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    posted a message on [64x] SRD's Chromatose [1.5bwc][1.6][1.7][1.8] Mapping some Normals for SEUS. (Optifine Add-on is SEUSified)
    Heya, great texture pack. You won me over at the sandstone, lol. I was hoping you could drop an older version of your texture pack here. I'm still using the older minecraft version (mainly due to mods, but a texture pack still works with them).
    I'm also wondering if you could start working on some textures for tropicraft, is it possible? Possibly natura....and maybe you could pop in on tinkerer's construct?
    lol that's a lot of mods, but I do love your texture pack.

    and for all the future people who will likely come here...Aether has become quite popular. Personally I don't care for it but a friend of mine has a server, he often complains about no texture packs for the Aether...
    Posted in: Resource Packs
  • 1

    posted a message on Felixquest [MSPA]
    Quote from Rhynerd

    see if you can increase your party size by one via psychic link with pumpkin.
    or get this little "challenge complete" thing to pop up saying you gained experience for a solo psychic link

    Like this idea
    Posted in: Forum Games
  • 1

    posted a message on Need HELP with building my medieval map!
    uh-huh...i can't connect, you might need to add the port (or whatever it is called...source code?) or the ip might be mistyped, or you haven't opened up the actual port to allow others to connect to your server, i can't quite recall the name. I'm okay at this stuff but remembering it, another story.

    EDIT: I said my name earlier in the forum, but it's woodhoda
    Posted in: Minecraft Survival Servers (archive)
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