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    posted a message on New Whitelisted Vanilla 1.6.1 Server (Brand New Map)
    1. What is your IGN? DtPVVG
    2. How old are you? 15
    3. What is your skype? Not giving that out unless I'm accepted.
    4. Will you participate in server events such as UHC? I'm not sure what this is.
    5.Will you grief? Of course not.
    6.Have you ever been banned? (Wont count against you) Not sure, so probably not.
    7.Can you record videos lets playing the server? (YouTube) I might.I looked into UHC, looks cool.
    Posted in: PC Servers
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    posted a message on 1.6.1 100% Vanilla Whitelisted Server
    Why: I've been looking for a nice community for a while.
    Age: 15
    Posted in: PC Servers
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    posted a message on Looking for Mature Vanilla SMP server
    Dude, I've been on this server for about a year now, and my job is the recruiter. I'm tellin ya, this server rocks:

    Check my signature for more information.
    Hope to see you on :)
    Posted in: Server Recruitment
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    posted a message on Damn Near Vanilla [22 slot][No Whitelist][Completely Grief-free]
    Sorry about that, the new IP is:
    Posted in: PC Servers
  • 0

    posted a message on Beta Servers
    Are there any pre-Adventure Update servers still alive? I would love to be on one.
    If I need to be whitelisted:

    Age: 15
    When did you join Minecraft: Classic 0.30
    Posted in: Server Recruitment
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    posted a message on Damn Near Vanilla [22 slot][No Whitelist][Completely Grief-free]
    And we have an update! Halloween is near, and you know what that means.... tricks and scares!!! We will be adding new mobs with special powers, some added buffs to the nether, and even more! Join the server and get prepared for halloween!
    Posted in: PC Servers
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    posted a message on Damn Near Vanilla [22 slot][No Whitelist][Completely Grief-free]
    Welcome to the Server, Misunderstood! :D
    Posted in: PC Servers
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    posted a message on Damn Near Vanilla [22 slot][No Whitelist][Completely Grief-free]
    Alright, you've been dozens of servers, all ending with the horrors of griefing. Just think, joining a server and actually playing Minecraft - without the worry of your house burning, TnT'ed, or underwater. What a Concept!

    Okay. You've heard this before. "This server is grief-free" "Dars nun gireefars hear!" "Derp!"

    Well. This time, there are no truer words than this...

    "Damn Near Vanilla is a COMPLETELY Grief-free server."

    The Plugins:

    Griefprevention- Best plugin ever. Allows you to create a protected area. Place a chest down, and your area is protected from water, fire, TNT, and anything else you can think of. You can also use a gold shovel to expand.

    PopulationDensity- You don't have to worry about not being able to find a tree. Every time a spawn gets over-populated, a new spawn will pop up somewhere else. There will be no more travelling Miles just to get materials.

    Nothing Else. This is the safest vanilla you're gonna get.

    Oh, and another bonus, PvP is OFF. You can actually work with your community without worrying about backstabbers.

    Admins are mature and responsible. (But thanks to the anti-grief plugin, you won't need them anyway. :P )

    Oh, and, note to the griefers, this server is IMPOSSIBLE to grief. Come at us, I dare you.

    Have fun on this server. I have been playing this server for 4 months, and I have been rage-free for 4 months.

    -DtPVVG, Recruiter

    (Find me in-game, and I'll give you some starter stuff.) ;)

    Posted in: PC Servers
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    posted a message on Desert Dwellers REBORN! [Need Faction Server]
    Better than mine! Gimme ip :D
    Posted in: Clans
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    posted a message on Looking for a Vanilla, No PVP server
    As the title says I want a friendly, vanilla, no pvp server. I don't want people who donate to get a load of over-powered ****. I do want nice and fair staff. I want only a few people on this server. If it is private I will brief myself:
    Age: 17
    I don't grief
    I don't steal or raid.
    I am generally a nice person, unless I get upset
    I have a good personality and get along with people
    I have a good all-around sense of humor.
    Thank you for reading this. Please help.
    Posted in: Server Recruitment
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    posted a message on Desert Dwellers REBORN! [Need Faction Server]
    I would like to use it! Is it vanilla, bukkit, or anything? I also have a server, but its vanilla, and hamachi, and I suppose not many people want to get on a hamachi server. So let's go with your server :D
    Posted in: Clans
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    posted a message on Desert Dwellers REBORN! [Need Faction Server]
    Dude that banner rocks! You now can be a Mod in the faction. See you on the server.
    Posted in: Clans
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    posted a message on Desert Dwellers REBORN! [Need Faction Server]
    Quote from do it yourself

    How long have you been on minecraft: since 1.7.3
    Job you would have in faction: Lumberjack
    (just becuase we live in a desert doesnt mean that we still dont need wood)

    i can host a small server for this

    I am so sorry for not getting back to you on this. My grandpa just died and I've been gone for awhile. Do you still want to join? Because your accepted! :D Our Faction is now located in the GOldenPVP server
    IP: play.goldenpvp.com
    Posted in: Clans
  • 0

    posted a message on Desert Dwellers REBORN! [Need Faction Server]
    Posted in: Clans
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