Flintlock Guns Mod
Not just another boring gun mod
-Twelve new flintlock weapons, as well as cannons and bombs
-Unique reloading system
-Customizable guns
-Multiplayer support
-Fitting and balanced with the game, not ridiculously OP like most gun mods
-Listening to the community and actively looking to improve and update the mod
-Easy, quick installation (only Forge required)
This mod adds eleven new flintlock weapons and other weapons, listed in the spoiler below. Loading these flintlock weapons in real life is quite cumbersome, and this mod replicates that. To load a weapon, you must craft together an unloaded one, gunpowder, and your ammo. The multi-shot weapons can do this multiple times to become fully loaded. Also be aware, your gun may misfire, making a sad click and losing your ammo. Reload and try again. Your guns can be repaired at an anvil with iron ingots (but don't try renaming them).
The mod also adds two new ores, sulfur and saltpeter, which are required to make gunpowder. Sulfur spawns in forest, extreme hills, plains, and jungle biomes, and is yellow in color. Saltpeter spawns in snow, taiga, savanna, mesa, and swamp biomes and is white in color. This means on a PvP server, you'll have to lock down multiple areas of the map to have the resources to craft large amounts of gunpowder.
You can customize your gun's look and stats by adding inlays. Craft your unloaded gun in the middle with a valuable material on all four sides of it to inlay it with that material. Possible inlays and their effects are in the spoiler below. You can use this feature to fine-tune your gun to better fit your needs, i.e. if you like to pick those creepers off from afar, you might want to inlay your musket to boost its effective range. Or maybe you'e planning a long nether trip and don't want to lug around an anvil to keep your revolver in working order, then inlay it to increase its durability.
By default, you can only carry one weapon from this mod in your hotbar at a time. This can be expanded by equiping holsters. Weapons are broken down into four categories (pistol, revolver, rifle, and bomb) and each holster allows for a different combination of each. Use the holster by putting it in the upper-lefthand corner of your inventory. If you try to hold more guns than allowed, the extra guns will simply be dropped. See the spoiler below for crafting and information about each holster.
A config file can be found in /.minecraft/config/flintlock_guns. You can adjust item/block IDs (set a number to start and the mod will use IDs counting up from that, so you don't have to change a hundred IDs manually) as well as set a global damage multiplier if you need to balance the mod to your needs. You can also change whether or not explosive weapons will destroy blocks when they explode by setting BlockDamageOn to true or false.
All stats for guns can be found in the spreadsheet below
Gun Parts
Gun Barrel
Large Gun Barrel
Flintlock Mechanism
Revolver Cylinder
Gunpowder (sulfur and saltpeter)
Round Shot
Dummy Round
Paper Cartridge Throw round or buckshot, paper, and the amount of gunpowder you need (depending on the gun) in the crafting grid; shapeless recipe. You can have round shot with 1, 2, or 4 gunpowder, and buckshot with 1 or 2.
Makeshift Pistol
Jury-rigged pistol made from cheap materials. Short range and won't last very long. You can only have one of these in your hotbar at a time; if you shoot one, any other loaded makeshift pistols in your hotbar will be moved to your inventory.
[pebble] [gunpowder] [empty] [pistol]
Basic flintlock pistol. Holds only one shot, but has decent range and is the most durable and reliable.
[round shot] [gunpowder] [empty] [pistol] (can use buckshot also for spread pattern)
Double-Barreled Pistol
Quite self-explanatory. More complicated design means less durability and higher chance of misfire.
Loading Same as pistol, but can hold two shots. Can also load buckshot.
Duckfoot Pistol
One of the stranger weapons in history, it has four barrels flared in different directions to hit multiple targets. Load with 1-4 round shot, and it will shoot all of them at once in a spread pattern. Note that none of the barrels point straight forward, so you won't hit what your crosshairs are over.
oading Same as pistol; repeat four times. Cannot load buckshot
The most effective spread pattern weapon. Shoots buckshot with a better spread and range than a pistol, but takes twice the gunpowder. One pellet is guaranteed to travel exactly where you're aiming.
[buckshot] [gunpowder] [gunpowder] [blunderbuss]
Excellent weapon for taking on other players at close range. Holds six shots, but must be repaired often and has a high chance of misfire. Slightly less range and power than the pistol as well.
Loading Same as pistol, but holds six shots. Cannot shoot buckshot.
