• 0

    posted a message on Jdembo's Forge/Modloader Modding Tutorials (How to install/create mods!) - [1.4.7]
    I'm trying to make a flashlight item and I cannot find the code for ".setlightvalue" in 1.3.1. can someone help me with this?
    Posted in: Tutorials
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    posted a message on Stupid Errors on Eclipse
    package net.minecraft.src;

    import org.lwjgl.input.Keyboard;

    public class GuiConsole extends GuiScreen

    protected String message;
    private int updateCounter;
    private static final String allowedCharacters;

    public GuiConsole()
    message = "";
    updateCounter = 0;

    public void initGui()
    public void onGuiClose()

    public void updateScreen()

    public void processCommand(String s)


    protected void keyTyped(char c, int i)
    if(i == 1)
    if(i == 28)
    String s = message.trim();
    if(s.length() > 0)
    if(i == 14 && message.length() > 0)
    message = message.substring(0, message.length() -1);
    if(allowedCharacters.indexOf(c) >= 0 && message.length() < 100);
    message += c;

    public void drawScreen(int i, int j, float f)
    drawRect(2, height -14, width -2, height -2, 0x80000000);
    drawString(fontRenderer, "Console" + message + ((updateCounter / 6) % 2 != 0 ? "" : " "),4, height -12, 0xffffff);
    super.drawScreen(i, j, f);

    public void mouseClicked(int i, int j, int k)
    super.mouseClicked(i, j, k);
    if(k !=0)
    if(mc.ingameGUI.field_933_a == null)
    if(message.length() > 0 && !message.endsWith(" "))
    message += " ";
    message += mc.ingameGUI.field_933_a;
    byte byte0 = 100;
    if(message.length() > byte0)
    message = message.substring(0, byte0);
    allowedCharacters = ChatAllowedCharacters.allowedCharacters;


    Can someone please help me with this coding? There is only one error and I have highlighted it in red. Please tell me why this error is happening and what the solution for it is. This is the error that I get:
    syntax error, insert "}" to complete ClassBody

    Thankyou for looking at this for me.
    Posted in: Modification Development
  • 0

    posted a message on View Bob/Tracers Help
    Hello everyone, I am pretty new to coding and I am working on a client. I have just added tracers, but i noticed that you must have view bobbing turned off for them to work efficiently. Can someone tell me how to make view bob turn off automatically when the tracer is turned on? Any help is appreciated.
    Posted in: Modification Development
  • 0

    posted a message on Eclipse Error Help
    No I'm sorry i don't have teamviewer, but do you think you could help me with the information you have right now?
    Posted in: Modification Development
  • 0

    posted a message on Eclipse Error Help
    package net.minecraft.src;
    import java.util.Random;

    public class mod_wurtzite extends BaseMod

    public static final Block wurtziteblock = new Blockwurtziteblock(140,0).setHardness(5F).setResistance(10F).setLightValue(.10F).setBlockName("Wurtzite Block");
    public static final Item pickaxe = new ItemPickaxe(143,EnumToolMaterial.WURTZITE).setItemName("Wurtzite Pickaxe");
    public static final Item axe = new ItemAxe(144,EnumToolMaterial.WURTZITE).setItemName("Wurtzite Axe");
    public static final Item sword = new ItemSword(142,EnumToolMaterial.WURTZITE).setItemName("Wurtzite Sword");
    public static final Item spade = new ItemSpade(145,EnumToolMaterial.WURTZITE).setItemName("Wurtzite Shovel");
    public static final Item hoe = new ItemHoe(146,EnumToolMaterial.WURTZITE).setItemName("Wurtzite Hoe");
    public static final Item megatool = new ItemPickaxe(147,EnumToolMaterial.WURTZITE).setItemName("Wurtzite Megatool");
    public static final Item wurtziteingot = new Itemwurtziteingot(141).setItemName ("Wurtzite Ingot");

    public mod_wurtzite()
    pickaxe.IconIndex = Modloader.addOverride("/gui/items.png", "/Wurtzite Pickaxe.png");
    axe.IconIndex = Modloader.addOverride ("/gui/items.png", "/Wurtzite Axe.png");
    sword.IconIndex = Modloader.addOverride ("/gui/items.png", "/Wurtzite Sword.png");
    spade.IconIndex = Modloader.addOverride ("/gui/items.png", "/Wurtzite Shovel.png");
    hoe.IconIndex = Modloader.addOverride ("/gui/items.png", "/Wurtzite Hoe.png");
    megatool.IconIndex = Modloader.addOverride ("/gui/items.png", "/Wurtzite Megatool.png");
    wurtziteingot.IconIndex = Modloader.addOverride ("/gui/items.png", "/Wurtzite.png");

