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    posted a message on Repair Table
    As long as I can use the little 2x2 grid in my inventory to smash them together, combining seems the simpler way to include the idea of repairing without getting bogged down on this one aspect of the game.

    I'd much prefer that Mojang spend the majority of their time on the things that make Minecraft unique, and not on the details it shares with other sandbox or adventure games.
    Posted in: Discussion
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    posted a message on Petition to increase the maximum height limit
    Quote from Hengabone

    The only thing you can want from Notch now is maybe a little slider to set the map height before the world is genereated...

    That is exactly what I'd like to see, an option on the world generation page that lets me select a 256 or 512 etc. height limit for a new map. Native support for greater height limit. Majestic mountains, deep dark oceans and grand cave systems, without the need of a mod to do something the game code and my computer are capable of.
    Posted in: 1.0 Update Discussion
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    posted a message on Animal Breeding
    Quote from Ovus

    Making all animals come from eggs = lazy game design.

    Considering that animal husbandry is only a small piece of what is going on in the game, I think it far preferable to keep it simple (so most people can do it to reap most of the benefits, and not fell like they're playing a game about raising animals) and silly ('cause lets face it, Minecraft is not realistic, most of it is quite fanciful).

    The breeding system needs to be so simple that the animal populations can maintain themselves at a useful level. That way when you build your pyramid or whatever you don't have to spend half of every light cycle poking your cows with a stick to make them breed.
    Posted in: 1.0 Update Discussion
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    posted a message on Animal Breeding
    Quote from Ovus

    Mmm. Delicious fetus.


    They're so tender and juicy.

    Remember that ALL animals will have eggs. So you can collect spider eggs and creeper eggs, and use them to defend your castle by smashing them on the heads of people trying to invade, and spawning spiders and creepers on them to slay the invaders with your monstrous hordes.
    Posted in: 1.0 Update Discussion
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    posted a message on Animal Breeding
    Quote from Ovus

    What's so wrong with having animals mate?

    Why are people so terrified of the process of reproduction?

    It's no wonder people grow up to have such warped complexes over sex.

    lol Adding in a realistic mating process is way more trouble than it's worth, considering the total lack of reality in so much of the game. People wanting copulating animals, preggo cow bellies, months of carrying to term, even male and female animal models, all that is more ridiculous for the setting of Minecraft than eggs would be.

    We can have herds of asexual hermaphroditic animals that randomly produce eggs ('cause thats what the chickens are already). I still think we need some of the eggs to hatch automatically, so wolves/lions/bears/oh-my! don't drive wild populations into extinction.
    Posted in: 1.0 Update Discussion
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    posted a message on Insane world generated with the 256 height limit (1.9 Pre)
    Quote from Chris0132

    It'd be very nice if this was in the world options tab, so you can set the height of your world. I like the regular height but I'd also like to have the option of generating crazy stuff like this.

    That's what I'm crossing my fingers for as well. I don't want to have to use a mod to achieve this. It ought to be as simple as a slider/setting for world generation. And with multiplayer, when a person is logging in, part of the info exchanged before the world is loaded can be a verification that the player accepts the Y limit of the map they're joining - to allow someone who knows their computer couldn't handle it the chance to not join rather than freezing/crashing.
    Posted in: 1.0 Update Discussion
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    posted a message on Animal Breeding
    Quote from KoreRekon

    The "yet" makes it sound like he's planning on doing baby animals.

    I just hope whatever we're supposed to feed to animals to tame them and force multiplication is as easy to get as seeds from grass. I really don't want to be forced to farm wheat in order to raise animals.
    Posted in: 1.0 Update Discussion
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    posted a message on Oceancraft
    I'm not big on huge lists of additions, but our new oceans certainly need something to liven them up.
    • Crabs: they scuttle around on the bottom, and are semi-agressive (ignore you and other mobs, fight back if they're attacked).
    • Sharks: the standard water predator, they can attack passive aquatics and players alike.
    • Tuna: a basic familiar fish to act as the pigs of the sea for sharks to nom on.
    • Kelp: basic flora of the oceans, grow upward with vine-like mechanics (not past the surface obviously), and spread in small clusters like mushrooms.
    • Coral: found in clumps in shallow oceans waters, available in a rainbow of colors like wool (no purpose necessary, just to liven the place up).
    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on Add some Aggressive Mobs (aquatic)
    Quote from juaner

    In the new biome (1.8) there are big seas with nothing more that squids... this is a little boring, I think is a good idea to add some aggressive mobs to make it more difficult to swim something like:
    1) a Crab that can't swim but bee in water (in the bottom)
    2) and I don't know a shark? ...