Long-range but gunpowder-hungry weapon. Bayonet does damage equivalent to an iron sword when melee attacking.
[round shot] [gunpowder] [gunpowder] [musket]
Buffalo Gun
Even longer range than the musket, but takes more gunpowder (and no bayonet). Two-step loading.
Loading First... Prime unloaded gun with a paper wad
[paper] [gunpowder] [gunpowder] [rifle]
[round shot] [gunpowder] [gunpowder] [rifle]
With a design way ahead of its time, the repeater houses 12 rounds. Rotating the lever after firing allows more powder and the next bullet to fall into the chamber, much faster than manually reloading a tradition one-shot rifle. The more delicate components limit the weapon's power and range, however.
[empty] [empty] [empty]
[gun barrel] [gun barrel] [mechanism]
[empty] [iron block] [wood planks]
[round shot] [gunpowder]
[empty] [repeater]
Puckle Gun
Another odd weapon, but a very powerful one. Holds 11 shots in a revolving barrel. Slightly better range than the musket, but must be standing in a puckle gun mount in order to shoot it. This is an iron block that you stand on with an iron block in front of you in the direction you want to shoot. It is only necessary to have 2 blocks, but you can use 5 . (one below and one on each side of you) to make a 360 degree mount. See the picture in the screenshots sections if that confused you
Same as the musket, repeat 11 times.
Hand Cannon
Definitely the most fun weapon to use. Shoots a cannonball which explodes on impact. Takes two steps to reload and can be loaded with a half or full load of gunpowder depending on the range you want. Cannot be inlaid.
Loading First... Prime unloaded gun with a paper wad
[paper] [gunpowder]
[gunpowder] [cannon]
Then... Load a cannonball into your primed cannon for half load,
[cannonball] [empty]
[empty] [cannon]
or, for a full load with almost twice the range:
[cannonball] [gunpowder]
[gunpowder] [cannon]
Devastating in the right hands. Right clicking on the base opens a GUI in which you can adjust the angle and elevation of the cannon. The top button loads gunpowder into the cannon (max of 6, more powder, more range), the middle ones loads its corresponding ammo, and the bottom button fires the cannon. The bar on the right is a cooldown timer and will be light blue when ready to fire. Can also be fired by giving it a redstone pulse, allowing you to link them together for awesome defenses (of course you still have reload them all manually!).
Ammo Types Cannonball - standard explosive round; packs a bigger bang than if fired out of a hand cannon
Heatshot - a cannonball wrapped in oil-soaked paper or tarp (or in Minecraft, netherrack) that causes fires around the blast area
Grapeshot - Small metal balls bundled together and fired at once; essentially a giant shotgun. Doesn't do terrain damage but is very effective at taking out groups of targets or moving targets
Dummy Round - Intended for target practice or as a tracer round; very cheap to craft and leaves behing a block where it lands that can be picked up and re-fired
Fairly self-explanatory, these come in iron and leather variants. They both explode with the power of a TNT block, but the iron bomb sends out some shrapnel for a chance to kill up to a 15-block radius, while the leather bomb (being made out of inferior materials) has a chance to explode early during its four-second fuse. Additionally, the iron bomb will roll a distance after hitting the ground while the leather bomb will plop right down where it landed.
[empty] [string] [empty]
[iron/leather] [gunpowder] [iron/leather]
[gunpowder] [gunpowder] [gunpowder]
Fire Lance
One of the first devices to use gunpowder to launch projectiles. This ancient Chinese design features a long tube packed with gunpowder and a projectile (spears were sometimes fitted on the end to enhance their usefulness). Can be loaded with four types of ammo: Round shot, buckshot, explosive charge (much like a hand cannon, use a leather bomb for crafting), and an incendiary charge (spreads fire around impact site, use a fire charge for crafting). They are disposable, so one shot will destroy them, but you can salvage the stick it was attached to. Additionally, the unrefined detonation of the gunpowder in the fire lance causes it to spout out fire when shooting, lighting mobs and players in a short range on fire. It functions like buckshot, but causes fire instead of damage. The fire happens with all ammo types.
You an also craft unloaded fire lances, to be loaded with ammo at a later time if you're not sure what you need. To do so, use an additional piece of sugar cane for the ammo.
[ammo] [gunpowder] [empty]
[gunpowder] [sugar cane] [empty]
[empty] [empty] [stick]
Loading (if not crafted with ammo)
[ammo] [empty]
[empty] [fire lance]
Gun Parts
Gun Barrel

