No Magic Yarn for newer versions?
Alas! Now that Mystcraft is on 1.12 I mentioned that I "once had this one mod that..." and was able to dig up the Magic Yarn name only to find it hasn't been updated since 1.8. I really do prefer something like Magic Yarn over minimaps, as minimaps don't work underground (most of the time) and break the immersion.
I honestly don't know what it would take to fix it, but if by any chance you have any ideas on how I could get this working I'm all open ears.
It requires updating Harder Underground, which is going to need an overhaul of the block metadata -> blockstate system as well as how it handles textures.
It seems that COG has officially updated to 1.12.2 now, could you please mark the mod on curseforge to be on version 1.12.2 instead of 1.12.1 so one can download them in the curse launcher?
I'll validate against 1.12.2 first, shouldn't take me too long.
I have really missed this mod as well. Glad it might make it into 1.12.2. My modpack im working on would be complete with this mod! Who's this dude that ports to 1.12.2 and where can I read about the progress?
Had someone contact me recently willing to do it, so yes!
I've been busy with other things (namely, real jobs) and its been kind of low on my task list.
Sorry to be "that guy" but I'm somewhat confused here- The mod you link that you say is required- Custom Ore Generation- doesn't seem to be updated to 1.12? Will throwing it into a 1.12 client still work, or do we just need to wait for it to update
Awesome looking mod BTW, been wanting to make the time to try it out
tested out a new world, ran the command and all it shows are the green squares
That would be COG not having any distributions to lay down. The redstone pipes are freaking everywhere.
Why that is could be due to another mod force-disabling COG's distributions, COG's distributions just being disabled by the user, or some other issue.
hey running into a bit of an issue where no ore is spawning in the world at all. im running a pretty mod heavy pack currently but there are not many that change the generation. have you or anyone run across any incompatibilities amongst other mods? or perhaps i have missed a step somewhere in the configs?
do a /cogEnableDebugging true command and check to see what COG thinks its doing (cheats required), then in creative mode, punch your way to some of those veins and check to see if they're being populated.
But it does sound like a mod incompatibility, but it's likely something that's incompatible with COG.
I am using CustomOreGen and Ore Flowers and am wondering if there is a way to configure the flowers to oreDict with Copper. I am not using Harder Ores for personal preference and I cannot get the flowers to spawn for Copper. Any help would be great!
What about the flour and sugarcane grinding though? I like having that required, but I can't upgrade your windmill to the IE windmills. Although I guess I haven't tried putting wheat/sugarcane through an IE grinder.
Oh yeah <..<
There is that
(I don't play with the higher tech mods myself, so I sort of forgot about it).
In a long time. Forge hasn't even updated to 1.13 yet. Hold your horses.
No Magic Yarn for newer versions?
Alas! Now that Mystcraft is on 1.12 I mentioned that I "once had this one mod that..." and was able to dig up the Magic Yarn name only to find it hasn't been updated since 1.8. I really do prefer something like Magic Yarn over minimaps, as minimaps don't work underground (most of the time) and break the immersion.
Underground was not updated for 1.12
It requires updating Harder Underground, which is going to need an overhaul of the block metadata -> blockstate system as well as how it handles textures.
Ah christ, I haven't messed with it in ages.
Keybounce would know more. Try 32?
I'll validate against 1.12.2 first, shouldn't take me too long.Done!
Had someone contact me recently willing to do it, so yes!
I've been busy with other things (namely, real jobs) and its been kind of low on my task list.
Not sure, haven't tried it. Probably.
That would be COG not having any distributions to lay down. The redstone pipes are freaking everywhere.
Why that is could be due to another mod force-disabling COG's distributions, COG's distributions just being disabled by the user, or some other issue.
do a /cogEnableDebugging true command and check to see what COG thinks its doing (cheats required), then in creative mode, punch your way to some of those veins and check to see if they're being populated.
But it does sound like a mod incompatibility, but it's likely something that's incompatible with COG.
Already done:
If it's not detecting a given mod's copper, then they haven't registered it to the oreDict in a way that I can recognize it.
Oh yeah <..<
There is that
(I don't play with the higher tech mods myself, so I sort of forgot about it).
That's weird. That shouldn't happen.