    Things I think would be good to add to oceans to liven them up a bit and be less lifeless and moonlike:
    • Crabs: they scuttle around on the bottom, and are semi-agressive (ignore you and other mobs, fight back if they're attacked).
    • Sharks: the standard water predator, they can attack passive aquatics and players alike.
    • Tuna: a basic familiar fish to act as the pigs of the sea for sharks to nom on.
    • Kelp: basic flora of the oceans, grow upward with vine-like mechanics (not past the surface obviously), and spread in small clusters like mushrooms.
    • Coral: found in clumps in shallow oceans waters, available in a rainbow of colors like wool (no purpose necessary, just to liven the place up).
    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on Looking for village on tiny island
    Quote from steam_punker

    I'm after a seed that has an NPC village on a tiny or medium sized island, preferably where you spawn but if not that's ok too.

    Thanks in advance if anyone has found one of these and shares it with us :smile.gif:

    I've only seen villages on Grassland and Desert, mostly desert (out of approx 200 seeds so far). I've only found one Grassland island, and not a single Desert island yet, no islands with a village. That's just within sight of spawn or nearby for those seeds with an Ocean at the spawn (graphics maxed out).
    Posted in: Seeds
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    posted a message on Mountain Island Seed
    Here are a few more 1.9pre1 seeds that will spawn you on a patch of mountain biome surrounded by ocean:


    "9223372036854770000" (has a nice lavafall)

    "-13" (snow precip on half the island)
    Posted in: Seeds
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    posted a message on Will 1.10 have new terrain generation?
    Quote from Halfshell_Her0

    Does anyone know if terrain generation is changing again in 1.10? As it did in 1.8, and 1.9.

    Probably, considering that several biomes have issues with things like coloration, climate, and flora and fauna distribution, plus we kind of lost some of them in the %-shuffle to introduce new ones for testing/feedback.
    Posted in: Discussion
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    posted a message on Do we get to see the animals mate?
    Quote from DaemosDaen

    just let the number of animals be based on the chunk they are in.. like say 5 per chunk (maybe more) if the animals walk off, they more can spawn, and it's all based on the size of the pen.

    I think the area limiting natural population growth would need to be larger than a single chunk. The range would probably need to make it 25(radius 2) or 49(radius 3) at least. We need to consider that there will be at least the 4 farm animal types breeding this way over one area, and perhaps future ocean life.
    Posted in: 1.0 Update Discussion
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    posted a message on Animal Breeding
    Quote from TinaH

    To prevent overbreeding:
    -as posted above by numerous others, feed 2 of the same animal (different genders required?).
    -limit of 1 baby per female in... let's say 60 MC nights?
    -babies require... let's say 60 MC nights to grow into adulthood? (possibly genders are random after reaching adulthood?)

    Many people are going to need more than a couple animals worth of meat every couple of days. Most people won't want to have to deal with a huge ranch, and packing large numbers into a tiny space is rather aesthetically unpleasant.

    I still prefer the Eggs option. All animals have drops like chickens do now, with some different colors per species. There should also be a % chance for eggs to hatch automatically if the local population is below # so predators and random creeper explosions don't cause extinctions.
    Posted in: 1.0 Update Discussion
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    posted a message on Do we get to see the animals mate?
    Quote from MPSai

    Since it's Minecraft I assume a new animal will instantly pop into existence next to the parents.

    Or, you know. Eggs.

    (it's not really going to be eggs btw)

    Eggs are funnier, and easier to transport. Go eggs!
    Posted in: 1.0 Update Discussion
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