In light of recent events, I've decided to re-open this project for its well third time. My hopes are that this continues to bring in new content creators and allows many already working directors to collaborate with the community. All previous policies/regulations stick, good luck!
It's a social thing. I love making friends on the internet, but I still need that human connection. It's embedded into me, I don't like texting or calling people when I could actually be in their presence, look them in the eyes and so forth. Well that's just me I'm sure others have difficulty with anxiety, they share different views or generally just don't like contact on a physical standpoint. DarthTrogo hit the nail on the head, you bond with them so well since there's a mutual love for something. Surely it's a lot harder to find because sometimes people are so damned hard to please and/or read.
How should I go about collaborating? I don't really have any friends... Oh and can you go more in detail about contracts? I have no clue what you are talking about... Do you mean like signing with machinima or something other than just being independent?
You know, networking, stuff like that? It's alright if you don't have much friends. Luckily they always come! Start talking to other YouTubers or ask here aswell, see if anyone wants to make content with you within your demographic. And yes contracts like Machinima and all the networks like maker studios, rev3 games, TGN, and so forth. Sometimes you'll be binded in horrendous contracts that leave your adsense account (how you make money) locked to the network and your intellectual property becomes theirs.
Look through it and if you even smell something off you ask about it. I was a affiliate scout so I'd contact channels without a network, arrange an interview of some sort and I'd discuss the reality of YouTube. Sometimes you'll find more or less shady characters who are willing to go each and every step of the way. Lastly explore your opportunities. If you're not being offered something good you might aswell monetize your videos and manage your own adsense and see how far you get off without network resources.
I've been a content creator for Machinima since late 2009 and I can tell you, from the posts I've read 99% of them are right. Being a content creator you deal with the ups and downs, the fads, the randomness of community and lastly the business aspect of it. I'd like to go ahead and give my 2 cents if you'd oblige me with it and I'll break it down to give you some insight from a man who has been doing this for a long long time.
I run my own channel but a couple of flagship channels under their network.
It's always about the money. I do not want to hear anyone here who has "made" it on YouTube tell you otherwise. YouTube is all about opportunity, you may like making content (i.e lets plays, reviews, random stuff, etc). Would you do your current job for free? Chances are that's a flat out no with little to no hesitation.
For YouTubers was or is about making content for many reasons, money included. A majority of the people who I worked with as an affiliate scout and a Director either had no experience and created content for personal reasons at the start of their career. Making videos for their family, a funny cat video, a random gameplay video. It always starts somewhere and for many it's all about opportunity. Leads to my next point.
Consider YouTube a free market. Opportunists can venture into YouTube with an open mind (or you're doomed from the start) and make as much as they put in. If you make good quality videos, with high production value, an audience, scheduled content and an open personality you'll be fine.
If you're in there for money chances are no one will like your stuff because they'll know it right off the bat. If you're looking for a couple of pointers I'll leave you with this.
Have patience. 99% chance you won't hit your demographic or your fanbase automatically
Be ready to allocate some money for your investment.
Read your contracts and make sure if you're under aged to inform and get your parents involved. If any legal issues occur and they don't know. You're screwing THEM and YOURSELF.
Don't negotiate your first contract deal. Renegotiate second for CPM rates.
Make good content that you'd personally watch or no one will watch it. Period.
Be optimistic and have a personality.
Any more questions or concerns? Let me know. I'm always here to help!
Inventory is all about allocating resources properly. Having the ability to add a filled chest into your inventory simply breaks the concept of it. Not supporting. Maybe ask a modder!
I personally don't mind the change, it's added so much metagame to the - well game! At the end of the day the game was made by the players in theory, so by saying that you should already know that it won't exactly appeal to everybody. I enjoy the game, mods spruce it up when it gets boring and lastly, the fact that they still update it gives me hope I could suggest something that might help the game better for me and my demographic.
In this case, you could recommend some stuff and see if it's supported enough to see an implementation happen. And as far as community goes, don't let the trolls phase you. It's the internet!
Its been, what, 6 months since the last release? And all we get are bug fixes and a feature ripped from mods (Ender Chest)? Bug fixes that somehow caused even more bugs...
I can understand people's excitement, but this isn't the process we were promised when we spent money on the game. The most game-changing thing added since the game's official release almost a year ago is jungles. We bought this game half-completed, they took our money promising a whole and complete game with features they will probably never add.
I'm not unhappy, but I certainly won't be praising a group who clearly abandoned their project in favor of making money elsewhere. This herd mentality of "every comment is joy" while being nearly spat on by the devs doesn't make me feel like singing Beetles tunes, that's for sure.
I hope Notch is setting aside most of his money, I don't think he will have this kind of luck again with any of his side-projects and the MC well will run dry.
Just think: They spent all this time trying to release a more efficient and stable game while Optifine and similar teams have been on the job putting out damn-near weekly releases to squeeze out the best from a cluster**** rendering system.
You purchased a game because you wanted to play it. Admit it. You purchased it willingly knowing that Mojang at the time was a small team. Today they are still small so when they update Minecraft it's to improve the game mechanics, not add all these uber duper features and keep the game from looking polished. In my eyes this new build is stable, and I'm content with what they push out. Eventually they'll get the game they and the community like and then they'll add on to it.
Notch hasn't "abandoned" anyone. He left the team to pursue other projects, after all Mojang isn't just Minecraft. He left Minecraft because he's done all he could and left it to a team that is capable of taking it to new heights. Think you could do better? Make your own game than buddy. Have people donate to your cause and with all seriousness, go ahead and try.
You know, networking, stuff like that? It's alright if you don't have much friends. Luckily they always come! Start talking to other YouTubers or ask here aswell, see if anyone wants to make content with you within your demographic. And yes contracts like Machinima and all the networks like maker studios, rev3 games, TGN, and so forth. Sometimes you'll be binded in horrendous contracts that leave your adsense account (how you make money) locked to the network and your intellectual property becomes theirs.
Look through it and if you even smell something off you ask about it. I was a affiliate scout so I'd contact channels without a network, arrange an interview of some sort and I'd discuss the reality of YouTube. Sometimes you'll find more or less shady characters who are willing to go each and every step of the way. Lastly explore your opportunities. If you're not being offered something good you might aswell monetize your videos and manage your own adsense and see how far you get off without network resources.
I run my own channel but a couple of flagship channels under their network.
It's always about the money. I do not want to hear anyone here who has "made" it on YouTube tell you otherwise. YouTube is all about opportunity, you may like making content (i.e lets plays, reviews, random stuff, etc). Would you do your current job for free? Chances are that's a flat out no with little to no hesitation.
For YouTubers was or is about making content for many reasons, money included. A majority of the people who I worked with as an affiliate scout and a Director either had no experience and created content for personal reasons at the start of their career. Making videos for their family, a funny cat video, a random gameplay video. It always starts somewhere and for many it's all about opportunity. Leads to my next point.
Consider YouTube a free market. Opportunists can venture into YouTube with an open mind (or you're doomed from the start) and make as much as they put in. If you make good quality videos, with high production value, an audience, scheduled content and an open personality you'll be fine.
If you're in there for money chances are no one will like your stuff because they'll know it right off the bat. If you're looking for a couple of pointers I'll leave you with this.
Any more questions or concerns? Let me know. I'm always here to help!
I personally don't mind the change, it's added so much metagame to the - well game! At the end of the day the game was made by the players in theory, so by saying that you should already know that it won't exactly appeal to everybody. I enjoy the game, mods spruce it up when it gets boring and lastly, the fact that they still update it gives me hope I could suggest something that might help the game better for me and my demographic.
In this case, you could recommend some stuff and see if it's supported enough to see an implementation happen. And as far as community goes, don't let the trolls phase you. It's the internet!