    Modloader.AddName(Pickaxe, "Wurtzite Pickaxe");
    Modloader.AddName(Axe, "Wurtzite Axe");
    Modloader.AddName(Sword, "Wurtzite Sword");
    Modloader.AddName(Spade, "Wurtzite Spade");
    Modloader.AddName(Hoe, "Wurtzite Hoe");
    Modloader.AddName(Pickaxe, "Wurtzite Megatool");
    ModLoader.addName(wurtziteingot, "Wurtzite Ingot");


    public String getVersion()
    return "1.2.5";

    public void load()
    ModLoader.addName(wurtziteblock,"Wurtzite Block");
    wurtziteblock.blockIndexInTexture = ModLoader.addOverride("/terrain.png","/Wurtzite Block.png");
    ModLoader.addRecipe(new ItemStack(wurtziteblock,1), new Object []{ "XX","XX", Character.valueOf('X'), Block.oreDiamond});


    public void GenerateSurface(World world, Random random, int i, int j)
    for(int i4 = 0; i4 < 20; i4++)
    int j7 = i + random.nextInt(16);
    int k10 = random.nextInt(32);
    int j13 = j + random.nextInt(16);
    (new WorldGenMinable(mod_wurtzite.wurtziteblock.blockID, 8)).generate(world, random, j7, k10, j13);

    ModLoader.AddRecipe (new ItemStack(Pickaxe, 1), new Object[]{
    "WWW", " ! ", " ! ", Character.valueOf('W'), Block.wurtziteingot, Character.valueOf('!'), Item.stick
    ModLoader.AddRecipe(new ItemStack(Axe, 1), new Object[]{
    " WW", " !W ", " ! ", Character.valueOf('W'), Block.wurtziteingot, Character.valueOf('!'), Item.stick
    ModLoader.AddRecipe(new ItemStack(Sword, 1), new Object[]{
    " W ", " W ", " ! ", Character.valueOf('W'), Block.wurtziteingot, Character.valueOf('!'), Item.stick
    ModLoader.AddRecipe(new ItemStack(Spade, 1), new Object[]{
    " W ", " ! ", " ! ", Character.valueOf('W'), Block.wurtziteingot, Character.valueOf('!'), Item.stick
    ModLoader.AddRecipe(new ItemStack(Hoe, 1), new Object[]{
    "WW ", " ! ", " ! ", Character.valueOf('W'), Block.wurtziteingot, Character.valueOf('!'), Item.stick
    ModLoader.AddRecipe(new ItemStack(Megatool, 1), new Object[]{
    "", "", "", Character.valueOf('W'), Block.wurtziteingot, Character.valueOf('!'), Item.stick


    package net.minecraft.src;
    import java.util.Random;

    public class mod_wurtzitetools extends BaseMod

    public mod_wurtzitetools()


    public String Version()

    return "1.2.5";

    public String getVersion() {

    //TODO Auto-generated method stub
    return null;

    public void load() {
    //TODO Auto-generated method stub


    EnumToolMaterial(editted to add tool type)

    package net.minecraft.src;

    public enum EnumToolMaterial
    WOOD(0, 59, 2.0F, 0, 15),
    STONE(1, 131, 4F, 1, 5),
    IRON(2, 250, 6F, 2, 14),
    EMERALD(3, 1561, 8F, 3, 10),
    GOLD(0, 32, 12F, 0, 22),
    WURTZITE(3, 2500, 15F, 3);

    * The level of material this tool can harvest (3 = DIAMOND, 2 = IRON, 1 = STONE, 0 = IRON/GOLD)
    private final int harvestLevel;

    * The number of uses this material allows. (wood = 59, stone = 131, iron = 250, diamond = 1561, gold = 32)
    private final int maxUses;

    * The strength of this tool material against blocks which it is effective against.
    private final float efficiencyOnProperMaterial;

    /** Damage versus entities. */
    private final int damageVsEntity;

    /** Defines the natural enchantability factor of the material. */
    private final int enchantability;

    private EnumToolMaterial(int par3, int par4, float par5, int par6, int par7)
    harvestLevel = par3;
    maxUses = par4;
    efficiencyOnProperMaterial = par5;
    damageVsEntity = par6;
    enchantability = par7;

    * The number of uses this material allows. (wood = 59, stone = 131, iron = 250, diamond = 1561, gold = 32)
    public int getMaxUses()
    return maxUses;

    * The strength of this tool material against blocks which it is effective against.
    public float getEfficiencyOnProperMaterial()
    return efficiencyOnProperMaterial;

    * Damage versus entities.
    public int getDamageVsEntity()
    return damageVsEntity;

    * The level of material this tool can harvest (3 = DIAMOND, 2 = IRON, 1 = STONE, 0 = IRON/GOLD)
    public int getHarvestLevel()
    return harvestLevel;

    * Return the natural enchantability factor of the material.
    public int getEnchantability()
    return enchantability;


    That is the coding that I currently have for my mod. When I enter this I get multiple errors throughout the script.
    I have made everything that is underlined in red appear in a red font. I would appreciate it if someone could help me fix these errors.
    Posted in: Modification Development
  • 0

    posted a message on Inventory Autostacker
    Sorry if someone already posted something about this or if there is already a mod for this, but I am looking for a mod that automatically stacks items in your inventory for you. Ex: You have 24 cobblestone and 42 more in a seperate stack. You press a button and the mod stacks them together for you... or it just automatically stacks everything for you. If there is a mod for this please link it to me.... thank you
    Posted in: Requests / Ideas For Mods
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