donator:
15x15x15 plot protected land
15 steaks
10 diamonds
15 gold ingots
$10 Donator:
15x15x30 plot protected land (the 30 is 15 blocks deep 15 blocks tall)
20 steaks
32 diamonds
64 gold ingots
64 redstone dust x3
Full Diamond tool set
$20 Donator:
30x30x60 plot protected land (the 60 is 30 blocks deep 30 blocks tall)
64 Steaks
64 Diamonds
64 Gold Ingots x2
64 Sedstone Dust x6
Full Diamond Tool Set
Full Diamond Armor Set
what donators recive is generic and can be negotiated. Just email [email protected]
Please email your name, email adress, and amount donated to recive your benifits. Send this to [email protected]
The plan is to eventually have the server an RPG server but mainly right now im looking for help building and laying down roads setting up towns.
I encourage other players that are not interested in the above to join also just keep in mind that the server will be updating plugins and will be changing a ton over the next couple weeks.
this is a cracked server so you must create a password and login when you want to play on the server. This is done by the following commands:
/setpassword {password}
/login {password}
and optional
/safeip {password} (makes it to where the current computer never has to login in again unless I reload the server)
The ip address is
Hello All!
I have changed the mods a little due to some of them not working right.
Heroes is currently Installed!!!!! Unfortunatly only three classes installed, Dwarf, Elf and Human. More are to come though and all suggestions are welcome.
MCTowns is now gone also. In its place is a mod call HeroStronghold. It is very similar to MCTowns and Towny (My old server) but instead of starting the town then building, you build and then claim it as a town. A suggestion is getting people to help Protect your town while it is under construction. It is a new mod and I am still learning about it but so far everything runs smooth.
I have also installed the Mod Gods. It allows players to believe in a god and that god will bless them if they stay within the rule of their religion, and curse them if they don't.
IpLock is installed, you must create a password upon joining by typing /setpassword {yourpasswordhere} then type (optional) /safeip {yourpassword} and you won't have to log in again unless the server reloads.
IConomy is installed, and thats it for the Mods.
Remember this is a very new server and will need some time to get going full force. I am looking for members to help me build (no creative mode)
The IP is as follows:
also this is not a 24 hour server. A few days of the each week it will be though.
it should work now
If pvp becomes a problem i will shut it off and have set days for pvp and wars between nations (all towns are by default fair game, only nations can pay a neutral fee, during war)
Please join my server for nice people and fun! It is currently set to a 20 member limit but i am willing to increase if it become popular enough.
My IP is
My email is [email protected]
Feel free to email with suggestions
p.s. remember the server is for all of you! I want you to have fun. Anything already built is to help the world get going!
if pvp becomes a problem i will shut it off and have set days for pvp and wars between nations (all towns are by default fair game, only nations can pay a neutral fee, during war)
Please join my server for nice people and fun! It is currently set to a 20 member limit but i am willing to increase if it become popular enough.
My IP is (you may have to add :25565 after the ip)
My email is [email protected]
Feel free to email with compliments and suggestions
If you are interested please email me at [email protected]
my ip is
port is 25565
Um no Please email me your minecraft username. I activate whitelist
It shouldn't please email me at [email protected]