Large Gun Barrel

Flintlock Mechanism

Revolver Cylinder

Gunpowder (sulfur and saltpeter)


Round Shot





Dummy Round

Paper Cartridge Throw round or buckshot, paper, and the amount of gunpowder you need (depending on the gun) in the crafting grid; shapeless recipe. You can have round shot with 1, 2, or 4 gunpowder, and buckshot with 1 or 2.
Makeshift Pistol
Jury-rigged pistol made from cheap materials. Short range and won't last very long. You can only have one of these in your hotbar at a time; if you shoot one, any other loaded makeshift pistols in your hotbar will be moved to your inventory.


Basic flintlock pistol. Holds only one shot, but has decent range and is the most durable and reliable.


Double-Barreled Pistol
Quite self-explanatory. More complicated design means less durability and higher chance of misfire.

Loading Same as pistol, but can hold two shots. Can also load buckshot.
Duckfoot Pistol
One of the stranger weapons in history, it has four barrels flared in different directions to hit multiple targets. Load with 1-4 round shot, and it will shoot all of them at once in a spread pattern. Note that none of the barrels point straight forward, so you won't hit what your crosshairs are over.

oading Same as pistol; repeat four times. Cannot load buckshot
The most effective spread pattern weapon. Shoots buckshot with a better spread and range than a pistol, but takes twice the gunpowder. One pellet is guaranteed to travel exactly where you're aiming.


Excellent weapon for taking on other players at close range. Holds six shots, but must be repaired often and has a high chance of misfire. Slightly less range and power than the pistol as well.

Loading Same as pistol, but holds six shots. Cannot shoot buckshot.
Long-range but gunpowder-hungry weapon. Bayonet does damage equivalent to an iron sword when melee attacking.


Buffalo Gun
Even longer range than the musket, but takes more gunpowder (and no bayonet). Two-step loading.

Loading First... Prime unloaded gun with a paper wad


With a design way ahead of its time, the repeater houses 12 rounds. Rotating the lever after firing allows more powder and the next bullet to fall into the chamber, much faster than manually reloading a tradition one-shot rifle. The more delicate components limit the weapon's power and range, however.
[empty] [empty] [empty]
[gun barrel] [gun barrel] [mechanism]
[empty] [iron block] [wood planks]
[round shot] [gunpowder]
[empty] [repeater]
Puckle Gun
Another odd weapon, but a very powerful one. Holds 11 shots in a revolving barrel. Slightly better range than the musket, but must be standing in a puckle gun mount in order to shoot it. This is an iron block that you stand on with an iron block in front of you in the direction you want to shoot. It is only necessary to have 2 blocks, but you can use 5 . (one below and one on each side of you) to make a 360 degree mount. See the picture in the screenshots sections if that confused you



Hand Cannon
Definitely the most fun weapon to use. Shoots a cannonball which explodes on impact. Takes two steps to reload and can be loaded with a half or full load of gunpowder depending on the range you want. Cannot be inlaid.

Loading First... Prime unloaded gun with a paper wad
[paper] [gunpowder]
[gunpowder] [cannon]
Then... Load a cannonball into your primed cannon for half load,
[cannonball] [empty]
[empty] [cannon]
or, for a full load with almost twice the range:
[cannonball] [gunpowder]
[gunpowder] [cannon]
Devastating in the right hands. Right clicking on the base opens a GUI in which you can adjust the angle and elevation of the cannon. The top button loads gunpowder into the cannon (max of 6, more powder, more range), the middle ones loads its corresponding ammo, and the bottom button fires the cannon. The bar on the right is a cooldown timer and will be light blue when ready to fire. Can also be fired by giving it a redstone pulse, allowing you to link them together for awesome defenses (of course you still have reload them all manually!).
Ammo Types Cannonball - standard explosive round; packs a bigger bang than if fired out of a hand cannon
Heatshot - a cannonball wrapped in oil-soaked paper or tarp (or in Minecraft, netherrack) that causes fires around the blast area
Grapeshot - Small metal balls bundled together and fired at once; essentially a giant shotgun. Doesn't do terrain damage but is very effective at taking out groups of targets or moving targets
Dummy Round - Intended for target practice or as a tracer round; very cheap to craft and leaves behing a block where it lands that can be picked up and re-fired

