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    posted a message on Add Orcas (Killer Whales) to Minecraft!

    I've been playing MineCraft for a very long time. I started playing when I was a kid back in 2011 and have always had ideas and suggestions but none am I more passionate than this one. With the fairly recent 1.13 release Mojang added Dolphins to MineCraft. Never has my idea been closer to fruition. With this update it gave life to the mainly dull ocean biome. This was amazing for me because with the addition of dolphins it seemed like with just a few model changes and code changes that Orcas could be in there as well. I really hope that this is the right sub reddit to post in because my MineCraft dreams would be complete with the addition of Orcas lol. I have taken the liberty of trying to model a Orca that could mabye be used. It's nothing spectacular, just a recreation of the already implemented dolphin but with a texture change and the removal of the nose. I had used it in a MineCraft mod I made a few months back and posted on Minecraft Forum. The mod is nothing crazy, no natural spawning and they are currently land mobs but I wanted to try my hand at it in hops that it shows my dedication to this idea.



    I was thinking that they could spawn naturally in the deep ocean and that they would hunt the other ocean mobs because Orcas are known to eat everything in the ocean and they are the top of the food chain(even known to hunt sharks!) They would spawn in every ocean biome because they are found in every part of the ocean around the world! The drops for the Orcas would be raw fish with maybe even some lucky drops such as raw pufferfish. You might think Orcas dropping puffer fish is weird but dolphins (which Orcas are dolphins) have been known to eat pufferfish intentionally to get high off of their toxin.


    Orcas health will reflect that of a doplhin's, Orcas are just big (and beautiful dolphins). That's why I think Orcas should have 15 health and do 3 damage on easy, 5 damage on medium, and 7 on hard.


    Orcas are the kings of the sea but that does not mean that they are aggressive creatures. There has never been a recorded attack of a wild Orca on a human being. The only attacks that have ever happened are the attacks at SeaWorld where they are kept in captivity when they should be wild. This is the reason that I think Orcas should behavior very similar to dogs where they are passive creatures until they are attacked.


    Only a thought but I was thinking that you could maybe tame Orcas with raw fish and be able to ride them. This is obviously based on the real life Orcas in Seaworld(yes, I know sad but MineCraft is only a videogame lol). So taming Orcas is not too far out of an idea. The fact that the only real way to get across oceans fast is with a boat so I thought it might be an interesting idea to have a ride-able mob in the ocean. Please let me know your thoughts and if you have any suggestions to further the development of this idea please let me know!

    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on WiccaMod

    Those textures look amazing! You should eventually release it publicly. I mean it can't hurt and I'm sure people will use it.

    Posted in: WIP Mods
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    posted a message on Looking for a group of people to play with
    Hey there Agent. If you are looking for a good community come and join SoulFire Gaming. We are currently a small community as we just started. You joining and staying could be very beneficial to our growth and I hope you come and join us for the ride. We do not have Skype for everyone but, we do have a public teamspeak for you to come and talk with us!

    Ip : Play.SoulFire-Gaming.com

    TS: Voice.SoulFire-Gaming.com:1121

    My Name: [Helper] Frostdr4gon2

    You start as a guest. To rank up to member, post you username here. http://TinyUrl.com/SoulFire-Apply/
    Posted in: Server Recruitment
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    posted a message on [1.7.4]Orca Kingdoms![Need Staff][Factions][FloAuction][Paintball][Race Games][IConomy]
    Orca Kingdoms!

    Looking for Staff!

    Come on the server to apply for staff!

    No whitelist so come play today!


    Orca Kingdoms is a server that needs active members. We have tons of things for you to do on the server. Not looking to play survival we have PlotMe! Looking to play a mini game with your friends we have paintball and race games!
    Posted in: PC Servers
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    posted a message on Orca Mod
    Orca Mod!
    Not Started

    Orca Ore
    Orca Fragment
    Orca Piece
    Ultimate Diamond Block

    And more to come.

    Stay tuned for updates
    Posted in: WIP Mods
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    posted a message on [12w21b] Seed Showcase: Desert NPC Village and Pyramid + Desert Well!
    :Diamond: :Diamond: :Diamond: :Diamond: :Diamond: :Diamond: :Diamond: :Diamond: :Diamond: :Diamond: :Diamond: :Diamond: :Diamond: :Diamond: :Diamond: :Diamond: :Diamond: :Diamond: :Diamond: :Diamond: :Diamond: :Diamond: :Diamond: :Diamond: :Diamond: :Diamond: :Diamond: :Diamond: :Diamond: :Diamond: :Diamond: :Diamond: :Diamond: :Diamond: :Diamond:
    Posted in: Seeds
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    posted a message on Minecraft Coder Pack Help?
    That is becuase you have to download it here

    Posted in: Mods Discussion
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    posted a message on 4x4 door map!
    Here is the mdeafire link

    Posted in: Maps
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