Thutmose, you had talked about the fire in the Mega Charizard X tail, I had used the same model of own Charizard, but you have any idea how to make the tail? I'm a little out of ideas, so if you have to mention that I already do as soon as possible.
The Mega Sableye was done in conjunction with AndyKyra
You had talked about the fire in the Mega Charizard X tail, I had used the same model of own Charizard, but you have any idea how to make the tail? I'm a little out of ideas, so if you have to mention that I already do as soon as possible.
Thutmose, when you will add Sableye, Mega Sableye, Inkay, Malamar, adjustments of Gardevoir, Mega Gardevoir, Scyther skins?
Guys, what you would like Pokemons had in pokecube?
I am out of ideas on what to do if they can say what they want will try to create here
Thutmose could evaluate the Inkay and Malamar I did? It was very difficult to make the Malamar xD.
In Link also that the correction in the Scyther shiny skin
I will check this skin Scyther when I finish the Malamar, to send it all together (Scyther, Inkay, Malamar)
Thutmose, you had talked about the fire in the Mega Charizard X tail, I had used the same model of own Charizard, but you have any idea how to make the tail? I'm a little out of ideas, so if you have to mention that I already do as soon as possible.
Thutmose, the Sableye and OMEGA Sableye and new skins of Gardevoir and Mega Gardevoir I sent, will be added so on Wednesday?
Mega Charizard X Model almost ready just missing some adjustments, then it will be added to the game
Thutmose, you have not added the correction that made the skins Mega Gardevoir Shiny and Gardevoir shiny?
Thutmose, follow the link to the Download Sableye and Mega Sableye if possible is to add it and Gardevoir adjustments I made?
The Mega Sableye was done in conjunction with AndyKyra
You had talked about the fire in the Mega Charizard X tail, I had used the same model of own Charizard, but you have any idea how to make the tail? I'm a little out of ideas, so if you have to mention that I already do as soon as possible.
Palkia and Dialga will also be in this dimension?
The updates(Mega Banette and skins) will be added on Wednesday?
I really do not know if it was good this Mega Charizard X :D:D:D
Thutmose, could take a look?
I had a little trouble with it, if someone want to adjust, I would appreciate
Giratina has not spawn?
Where is the latios/latias spawn?
Some adjustments in the skins of Gardevoir:
How do I two Pokemons to mate?
Set the colors of the Mega Gardevoir Shiny Gloves