Fairly self-explanatory, these come in iron and leather variants. They both explode with the power of a TNT block, but the iron bomb sends out some shrapnel for a chance to kill up to a 15-block radius, while the leather bomb (being made out of inferior materials) has a chance to explode early during its four-second fuse. Additionally, the iron bomb will roll a distance after hitting the ground while the leather bomb will plop right down where it landed.
[empty] [string] [empty]
[iron/leather] [gunpowder] [iron/leather]
[gunpowder] [gunpowder] [gunpowder]
Fire Lance
One of the first devices to use gunpowder to launch projectiles. This ancient Chinese design features a long tube packed with gunpowder and a projectile (spears were sometimes fitted on the end to enhance their usefulness). Can be loaded with four types of ammo: Round shot, buckshot, explosive charge (much like a hand cannon, use a leather bomb for crafting), and an incendiary charge (spreads fire around impact site, use a fire charge for crafting). They are disposable, so one shot will destroy them, but you can salvage the stick it was attached to. Additionally, the unrefined detonation of the gunpowder in the fire lance causes it to spout out fire when shooting, lighting mobs and players in a short range on fire. It functions like buckshot, but causes fire instead of damage. The fire happens with all ammo types.
You an also craft unloaded fire lances, to be loaded with ammo at a later time if you're not sure what you need. To do so, use an additional piece of sugar cane for the ammo.
[ammo] [gunpowder] [empty]
[gunpowder] [sugar cane] [empty]
[empty] [empty] [stick]
Loading (if not crafted with ammo)
[ammo] [empty]
[empty] [fire lance]
(outdated, ignore damage and non-OHK columns)

Inlays change your gun's look, stats, and can give it additional functionality. To inlay your gun, put the unloaded gun in the middle of your crafting table with one of the material on each side.
DIAMOND - Increases durability
GOLD - Prevents misfires
EMERALD - Increases range
OBSIDIAN - Increases armor penetration
LAPIS LAZULI (BLOCKS) - Increases fire rate for multishot guns, increases spread for buckshot-firing guns
QUARTZ (BLOCKS) - Allows the gun to be loaded with paper cartridges instead of the bullet and powder individually to speed up loading. Just throw the gun and cartridge in the crafting grid; its a shapeless recipe. See WEAPONS for each available cartridge.
DIAMOND - Increases durability
GOLD - Prevents misfires
EMERALD - Increases range
OBSIDIAN - Increases armor penetration
LAPIS LAZULI (BLOCKS) - Increases fire rate for multishot guns, increases spread for buckshot-firing guns
QUARTZ (BLOCKS) - Allows the gun to be loaded with paper cartridges instead of the bullet and powder individually to speed up loading. Just throw the gun and cartridge in the crafting grid; its a shapeless recipe. See WEAPONS for each available cartridge.
Put these in the upper-lefthand corner of your inventory. Sorry for the lack of crafting pictures, I'm sure you can understand these as well.
Crafting Key - L=leather, G=gold, H=holster, S=sling, R=rev. holster, D=dual holster
HOLSTER - Used as a component for other holsters
L x L
REVOLVER HOLSTER - Used as a component for other holsters
L x G
L x G
SLING - Used as a component for other holsters xLG
DUAL HOLSTER - 2 pistols
QUAD HOLSTER - 4 pistols
REVOLVER BELT - 2 revolvers
RIFLE SLING W/ ONE HOLSTER - 1 rifle, 1 pistol
RIFLE SLING W/ TWO HOLSTERS - 1 rifle, 2 pistols
BOMB BAG - 5 bombs
BOMB BAG W/ HOLSTER - 5 bombs, 1 pistol
Crafting Key - L=leather, G=gold, H=holster, S=sling, R=rev. holster, D=dual holster
HOLSTER - Used as a component for other holsters
L x L
REVOLVER HOLSTER - Used as a component for other holsters
L x G
L x G
SLING - Used as a component for other holsters xLG
DUAL HOLSTER - 2 pistols
QUAD HOLSTER - 4 pistols
REVOLVER BELT - 2 revolvers
RIFLE SLING W/ ONE HOLSTER - 1 rifle, 1 pistol
RIFLE SLING W/ TWO HOLSTERS - 1 rifle, 2 pistols
BOMB BAG - 5 bombs
BOMB BAG W/ HOLSTER - 5 bombs, 1 pistol
The new forum made embedding videos weird, sorry 
Note that these next two are for version 1.4.3 and are missing the newer weapons:

