XtraBlocks A range of mods that add a wide variety of new blocks, Lighting, liquids
and items to Minecraft. Includes many blank numbered blocks that you can add your own textures to.
Bring your adventure maps or creative builds to life with a huge range of variety.
Have you ever wanted more texture's without sacrificing vanilla blocks.
Do you want more lighting options? Torches, Lamps & Light Blocks
How about colored and stained glass, or more variety of stairs and slabs?
Ever wish that buttons/pressure plates would hold your doors open a bit longer... or maybe a lot longer?
Maybe you even wanted more liquids, doors, cakes, fences and gates or multi-textured blocks?
This is a very large mod, with well over a thousand blocks. It has been designed so that you can use as few or as many as you require.
There are quite a few useful blocks that come already textured, but the vast majority of blocks have blank textures (numbered for convenience) that you need to texture yourself.
How to disable blocks or remove specific modules:
Another thing to note, is that it is not recommended to disable blocks in the fences module. To enable torches to be placed on fences, they share some code that will cause crashes when one of them is not present.
2. All of the modules are independent. To remove a module, just open the mod .zip then open the folder called "xtrablocks" and delete the folder of the modules that you don't want. You can then remove the corresponding texture folders from the "mods" folder.
How to change block/item names:
To use the language files, follow the simple instructions in the spoiler below
Open the folder for the module you want to edit and then go into the "lang" folder.
Just double click the en_US.language file in the zip, to open it with you text editing program.
Change the name/names (as shown below) then save it and allow it to update the zip.
Note: If the file does not open up in your text editor of choice, just drag the language file to your desktop (or somewhere of your choosing) and change the default program that opens it.
(Right click on the file and select open with, then select the default program, i.e. Notepad++ or a similar program.) Now that the file has been associated, all language files should open directly from the .zip.
To edit the language file, you need to change only the part after "name=" at the end of each string. e.g.
tile.MultiStone01.name=MultiStone 01<br>
would be changed to.
tile.MultiStone01.name=The name of your choice<br>
Place the XtraBlocks mod.zip inside the mods folder
How to texture the blocks:
All textures can be resized to whatever you need. rages 16 - 256 will work with minecraft alone. Sizes above that will need HD support from either Optifine or MCPatcher.
1) Open the mods .zip file and then open the assets folder.
2) Open the folder of the module you want to re-texture and then navigate into the textures folder.
3) Open the folder that you need, be it Blocks, Items or GUI (choices vary between modules).
4) Select the texture that you want to edit and open it in the texture editing software of your choice.
(Photoshop, PaintShopPro, Gimp)
5) Edit the texture. You can either design you own with the tools in your paint package or you can replace the texture with one from a texture pack/image hosting site.
6)Save the image (making sure not to change the name) directly back to the zip, or to wherever you extracted them to. If the textures were extracted, you will now need to drop them back into the mods.zip
(replacing the original texture)
How to use with resource packs:
Open the assets folder and drop all of the texture folders from the Xtrablocks assets folder into it.
(make sure that they are just in the assets folder and not in assets/minecraft)
That's it. now you can change textures or block names from your resources pack.
What is in each module?
Solid Arrow Slot - looks just like the arrow slot, but can't be passed through.
Bars - prison bars.
Column (bottom and top and middle)
3 x Gravestones
Industrial Light - place on ceilings, can be powered with redstone.
Industrial Wall Light - place on walls, not powered(always gives of light).
PicketFence + inside/outside corners
Bridge (Middle and end)
Bridge Rails (full set)
Bannisters (full set)
6 x UprightSlabs - Verticle slabs.
2 x sets of spiral staircases - Each set consists of a Faux Slab (sits above the block it's placed on)
and a left and right version of the top step.
6 x iron bars
Functional Blocks (* containers)
EnglishPostbox *
Fridge *
ParkBin *
Stove (furnace)
USMailbox *
These blocks are designed for use by admins on adventure maps, for this reason they don't have crafting recipes.
5 x Card readers - Block sends out redstone power, when activated with it's respective card or Master Card.
5 x Card buttons - When activated by it's corresponding card or Master Card, these buttons send out a 5 second redstone pulse.
5 x Cards - Use these cards to activate card readers and card buttons.
1 x Master Card - Will work on any card reader or card button.
5 x Key lock doors - These doors can only be opened with their respective keys. They can't be activated by power nor can you destroy them.
5 x Key lock trapdoors - These trapdoors can only be opened with their respective keys. They can't be activated by power nor can you destroy them.
5 x Key lock Safes - These Safes can only be opened with their respective keys. Store your goodies safely (like a chest).
5 x Keys - Keys will open their respective doors/trapdoors/safes, but be consumed on use
5 x Forged keys - Forged keys will open their respective doors/trapdoors/safes and can be used indefinitely.
5 x Flint and Steel's - Each flint and steel places a different colored fire block.
32 x Bedrock blocks - (metadata) Make unbreakable blocks with your favorite textures.
16 x Gravity Bedrock - (metadata) Make unbreakable falling blocks (like sand) with your favorite textures.
1 x Boundary Block - A bedrock block that is invisible. Ideal for setting boundaries in adventure maps.
1 x Master Key - A key that will work on any of the keyed blocks.
64 x XItems - Blank items that you can make into whatever you like.
64 x Cloth blocks - (metadata) Make cloth blocks with your favorite textures.
16 x Cloth Pillars (10 x 10 x 16) - (metadata) Make cloth Pillars with your favorite textures.
16 x Cloth Poles (8 x 8 x 16) - (metadata) Make cloth Poles with your favorite textures.
16 x Cloth Stairs - Make cloth Stairs with your favorite textures. (Uses the same textures as DIYCloth 01- 16)
16 x Cloth Slabs - (Make cloth Slabs with your favorite textures. (Uses the same textures as DIYCloth 01- 16)
8 x MultiCloth - Multi tetured blocks with a different texture for the top, bottom, side and face.
The top and face textures will rotate so that they always face you, on placement. The side texture is applied to the 3 remaining sides.
8 x Cloth Dice - Multi textured blocks with a different texture for all six sides. Textures rotate on placement.
16 x Flammable blocks (10 x 10) - (metadata) Make Flammable blocks with your favorite textures.
8 x Ladders - Make Ladders with your favorite textures.
8 x Logs - Make Logs with your favorite textures.
8 x Leaves - Make Leaves with your favorite textures.
8 x Vines - Make Vines with your favorite textures.
4 x Flammable Dice - Multi textured flammable blocks with a different texture for all six sides. Textures rotate on placement.
4 x Plant Pots - Make Plant Pots with your favorite textures. (work the same way as regular plant pots)
4 x XLPlant Pots - Make XLPlant Pots with your favorite textures. (full size multi textured block that allows you to plant flowers, trees and cactus)
8 x DIYLilyPads (just like a regular lily pad)
8 x FakeLilyPads (just like a regular lily pad, but with no collision)
Known issue with Lily Pads
Firstly, I couldn't get the item icon to grab it's texture from the block. This means that there is an identical texture for both the block and the item. I will continue to try and get them to use the same texture for both.
Thee second issue will affect people using Optifine. I just did a quick check to make sure they were compatible and noticed that Optifine causes the colors to be different. I'm not sure what I can do about that, but I will investigate further.
8 x DIYSigns - Create custom signs
Note: There are currently no custom GUI's for them, so you will see the default sign background whilst entering text. Once you hit the done button though, the custom textured sign will be there. (I will try to add the GUI's asap)
8 x DIYCoral - Coral that places underwater.
8 x DIYGlowCoral - Coral that places underwater and glows.
8 x DIYBeds (just like a regular bed)
To make use of the music discs, audio must be in .ogg format and be placed at:
For 1.4.7 - 1.5.2 = "resources/mod/streaming".
For 1.6.4 (old .minecraft setup) = ".minecraft/assets/records".
