Quote from Sacheverell
Creeper Plushie!
Here's another way to celebrate the big man - one of his iconic creations in plush form! What started as a slightly misshapen pig model would later become one of the most recognizable monsters in the world, the creeper! Everyone loves this combustible companion, so why not consider getting this creeper plush by J!NX? Head on over to their store and check it out - click here!
Must Have. ughhhhhhhhh! (Zombie Duh)
I'm not too familiar with Realms but I'm pretty sure for like a regular vanilla minecraft server there is an option in the server.properties that enables command blocks. Maybe this is the issue?
The lighting on the buildings at night is spectacular!
So I've dabbled in Minecraft Modding in the past and just recently decided to give it another shot. I've watched and read a few tutorials about Key Binding and while trying to add a feature to armor that would allow you to change flight speed I've encountered a problem that I've looked around for some answers but haven't been able to find anything specific to my needs.
When using my Key Binding array in an IF statement whenever a game is loaded with the armor on I recieve a crash with the reason being a NPE and it points to my IF statement. I've attached the crash and the code in question and maybe someone who knows better will be able to help me out! If you need to see more code or have a question about the code or crash just lmk!
Crash Report:
Again any help is appreciated!
Edit: Forgot to mention that I'm coding for Minecraft 1.12
Would love to see some more information about the blocks you've added. But I always love to see new modders get into the community! Hope you keep up with this project!
I run two servers called OrcaCraft and I'm looking for youtubers. Contact me on discord for more information if you are interested. Frost#5597
Two thoughts about the discussion so far. 1. I don't think that any additions to Minecraft would have any noticeable impact on the real world. 2. The discussion has kinda shifted away from Orcas into sharks! Lol
Thanks for the link. I know they have moved on from sea creatures for the time being but hopefully they will return to it in the future!
I always have loved the addition of ambient mobs to Minecraft. I was happy with the addition of polar bears and bats. The snow biomes and caves always seemed quite dull to me. And to answer your question about Orcas being on the endangered species list, they are not considered endangered due to lack of data on their numbers.
I was just throwing that idea out there. It just thought of a good addition to me because of the fact that the only way getting across oceans is the plain boats that have been around since early Beta. If they weren't tamable I would love to see an overhaul of the boats in Minecraft!
Thanks for the reply! Yeah it wouldn't be a hard addition at all! I mean for the model all you'd have to do is remove the bottle nose from the dolphin. And also Orcas are dolphins as well! Their name can be misleading but they are just big dolphins!
Oh I didn't even realize this was the case. Would love a link to the wiki page you are refering to!
Thanks for the feedback! I added some information regarding your questions!
I've been playing MineCraft for a very long time. I started playing when I was a kid back in 2011 and have always had ideas and suggestions but none am I more passionate than this one. With the fairly recent 1.13 release Mojang added Dolphins to MineCraft. Never has my idea been closer to fruition. With this update it gave life to the mainly dull ocean biome. This was amazing for me because with the addition of dolphins it seemed like with just a few model changes and code changes that Orcas could be in there as well. I really hope that this is the right sub reddit to post in because my MineCraft dreams would be complete with the addition of Orcas lol. I have taken the liberty of trying to model a Orca that could mabye be used. It's nothing spectacular, just a recreation of the already implemented dolphin but with a texture change and the removal of the nose. I had used it in a MineCraft mod I made a few months back and posted on Minecraft Forum. The mod is nothing crazy, no natural spawning and they are currently land mobs but I wanted to try my hand at it in hops that it shows my dedication to this idea.
I was thinking that they could spawn naturally in the deep ocean and that they would hunt the other ocean mobs because Orcas are known to eat everything in the ocean and they are the top of the food chain(even known to hunt sharks!) They would spawn in every ocean biome because they are found in every part of the ocean around the world! The drops for the Orcas would be raw fish with maybe even some lucky drops such as raw pufferfish. You might think Orcas dropping puffer fish is weird but dolphins (which Orcas are dolphins) have been known to eat pufferfish intentionally to get high off of their toxin.
Orcas health will reflect that of a doplhin's, Orcas are just big (and beautiful dolphins). That's why I think Orcas should have 15 health and do 3 damage on easy, 5 damage on medium, and 7 on hard.
Orcas are the kings of the sea but that does not mean that they are aggressive creatures. There has never been a recorded attack of a wild Orca on a human being. The only attacks that have ever happened are the attacks at SeaWorld where they are kept in captivity when they should be wild. This is the reason that I think Orcas should behavior very similar to dogs where they are passive creatures until they are attacked.
Only a thought but I was thinking that you could maybe tame Orcas with raw fish and be able to ride them. This is obviously based on the real life Orcas in Seaworld(yes, I know sad but MineCraft is only a videogame lol). So taming Orcas is not too far out of an idea. The fact that the only real way to get across oceans fast is with a boat so I thought it might be an interesting idea to have a ride-able mob in the ocean. Please let me know your thoughts and if you have any suggestions to further the development of this idea please let me know!
Loved the application. Add me on discord Frost#5597
Sorry, were looking for someone who is a little older and has a little more plugin experience to help manage the server, not to mention your application was a little light. However, be sure to stay tuned as when we go for official release we will be looking for some helpers.
Check your DMs
Thanks for the Application. I would love to see more experience with plugins. I'm sorry but for now as the server is just being set-up I'm looking for some variety in plugin experience. We also don't use PEX. We use group manager.
Hey guys. My name is Thomas and I'm looking to start a factions server. This server is in the very early stages of developement but if I want this server to be what I hope to be I can't do it alone. I'm looking for some very experienced Minecraft players to help me along this journey. I've got a lot of the barebones down but hoping for some administrative and testing help. Looking for people that are experienced not only with the game but also the server management part of it. If you think you fit the part be sure to leave a response!
If you have any questions be sure to ask me. I'll be checking this thread often so just leave a reply and I'll be sure to answer you.
If you like what you have read, please fill out an application. If you notice, we have put a lot of effort into creating a great community atmosphere, and so we will only be accepting great applications. Spend a little bit of time on it! I promise it will be worth the effort.
A great applicant will follow these guidelines:
- Be yourself, tell us about yourself.
- Got a Youtube channel? Link it!
- Show us you want to have fun and play Minecraft and you’ll have a solid app.
A terrible applicant will read these guidelines:
- One word answers and personality-free applications will be denied.
- Players that apply to 3 servers a day or several servers week will be denied.
- People with shady ban histories will be denied.
- People that are found to be lying in their application will be denied.
- People that can’t be bothered to punctuate or spell check their application will be denied.
Application Form: