Granted, but the binary cake was al lie, so you ripped all of your skin off, so you have to go to the hospital and you have to watch the same episode of Dora the Explorer all day, every day for all of eternity.
I get bored of being dead so i give everyone cake. But the cake is a lie and everyone dies once apgain fro it. Then i jump in a manhole and i telepOrt in front of everyone for some reason.
Dunchaxman is in the lead
I'm wearing sperm whale repellent, so that doent affect me. Then i do a backfip in flont of everyone and i land on my pet flying ostrich named expresso.
The cell phone gets a call, which causes it to vibrate, and it bounces over to the matchbox. It vibrates so much, it lights all if the matches at once, and they explode( if your unlucky enough, this can actually happen.) the explosion knocks over the rope, which falls in the cup of water, causing it to overflow into a electrial outlet and electrifying the water. The elevator comes in, and the man comes in and picks up the coins roloing down the hallway. Then the water spills on the ground, still electrified.
The next poster needs to use
A toy car
A shoe
A poster
A bseball bat
A popcorn Bowl thingy
On this topic thing you name a nonexistent block and give it a (really) random "use."
My block- rainbow
If you mine this block, it explodes into double rainbows that are so intense it destroys the map. And it can ony be mined with leaf pickaxes.
I Wish that i was falling into an active volcano
Dunchaxman is in the lead
I wish i had a super nice pet Panda
Dunchaxman is i the lead.
Cheese = awesome
The next poster needs to use
A toy car
A shoe
A poster
A bseball bat
A popcorn Bowl thingy
John is listening to music
John is in an immovable invincible cardboard box with air conditioning
John is playing dance dance revolution.
My block- rainbow
If you mine this block, it explodes into double rainbows that are so intense it destroys the map. And it can ony be mined with leaf pickaxes.