For 1.6.4 (new .minecraft setup) = ".minecraft/assets/virtual/legacy/records".
For 1.6.4 (1.6.4_XBEEModulated_v1.0.9+) = ".mod.zip/assets/xtrablocksdiydiscs/records".
Name each .ogg file sequentially DIYDisc01 - DIYDisc32
For now I have left them with no crafting recipes, for OP use.
32 x Music Discs (records) - Make records with your favorite textures and music.
16 x Fence Gates - Make fence gates with your favorite textures.(Uses the same textures as DIYFences 01- 16)
16 x Stone Walls - Make Stone Walls with your favorite textures.
16 x Wood Walls - Make Wood Walls with your favorite textures.
16 x Torches - Make Torches with your favorite textures.
16 x Colored Torches - Make Colored Torches with your favorite textures. Like regular torches, but with different colored particles.
16 x XTorches - Make XTorches with your favorite textures. Like regular torches, but render as a cross (like a flower).
32 x XBlocks - XBlocks render as a cross (like a flower). Use them to make your own plants, pillars, statues, even chains.
32 x XBases - XBases render as a cross (like a flower). They are the same as XBlocks, only they are solid (can't be passed through).
4 x XtraLamps - XtraLamps are just like a torch that can be switched on/off with redstone. (can also be placed on ceilings).
4 x XLamps - XLamps are just like XtraLamps, only they render as a cross (like a flower).
1 x Chocolate Cake - Chocolate cake is similar to a cake (increased properties).
16 x Colored Pork - Colored pork are similar to regular pork, each one has increased potion effects.
16 x Cooked Colored Pork - Cooked Colored pork are similar to regular cooked pork, each one has increased potion effects.
32 x Glass blocks - (metadata) Make Glass blocks with your favorite textures.
16 x Glass Pillars (10 x 10 x 16) - (metadata) Make Glass Pillars with your favorite textures.
16 x Glass Poles (8 x 8 x 16) - (metadata) Make Glass Poles with your favorite textures.
16 x Glass Stairs - Make Glass Stairs with your favorite textures. (Uses the same textures as DIYGlass 01- 16)
16 x Glass Slabs - (Make Glass Slabs with your favorite textures. (Uses the same textures as DIYGlass 01- 16)
32 x StainedGlass blocks - (metadata) Make StainedGlass blocks with your favorite textures.
16 x StainedGlass Pillars (10 x 10) - (metadata) Make StainedGlass Pillars with your favorite textures.
16 x StainedGlass Poles (8 x 8) - (metadata) Make StainedGlass Poles with your favorite textures.
16 x StainedGlass Stairs - Make StainedGlass Stairs with your favorite textures. (Uses the same textures as DIYStainedGlass 01- 16)
16 x StainedGlass Slabs - (Make StainedGlass Slabs with your favorite textures. (Uses the same textures as DIYStainedGlass 01- 16)
*32 x StainedPane blocks - (metadata) Make StainedGlass blocks with your favorite textures.
*32 x StainedGlassPane blocks - (metadata) Make StainedGlass panes with your favorite textures.
(Much thanks and credit goes to CptSpaceToaster for allowing me to pick through his code for the panes)
For more details about the Stained Glass Panes, see spoiler below.
*Stained glass panes are only available for 1.6.4
The stained glass panes are metadata blocks, meaning you get 16 blocks for only 1 block id.
Each Pane takes it's main (face) texture from a stained glass block and then has a separate texture for the borders.
Originally, I was going to link them to the existing stained glass blocks. I decided that as many of them may already be in use that users may not want the new panes textures to be bound to them. In the end, I added two new sets of StainedPaneBlocks and two sets of StainedGlassPanes. All of the panes will connect to each other, as well as any of the stained pane blocks (they will not connect with the original stained glass blocks though).
Texture wise, I have just reused the same textures as the existing stained glass blocks (only a little darker.)
With regards to disabling blocks in the config file. You can disable either of the StainedGlassPanes (leaving the StainedPaneBlocks active), but you can't disable the StainedPaneBlocks if you have the StainedGlassPanes enabled.
