
About Me

I play Minecraft. It's crazy. I know. I've also given in to the Minecraft splash text and also tried Terraria. It's a 8.5/10 game. Beat it and have 200 hours in it lol.

Java: imafenderstrat

Bedrock: a pineapple4885

Roblox: Blockwolf77

Steam: Dr_Pineapple_416


I play Minecraft obviously, and I just like playing Hypixel or Vanilla with friends (also sometimes Cobblemon with my friend Richard)

I also play guitar, piano, and trumpet outside of Minecraft.

I like David Bowie. I always name my bow that. idk why i put that I don’t know what to say at this point its 10:50pm when im writing this and i just had some melatonin so gn.

Location 'Merica (not texan lol)

Profile Information

Minecraft Imafenderstrat Xbox a pineapple4885 Steam Dr_Pineapple_416 PMC Dr_Pineapple_416