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    posted a message on [1.6.X/1.5.2/Others]Pam's Mods - Feb 9th (I'm Back!)
    Anybody know why this would happen?
    I didn't have the pam folder at first, and this happened, but it continues to occur even after a full reinstall of the mods (harvest and wax), pam folder dropped into the harvest zip.
    EDIT: Just tried deleting and reinstalling minecraft.jar, same problem.
    Also, I am not using any other mods. I was at first but I tried it without, same problem.
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on [1.7.3] Better* Blocks 240 and 207
    Quote from Alblaka
    I could probably implement your code into the main mod... or not. Dunno...

    Hope you have permission :wink.gif:
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on BiomeTerrain Mod v11.2_3 (12/5) - SMP updated
    Quote from Bucyruss »
    Made a mistake from copying and pasting. I'll get that fixed and put up when I update the OP.

    If I put the old ore size tags in (and de-capitalize the first word), it not only does not read them but in fact erases the lines, both in the default .ini and the per-world .ini.
    Additionally, it looks like worlds are generated with no ore whatsoever, if my vespucci rendering is correct.

    EDIT: And this is the pre-release release a couple pages back.
    Posted in: Mods Discussion
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    posted a message on BiomeTerrain Mod v11.2_3 (12/5) - SMP updated
    Is it just me, or have the ore vein size parameters disappeared in v10?
    Posted in: Mods Discussion
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    posted a message on MCAdmin revision 109
    Whitelist mode would be awesome, sir Doridian.
    Posted in: Server Support and Administration
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    posted a message on Address instead of IP?
    DNS resolution works fine, as does DynDNS, I've tested it on two servers.
    Posted in: Alpha - Survival Multiplayer Support
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    posted a message on Clean Hi-Res Textures (32x32) and Poke's Equipment
    <3 this texture, it's just Minecraft+, no silly realistic mode or super dark mode (though those have their places).
    Thanks for updating it, Poke :biggrin.gif:

    Quote from Concept »
    Where do I put the items?

    Minecraft.jar/GUI folder.
    Posted in: Mods Discussion
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    posted a message on An alarming trend.
    Quote from Fatalis »
    You cannot change this community, so don't try.

    At least, you can't change it with this topic. Meaning that people won't listen to you if you insult their intelligence. If you want to change the community you'd have to go about it in a way that makes them want to be more circumspect in their posting/suggesting/etc.
    Posted in: Alpha - Survival Single Player
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    posted a message on Offence is easier than defence = not good
    I am a fan of Seraph's ideas, though I would like to add that server admins should be able to arbitrarily assign areas with the same effects as claim flags, but without the flag. In case they wanted to make monuments or something (or "safe zones").
    Posted in: Alpha - Survival Single Player
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    posted a message on Why doors, even with intricate lock mechanisms, won't work.
    I suppose that will have to do, pending Notch hearing sufficient complaints. Perhaps it won't be a problem, when "raiders" get tired of raiding and settle down to the simple life.
    Posted in: Alpha - Survival Single Player
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    posted a message on Why doors, even with intricate lock mechanisms, won't work.
    Quote from Someothertube »
    You play on the WoM servers only, don't you? Nothing should be forever.

    Incorrect, I host and play on DRL's private servers. I don't understand what would lead you to that conclusion though.
    All I seek is a restoration of balance between building and destroying. At the moment in /game/, it takes time and energy to mine materials, craft, and place, while it takes much less to tear that down into a formless jumble of block entities. As I've stated, as it stands there is little incentive to build if you'll be away from the server for more than a few hours (also granting that you have a fairly populous server with ~30 frequent players).
    Posted in: Alpha - Survival Single Player
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    posted a message on Why doors, even with intricate lock mechanisms, won't work.
    Quote from Zuriki »
    Nothing is forever.

    I don't see this as very much of a solution.
    This puts me, the builder, at the behest of anybody who decides they don't like me, or want what I have, or who happened to be in the area and wanted to come take a look. Without some guarantee of permanence there is no point in building grandly, or even at all, if you're clever enough with inventory management.
    Half of Minecraft is in building, the other in destroying, a sort of yin and yang. I just don't see the point in destabilizing the whole system.
    Posted in: Alpha - Survival Single Player
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    posted a message on Why doors, even with intricate lock mechanisms, won't work.
    Even a very stupid but determined PvPer could navigate any trap you can throw at him. Infinite respawns guarantees that. Even if he continually blunders into your traps, unless you are there to actively counter him he will eventually bulldoze his way through. I don't know about you, but even if he gets bored after going through half of them, I don't consider resetting my traps each time I relog to be very fun, if fun at all.
    What if I log off for a week to go on vacation? With no protections other than traps, that pretty much guarantees that anything I had of value will be gone by week's end. You can't seriously consider that kind of dynamic fun.
    Posted in: Alpha - Survival Single Player
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    posted a message on Why doors, even with intricate lock mechanisms, won't work.
    I swear I run into the same people all the time. What is so hard to understand that there are at least three classes of people here, and there needs to be a system where all three of them can coexist in the same server at once?

    You have your die-hard PvP people here who care nothing for building and only want to do enough to build a sword and armor and hack away at each other. You have your "Last Stand" survivors who want to build some large castle and hold up against the yearly creeper migration. You have your "Creative+" people, who want to build like in Creative but with more time/resource limitations so there's a bit more added challenge. You also have people whom I heavily despise but accept as a valid play style, the "Raiders" who want to raid either the "Last Stand" or "Creative+" types for wealth, to do what with I have no idea.

    I simply cannot believe that Notch should cater to any one of these people, as it would exclude the rest.

    To explain the first sentence, I've been arguing with a guy about how rife high level ganking of lower level players was in a mutually-played MMO and how it was the status quo for a decaying community which would soon implode if nothing was done to reset the precedent. At time of writing we're still arguing.
    Posted in: Alpha - Survival Single Player
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    posted a message on How Can I Change a Texture Pack To The One I Want?
    Hi there stickies.
    Posted in: Mods Discussion
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