64 x Glow blocks - (metadata) Make Glow blocks with your favorite textures.
16 x Glow Pillars (10 x 10 x 16) - (metadata) Make Glow Pillars with your favorite textures.
16 x Glow Poles (8 x 8 x 16) - (metadata) Make Glow Poles with your favorite textures.
16 x Glow Stairs - Make Glow Stairs with your favorite textures. (Uses the same textures as DIYGlow 01- 16)
16 x Glow Slabs - (Make Glow Slabs with your favorite textures. (Uses the same textures as DIYGlow 01- 16)
8 x MultiGlow - Multi tetured blocks with a different texture for the top, bottom, side and face.
The top and face textures will rotate so that they always face you, on placement. The side texture is applied to the 3 remaining sides.
8 x Glow Dice - Multi textured blocks with a different texture for all six sides. Textures rotate on placement.
1 x Glow Grass - Grass that glows.
4 x Glow logs - Logs that glow. (1 for each type of log).
1 x Glow Bookshelf - A bookshelf that glows.
3 x Glow Sandstone - Glowing sandstone of each variety.
10 x Buckets - Each bucket pours a different colored liquid.
Liquids with hardcoded colors.
Blood = Red.
Ooze = Green.
Purple Goop = Purple (also glows).
Toxic Waste = Green (Has the same properties as lava and glows).
Xanthous = Yellow.
Liquids that can be retextured.
64 x Metal blocks - (metadata) Make Metal blocks with your favorite textures.
16 x Metal Pillars (10 x 10 x 16) - (metadata) Make Metal Pillars with your favorite textures.
16 x Metal Poles (8 x 8 x 16) - (metadata) Make Metal Poles with your favorite textures.
16 x Metal Stairs - Make Metal Stairs with your favorite textures. (Uses the same textures as DIYMetal 01- 16)
16 x Metal Slabs - (Make Metal Slabs with your favorite textures. (Uses the same textures as DIYMetal 01- 16)
16 x Gravity Metal - (metadata) Make Metal falling blocks (like sand) with your favorite textures.
8 x MultiMetal - Multi tetured blocks with a different texture for the top, bottom, side and face.
The top and face textures will rotate so that they always face you, on placement. The side texture is applied to the 3 remaining sides.
8 x Metal Dice - Multi textured blocks with a different texture for all six sides. Textures rotate on placement.
There are also limitations as to how they can be used. ie, you can't place one on a wall and on the floor directly below. There can also be weird collision when using them opposite each other in close quarters.
32 x Panels - Panels act like a wallpaper, they can be placed on walls, floors or ceilings.
(You can destroy the block they are placed on and they will remain in place).
32 x Fake Panels - Fake Panels act like a wallpaper, they can be placed on walls, floors or ceilings. The fake panels can be passed through, ideal for hidden doors.
(You can destroy the block they are placed on and they will remain in place).
32 x Raised Panels - Raised Panels have the same dimensions as snow, they can be placed on walls, floors or ceilings.
(You can destroy the block they are placed on and they will remain in place).
32 x Raised Fake Panels - Raised Fake Panels act like a wallpaper, they can be placed on walls, floors or ceilings. The fake panels can be passed through, ideal for hidden doors.
(You can destroy the block they are placed on and they will remain in place).
16 x Cloth Pavers - Similar to panels, but can only be placed on the floor.
16 x Metal Pavers - Similar to panels, but can only be placed on the floor.
16 x Stone Pavers - Similar to panels, but can only be placed on the floor.
16 x Wood Pavers - Similar to panels, but can only be placed on the floor.
16 x Raised Cloth Pavers - Similar to raised panels, but can only be placed on the floor.
16 x Raised Metal Pavers - Similar to raised panels, but can only be placed on the floor.
16 x Raised Stone Pavers - Similar to raised panels, but can only be placed on the floor.
16 x Raised Wood Pavers - Similar to raised panels, but can only be placed on the floor.