Note that these next two are for version 1.4.3 and are missing the newer weapons:
They disappeared! I'll get some fresh ones (with new weapons) up sometime soon-ish.[url=http://adf.ly/qT35F] f[/url]
It appears linking for me is broken right now, so you'll have to just search the mod on CurseForge to find the download. Apologies.
[url=http://adf.ly/qT35F]Most Recent: Minecraft 1.7.2 - Mod version 1.7pre1[/url]
If you're not running the latest Minecraft version, here's downloads for older builds
Minecraft 1.4.7 - Mod version 1.3 (Modloader/Forge, no SMP)
[url=http://adf.ly/XBfGv]Minecraft 1.5 - Mod version 1.4.2[/url](Modloader/Forge, no SMP)
[url=http://adf.ly/XBfBn]Minecraft 1.5.1 - Mod version 1.5.1[/url] (Modloader/Forge, no SMP)
[url=http://adf.ly/RZZ85]Minecraft 1.5.2 - Mod version 1.6_3[/url](Forge only, SMP support)
[url=http://adf.ly/WsvmA]Minecraft 1.6.2 - Mod Version 1.6[/url](Forge only, SMP support)
[url=http://adf.ly/qDsWD]Minecraft 1.6.4 - Mod Version 1.6[/url](Forge only, SMP support)
Thanks to:
Blfngl for code and helping with SMP support (check out some of his mods on his profile)
Npatterson11 for many of the textures
ThatDoughnut for a wealth of ideas and textures
supra107 for bringing my attention to the old Minegunner mod
just_don't_do_it for creating Ye Olde Minegunner, by which many features of this mod were inspired.
Skydaz for making an automatic installer - check it out on his website
-Nock gun: 7-barreled musket, similar to the duckfoot pistol. Will fire all 7 at once. There will be some adverse effect to shooting this gun, as in real life the massive recoil often injured the shooter.
-Possibly an early flamethrower.
-A system of upgrades, different from the inlays. Each gun will have its own upgraded form which will not necessarily boost its stats, but will give it additional functionality. Ex: the buffalo gun will be able to take a scope, and the pistol will be outfitted with implements to make it do melee damage. These won't necessarily be real-life things.
-Possibly an early flamethrower.
-A system of upgrades, different from the inlays. Each gun will have its own upgraded form which will not necessarily boost its stats, but will give it additional functionality. Ex: the buffalo gun will be able to take a scope, and the pistol will be outfitted with implements to make it do melee damage. These won't necessarily be real-life things.
v1.6 - Released for MC 1.6.2 and 1.6.4, adds repeater, bombs, holsters, and more inlays (October 2, 2013)
v1.6_5 - Major bug fix, fixed some underlying code issues that don't concern you guys (August 15, 2013)
v1.6_4 - 1.6.2 compatibility, some tweaks here and there (July 22, 2013)
v1.6_3 - SMP support, cannon improvements, weapon tweaking (July 3, 2013)
v1.6_1 - Basically a 1.6 prerelease. Just adds the cannons (I say that like its not a big deal but it is!) (June 12, 2013)
v1.5.2 - MC 1.5.2 compatible, makeshift pistol restriction, bug fixes (May 4, 2013)
v1.5.1 - Bug fixes. At the time of this version's release, Minecraft was also at version 1.5.1! (Apr 29, 2013)
v1.5 - Big update! New weapons, inlay system, other tweaks and mechanics (Apr 28, 2013) v1.4.3 - 1.5.1 compatibility, cleaned up creative tab (March 23, 2013)
v1.4.2 - Added ability to smelt coal into gunpowder in lieu of sulfur ore (March 21, 2013)
v1.4.1 - Fixed a bug with the pistol not taking buckshot if damaged (March 18, 2013)
