Quote from DrackonDrk»
Hi, I have a question about the megas evolutions of Pokemon, I have a level 70 Gallade with megastone and I own the megaring, but always I try to evolve says failed.
The question is, What conditions the mega evolution? If it's happiness. How I see??
Sorry for my English
Which minecraft verison?
In 1.7.10 it needed happiness, you can check that by right clicking with mushroom stew, it needs to say "Ecstatic" for it to mega evolve. You need to have a mega ring in a ring slot for baubles.
In 1.8.9 it just needs to hold the correct mega stone. In 1.8.9 if you have baubles installed, you need to wear the mega ring in the baubles slot, otherwise you need to have mega ring in inventory
I will check this skin Scyther when I finish the Malamar, to send it all together (Scyther, Inkay, Malamar)