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    posted a message on this is what i paid money for?
    im sure there are 1000 different things that can be done to make mc run faster. but why should i have to do any of them? why cant i just buy a regular computer, download minecraft, download java, and play the game without lagging out whenever i try fighting any mobs? my computer runs starcraft 2 just fine, i can get into huge battles with the AI involving hundreds of units, and experiance only minimal delay. and i can play MMORPG's involving thousands of players at the same time and only experiance lag in busiy areas. so why is it that a simple game like minecraft, with pixelated graphics and fancy effects turned off, become virtually unplayable whenever i get into combat with just 1 mob? its clearly because of very inneficiant programming. And every update is like another stab in the back because they keep adding useless crap instead of fixing thier existing code. it was not a problem when i first bought the game in alpha because i figured "no way they will release the game when it runs this slowly!". the minecraft staff owes it to us to update the game so that it runs correctly on average computers.
    Posted in: Survival Mode
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    posted a message on this is what i paid money for?
    i got killed by 2 zombies because this game is so slow. by the time i was able to move the cursor to the monsters to sword them, i was already dead. thats like 5 seconds to move the cursor accross the screen. this happened in alpha. ok, cant expect too much from a game so early in its creation. this happened in beta. ok, for sure they wil fix it before the full release. But still they havent fixed the horrible delay! its like im playing an online game with 5,000 other people in the same server. only, i was in single player mode, and not even connected to the internet!

    my labtop is newer than this game is, and i just reformated the harddrive. there are no non essential background programs, no viruses. i turned off the sound and have the video settings on absolute minimal. if a game cant run on an average computer, under optimal conditions, then thats pretty sad. if i had known when i bought this game that making the game run smoothly was not a priority and not something they wished to achieve before releasing it, then i would not have bought it.

    does anybody else agree with me or do all of you have top of the line gaming computers?
    Posted in: Survival Mode
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    posted a message on how long do tree sapplings take to grow?
    im trying to grow a sappling underground but not having much luck. its on a piece of dirt, and has a torch next to it. how long is it gonna take to grow this thing? it has 6 blocks of air above it and to the sides, and nothing next to it other than the tourch?

    ive been waiting for awhile, do they grow while the window is not focused? i am in an inventory window if it makes any difference, not the escape window.
    Posted in: Survival Mode
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