v1.4 - Minecraft 1.5 compatibility. Particle effects. Makeshift pistol. More balanced (expensive) crafting. Misfire mechanic. Durability and repairing. Fixed how guns render in your hand. Tweaked some numbers. (March 17, 2013)
v1.3 - Hand Cannon, sulfur ore. Fixed bug with musket breaking when used as melee weapon. Made guns accurate, but having a specific range. (Feb 23, 2013)
v1.2 - Updated to Npatterson11's textures, made specifically for this mod (Feb 15. 2013)
v1.1 - Balanced gun damage for revolver and buckshot, and prevented guns from killing boss mobs with one hit (Feb 9, 2013)
v1.0 - Initial release (Feb 4, 2013)
v1.6_5 - Major bug fix, fixed some underlying code issues that don't concern you guys (August 15, 2013)
v1.6_4 - 1.6.2 compatibility, some tweaks here and there (July 22, 2013)
v1.6_3 - SMP support, cannon improvements, weapon tweaking (July 3, 2013)
v1.6_1 - Basically a 1.6 prerelease. Just adds the cannons (I say that like its not a big deal but it is!) (June 12, 2013)
v1.5.2 - MC 1.5.2 compatible, makeshift pistol restriction, bug fixes (May 4, 2013)
v1.5.1 - Bug fixes. At the time of this version's release, Minecraft was also at version 1.5.1! (Apr 29, 2013)
v1.5 - Big update! New weapons, inlay system, other tweaks and mechanics (Apr 28, 2013) v1.4.3 - 1.5.1 compatibility, cleaned up creative tab (March 23, 2013)
v1.4.2 - Added ability to smelt coal into gunpowder in lieu of sulfur ore (March 21, 2013)
v1.4.1 - Fixed a bug with the pistol not taking buckshot if damaged (March 18, 2013)
v1.4 - Minecraft 1.5 compatibility. Particle effects. Makeshift pistol. More balanced (expensive) crafting. Misfire mechanic. Durability and repairing. Fixed how guns render in your hand. Tweaked some numbers. (March 17, 2013)
v1.3 - Hand Cannon, sulfur ore. Fixed bug with musket breaking when used as melee weapon. Made guns accurate, but having a specific range. (Feb 23, 2013)
v1.2 - Updated to Npatterson11's textures, made specifically for this mod (Feb 15. 2013)
v1.1 - Balanced gun damage for revolver and buckshot, and prevented guns from killing boss mobs with one hit (Feb 9, 2013)
v1.0 - Initial release (Feb 4, 2013)
If you like this mod, use this banner from ThatDoughnut!
Image removed due to an invalid URL: http://i50.tinypic.c...hsj.png
[url=http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic/2230567-164-forge-smp-card-magic-v10-from-the-developer-of-the-flintlock-guns-mod/]Card Magic[/url] - Fun little mod that allows you to use playing cards to cast some interesting spells
Simply place this .zip in your mods file in .minecraft, just like any other mod. Enjoy, and don't hesitate to post questions, comments, or suggestions. If you post this mod on your site/blog or do a video of it, you MUST LINK BACK TO THIS FORUM POST, not the download itself. Also give credit to Npatterson11, Blfngl, and myself in the post/video description. This makes sure credit is given where it is due, and ensures the user will get to the most recent version of the mod. Feel free to use this mod in a modpack, just please post here or send me a PM that you're doing so. Thanks all!
Well said.
Never heard that idea but it's one of the best ideas i've ever heard!Make a suggestions thread about that.
Image Removed
This is grum,a minecrafter.I know from 13w19a,it may look like Elmo,this is the skin:
this is for me and the many other people who are getting tired of grum threads.if someone puts a grum thread,link this page.