I wouldn't want those textures as default... If Mojang wanted to hire a pixel artist, tell them to look at people who are already in the minecraft community making resource packs. Here are some examples:
I know not everyone has the same tastes, but, aside from Unity, Vaders Alt Blocks is perfect for thsoe who want a bit of spie to their existing worlds... I highly reccomend it, Itembound is there for those who want to have really fancy stuff.
- Drakoflame
- Registered Member
Member for 14 years and 28 days
Last active Mon, Mar, 21 2022 13:25:55
- 1 Follower
- 653 Total Posts
- 58 Thanks
Jul 18, 2017Drakoflame posted a message on Mojang Hires Pixel ArtistPosted in: News
Jul 1, 2017Drakoflame posted a message on This week in Minecraft — July 1stPosted in: News
Minecraft 1.13*
May 6, 2017Drakoflame posted a message on This week in Minecraft — May 6thPosted in: News
not a whole lot happened... but hopefully some interesting stuff can come from that "Code Builder Beta". here's to the next generation of minecraft modders! Expect to see a lot of the same stuff that you get form an MCreator mod, Obsidian, Emerald, Redstone, Stone, and every other block varients of armor, ore, and tools.... but hey, it'll teach them to actually have fun coding, so those who continue with their mods go from obsidian armor that makes you invinsable, to the next Aether mod, or the next Buildcraft... as long as Micro$oft doesn't make Modders have to pay to submit, then players pay to download them...
Apr 10, 2017Drakoflame posted a message on Minecraft Marketplace and CurrencyPosted in: News
ya know, as long as they don't say "Hey yea, no you can't download texturepacks or mods and put them in yourself, for free, anymore, you've gotta buy these ones to do it" by all means let creators support themself this way. But the moment you put free control of mods/texturepacks/whatever behind a paywall, you can kiss your asses goodbuy, as the vast majority of the player base will leave/not update ever again, because they can't play with their favorite texturepack without having to pay for it.
Feb 9, 2017Drakoflame posted a message on 17w06a Ready For Testing!Posted in: News
Honestly, I think the new terracotta blocks are... kinda ugly... I mean, I like that we have more "directional" blocks like that, it'll be good for resource packs, but the textures on them are... kinda ugly IMO... I know that some people like them, but I'm just saying I'd probably re-texture them for myself when I use the
Mar 14, 2016Drakoflame posted a message on Teaching AI With Minecraft?Posted in: News
I'd love to see the day when your able to say "Okay, I want to have 5 AI players and Me in this world" And then to have them be able to talk between eachother using the chat, and for you to interact with them as well, fight, build, and so on, even have them "simulate" another player, "logging off" and "logging on" dynamically as you play. That would be so fun! Then eventually "introduce" them to mods, to make he experience even more fun... one day right? one day...
Nov 13, 2015Drakoflame posted a message on Minecraft: Wii U Edition?Posted in: News
Asid eform the "do you play tekkit" part, which I don't understand, that is exactly how I feel XD
Nov 12, 2015Drakoflame posted a message on Minecraft: Wii U Edition?Posted in: News
Ah, I see what your getting at then. That does make sense, especially with poor Joe. I suppose I should rethink what I say... here:
I dislike the other console version because of the (younger) fanbase demands that the console (Xbox or Playstation) is the best version, and freak out when someone says that PC is better -
Nov 12, 2015Drakoflame posted a message on Minecraft: Wii U Edition?Posted in: News
I guess I was a little harsh... the reason I'm so against it, is all the little kids claiming they play minecraft, then say that they play it on the Wii U...
I like little kids (not that way) I get along well with them, I helped my old daycare out one summer because it was fun. I talked to some of the kids, and they said that they liked to play minecraft, and as I was talking to them, they said that they played it on the Xbox, and I died a little inside... I know its good to get the game out on multiple systems, but its the younger kids (about 10-14) who are impressionable, they probably have only played the Xbox version... and think that its "the best" If they could play the original PC version, they'd realize that the Xbox (and playstation) version is... worse... much, much worse... But... then again... that is my opinion, and every one is entitled to their own -
Nov 12, 2015Drakoflame posted a message on Minecraft: Wii U Edition?Posted in: News
pardon my stupidity, but what is "NX"
Nov 12, 2015Drakoflame posted a message on Minecraft: Wii U Edition?Posted in: News
oh for the love of gods... don't let this be true... Its bad enough that Nintendo made another console that looks like an addon... don't let the best game go onto the stupidest excuse for a console...
Microsoft Gods! I beg you! Don't let it happen! lease QAQ for once... interfere! PLEASE! DON'T DO IT! -
Sep 15, 2014Drakoflame posted a message on [Official] Microsoft has Bought Mojang and a message from Notch.hey, think of it this way guys, if Micro$oft messes up in any way, WE, the community, has ALL the leverage! As soon as they screw up and add some sort of paid membership, the majority, if not all, of the minecraft community will LEAVE, thus, cutting off their money flow.Posted in: News
So, before you quit, think of this:
If Micro$oft adds something the Community collectively doesn't like, either they'll have to kiss a lot ass, fix it instantly, or loose their golden goose that was Minecraft -
Jun 16, 2014Drakoflame posted a message on EULA Revisited: an Updated Q&A From Mojangeverybody's to busy complaining about the same thing to wonder about other things... like what I asked:Posted in: News
Will servers like Mineplex be able to keep thier payed ranks with special prices for things, but allow non-payer ranks to access the same things, but for a higher price? -
Jun 16, 2014Drakoflame posted a message on EULA Revisited: an Updated Q&A From Mojangso, I have a question, I'm not complaining or anything, but I seriously want an answer.Posted in: News
Servers like Mineplex, which have special rankes like Hero, give them access to certain features.
An Example would be: Super Smash Mobs, Hero's and Premium have access to specific mobs.
Now, with some of these rules such as the ability to give players cosmetic changes and the ability to charge for some minigames and mods (look in the Q'n'A). Now, because of the ability to charge for some minigames and the cosmetic changes for people who (whatever the word is for people who give money for something, not Donators), the way I see it, servers could make it so people who pay, don't have to pay AS MUCH as people who don't pay.
Another example would be: Hero's pay XXX's for Mob1, where as non-payers pay XXXX's for Mob1. The way I see it, that is allowed, but they can't say that Hero's can pay XX for Mob2, but non-payers CAN'T buy Mob2, even if they have alot of X's.
Could someone be kind enough to explain that to me and let me know if that is allowed?
Also: Voting? is this affected by the EULA at all? Can I still vote for a server and get the things they say from the Voting? - To post a comment, please login.
make sure that you're using the correct version of the mod.
Actually I just Checked Alan, but Fairy Lights don't work for 1.6.4. The only versions that exist are for 1.7.2/10, 1.8, 1.10.2, 1.11/.2, 1.12/.2there is no version for 1.6.4, and that's why it won't work.
if you want to use Fairy Lights, then you'll have to use LitW:R https://www.minecraftforum.net/forums/mapping-and-modding-java-edition/minecraft-mods/mod-packs/2615451-life-in-the-woods-renaissance-launching-today and if you use that one you need to use the 1.7.10 version of Fairy Lights.
haha, I was just about to come and post that here for everyone who's looking for the mod XD Now if people would be less of idiots and actually look at the last page of comments instead of begging for an update... oh well, that's why I don't use minecraftforums anymore... no-one knows how to look at the last page of comments to figure things out
Your Sarcasm is duely noted, even if it wasn't intented as sarcasm... People have lifes outside of working on mods, Yes it sucks that its "dead", but someone will make something similar agian in the future, if not a better one... So, until then, we'll just have to deal with boring old normal maps that have no dangers and are totally full of resources and easy...
Thanks for coming to ask questions! Sadly, AFAICR, You cannot add more biomes using the 1.7.10 configs... you'd have to have to use a mod such as Biome Tweeker to get said biomes into it... I have 0 skills regarding that mod, so you'd have to look into it on your own to see how to do so... I wish I could provide more help, but I'd be more than happy to answer any other questions the best I can. Sadly I don't think this (version) is going to be updated to the newer versions any time soon... and word on the street is that Azanor is working on Thaumcraft (is it 6 now? I lost count XD) for the latest version(s), but will probably release 1.12.... when he does... you know modders with big crazy flashy awesome mods....
aside from generating a huge world in survival and putting the level into the server files, no. Have you tried changing the world gen type to what it says in the OP? I think it says how to do it there, or does it simply crash?
did you yourself specifically test for compatibility for 1.11.2?
remove the statement "1.12" as 1.12, or change it to say "the Wastelands mod, version 1.12, for minecraft version"
Cities were removed, that was code from another mod that Kino does not have permissions to use (he has asked and as far as I know has yet to receive confirmation to do so).
Do not ever say that this, or ANY mod, is for a version that it is not specifically hosted for, it causes issues. Back to the first statement, if you yourself have not specifically tested compatibility for 1.11 and 1.11.2, do NOT say it is for it. People will come here complaining they downloaded the mod from that site, and got a crash on 1.11/.2, when this mod is for 1.10.2
Thank your for atleast asking to use this mod on that side, I am not a developer, just a conserned forum member who likes the mod, and hates when people who don't read/can't comprehend what numbers are come to the thread complaining about crashes for the mod on a version that it isn't even for.
Wait for Kino's responce before taking it down, but, for future reference, either ask first, or ask in a PM if you can do this, so you can show proof that you are allowed to post it there.
this is a known issue, the only workaround is to turn off bunkers in the options menu. You can try it with your existing world save to see if the bunker doesn't re-generate, meaning you start new worlds with it on, then turn it off afterwords
first of all, as 115Kino has said, several times, and on the front page, he isn't going to add the cities, because it was another mod, tha GiMoe added in, with the permission of the old caretaker of the Cities mod. Kino hasn't gotten ahold of that mod maker, and thus hasn't gotten permission to add it. He has stated that he will try to add his OWN version of cities, or atleast large ruins somtime in the future. You'll just have to be patient, and use something like Recurrent complex to add them in "manually". I don't know how you would do that, but I'm sure that if you ask your modpack users for help, they'd try and help.
As for the radiated water, I think that'd be a fun thing to re-add, as well as the sleep option one. as for the tree's, you can use something like Recurrent complex again to make custom trees, as well as other wood related things, like destroyed bio-domes, with dead-shrubs instead of sapplings.
looking forward to he development of this mod
I absolutely love love LOVE Decorative mods.
Does your mod tie into the default block textures? IE: texturepack compatible?
If you ever need idea's for things to add, don't hesitate to ask :3
yes thank you much. Question/suggestion/request:
Can you make something completely unrelated to candles completely? That being a desk, bookshelves, and podiums? It'd be super fun to have a book shelf that you can fill with books and watch the texture change as you fill it (kinda like Bibliocrafts, but for 1.10.2 :D), the desk would probably be another similar thing, but could have lots of pretty candles on it :3 and the podium would, also, be for books, but could be nice decorations for church type builds that also have books on it
AH! Well, in that case, either Ladder/rope arrows that will provide a climbable surface to climb up on once it lands. Alternatively you could make a web-arrow, one that will explode in sticky webbing that traps people/mobs
Oh cool!
wait really? how did you get him back? or did he just show up?
Also it would be really cool to watch them, especially if you could somehow tie into Optifines dynamic lights, so you could watch the arrows light up the area around them if you say... shot it into a cave to light it up before exploring, only to see hundereds of creepers looking back at you (also, love the zelda reference, Wind Waker was the ****)
Well, for new ideas, the first thing I really could think of, was something akin to the torch arrow, and the bundle arrow, sort of like iChun's "Torched" mod. You would shoot a bundle of torch arrows into the air, where it would break apart and rain torches from the sky. It would be super useful for lighting up areas, as you just shoot a few of those into the air and you've lit up a very large patch of ground.
When a bow from this mod breaks, it turns into an unstrung bow which can be pulled back like a normal bow to be re-stringed.[/b] This process consumes three string from your inventory. Enchantments are lost when this happens.
Any bows that are crafted from the normal bow should
not need the normal bow to be damaged, if that is the case, then it's a
Normal bow:[/b] This bow is basically the same as the vanilla bow.
Spoiler (click to hide)
Recurve bow:[/b] This bow fires faster arrows than the normal bow, has less durability and takes longer to pull back.
Spoiler (click to hide)
Longbow:[/b] The longbow is the longest-range
bow in this mod (so far). It fires much faster arrows than the normal
bow, has the same durability, and takes much longer to pull back.
Spoiler (click to hide)
Yumi:[/b] Has the same durability as the normal
bow, higher power/range than the recurve bow, and takes a bit less long
to pull back than the longbow. Its stats are basically between the
recurve bow and the longbow, except its durability is the same as the
longbow and normal bow.
Spoiler (click to hide)
Composite bow:[/b] The composite bow is the
fastest-firing bow (in rate of fire) of them all. The crafting recipe is
(so far) the most complicated, too. To craft it, you'll need two rotten
flesh, a water bottle, a bone, a stick, a piece of leather, and three
string. The crafting recipes using all these items are below.
Bottled rotten flesh (crafted with rotten flesh, not sinew):
Hide glue:
Spoiler (click to hide)
Arrow types:
The arrows (including the vanilla one) are in their own creative tab.
Spoiler (click to hide)
Fire arrow:[/b] Arrows that are on fire. They light blocks on fire after a fraction of a second, then burn away.
Impact explosive arrow:[/b] Explodes on impact with the ground or a mob. The explosion is quite small.
Timed explosive arrow:[/b] Explodes somewhere
around 1.5 seconds after being fired. The explosion is almost the size
of a creeper explosion, and is quite deadly. These arrows do not stick
in entities, but bounce off.
Ender arrow:[/b] This arrow teleports whoever
shoots it to where it lands. By default, these arrows will load chunks
around them so they continue to fly until they land.
Torch arrow:[/b] Unlike the usual torch arrows,
these will place torches wherever on a block the arrow lands. Multiple
torches can go in one block. Currently there is no check to see whether a
torch will conflict with another's bounds in a block (meaning they can
The torches created will interact with liquids and pistons the same as
normal torches, though if a torch arrow lands in water, it shouldn't
place a torch, but instead drop a torch item.
Multiple torches on one block will not increase the amount of light
currently. If they are made to, I believe the increase in brightness
wouldn't be very significant.
Spoiler (click to show)
Drill arrows:[/b] These will break through six
blocks of stone. They use the effectiveness of a pickaxe to find out how
many blocks to go through. When they are picked up after being fired,
their flint drill heads will be broken and they'll have to be crafted
again to get back a working drill arrow.
If they hit a mob, they'll cause damage to it and pass through, possibly damaging another mob or breaking a block or two.
They can be crafted with a sticky piston, three arrows, three flints,
and one redstone torch (see below for the arrangement of these items).
Potion arrow:[/b] These arrows will affect whatever they hit with the effects of the potion they were crafted with.
Splitting arrows:[/b] All arrows are able to be turned into splitting arrows that can split into a number of arrows between 2 and 15 (inclusive).
To craft them, place 2 or more arrows into the crafting table along with
half that number (rounded down) of string. This is a shapeless recipe,
so it doesn't matter where they are.
There is a command (/splitarrow) to get the damage needed to make an
arrow split into the number of arrows you specify. You can use this
command to give yourself an arrow that will split into that number, too.
See the /help command (for me, page 3) for usage. If the arrow name
parameter of the command isn't entered, it'll default to the item you're
Last but not least, the quiver!
Quivers can hold up to 64 items in 16-sized stacks, to allow you to have multiple types of arrows per quiver.
Crafting recipe:[/b]
Quiver hotbar overlay:[/b]
With the overlay at the top of your screen, you can select which arrow
type you want to shoot from the quivers in your inventory. Press + to
move your selection forward, - to move it backward. The overlay has
three different animation styles to show the selected arrows, which can
be selected in the config file.
The quiver that contains the arrows you have
selected in the hotbar is rendered on your back if you have the
RenderPlayer API installed. Press backspace to switch between wearing it
on your belt or your back.[/b]
Quiver inventory GUI:[/b]
This GUI is opened by right-clicking while holding a quiver and allows
you to place arrows in your quivers. The button in the middle allows you
to remove all the arrows from the quiver at once. Shift-clicking any
arrow stack in your inventory will fill as many slots in the quiver as
possible with that stack.
Quivers can be dyed:[/b]
First, dye a plain quiver (it must be empty) white with this recipe using bone meal:
Then dye it whatever color you want it to be using the same recipe:
I guess this makes things a LOT nicer for anyone who wants to update and/or see what this mod adds