16 x Glass Panels (supports colored transparency)
16 x Raised Glass Panels (supports colored transparency)
16 x Glass Pavers (supports colored transparency)
16 x Raised Glass Pavers (supports colored transparency)
8 x Metal Doors - Make Metal Doors with your favorite textures.
4 x Trapdoors - Make Trapdoors with your favorite textures. (Includes a blast proof trapdoor).
8 x Light Blocks - Produce light when powered (like a redstone lamp).
8 x Swap Blocks - Changes to a different block when powered.
4 x Timer Buttons - Buttons that remain active for a set amount of time. 5 sec, 10 sec, 20 sec & 1 min
4 x Pressure Plates - TimerPad = stays active for 10 seconds (activates by player only)
- HiddenTimerPad = stays active for 10 seconds (invisible/activates by player only).
- HiddenPressurePlate = Works like a stone pressure plate (invisible/activates by player only).
- HiddenItemPlate = Works like an wooden pressure plate (invisible/activates by player only or an item).
1 x WallSwitch - A small block that can be right clicked by the player to activate redstone. Click it again to turn it off. (Place on walls, floor or ceilings).
1 x SkeletonKey - A key that will open any of the metal doors/trapdoors.
64 x Stone blocks - (metadata) Make Stone blocks with your favorite textures.
16 x Stone Pillars (10 x 10 x 16) - (metadata) Make Stone Pillars with your favorite textures.
16 x Stone Poles (8 x 8 x 16) - (metadata) Make Stone Poles with your favorite textures.
16 x Stone Stairs - Make Stone Stairs with your favorite textures. (Uses the same textures as DIYStone 01- 16)
16 x Stone Slabs - (Make Stone Slabs with your favorite textures. (Uses the same textures as DIYStone 01- 16)
16 x Gravity Stone - (metadata) Make Stone falling blocks (like sand) with your favorite textures.
8 x MultiStone - Multi tetured blocks with a different texture for the top, bottom, side and face.
The top and face textures will rotate so that they always face you, on placement. The side texture is applied to the 3 remaining sides.
8 x Stone Dice - Multi textured blocks with a different texture for all six sides. Textures rotate on placement.
5 x colored chests - look and work just like regular chests.
9 x Stone sword - Make stone swords with your favorite textures. (Each sword has slightly better stat's).
9 x Iron sword - Make iron swords with your favorite textures. (Each sword has slightly better stat's, sword #9 shoots fireballs on right click).
9 x Diamond sword - Make diamond swords with your favorite textures. (Each sword has slightly better stat's, sword #9 spawns lightning when hitting a mob).
9 x Sets of Armor - Make armor with your favorite textures.
64 x Wood blocks - (metadata) Make Wood blocks with your favorite textures.
16 x Wood Pillars (10 x 10 x 16) - (metadata) Make Wood Pillars with your favorite textures.
16 x Wood Poles (8 x 8 x 16) - (metadata) Make Wood Poles with your favorite textures.
16 x Wood Stairs - Make Wood Stairs with your favorite textures. (Uses the same textures as DIYWood 01- 16)
16 x Wood Slabs - (Make Wood Slabs with your favorite textures. (Uses the same textures as DIYWood 01- 16)
16 x Gravity Wood - (metadata) Make Wood falling blocks (like sand) with your favorite textures.
8 x MultiWood - Multi tetured blocks with a different texture for the top, bottom, side and face.
The top and face textures will rotate so that they always face you, on placement. The side texture is applied to the 3 remaining sides.
8 x Wood Dice - Multi textured blocks with a different texture for all six sides. Textures rotate on placement.
1 x BarbedWire - Builds like a wall, is grabby and deals damage.
1 x Blast Glass - A glass block that can withstand explosions.
1 x BouncySlime - A trampoline block. Stack them to increase bounce height. (Combine with landing pads to make rapid elevators).
1 x Landing Pad - Use in conjunction with bouncy slime, landing on this block will deal you no damage.
1 x Coal Block - Stack your pieces of coal into blocks that can be set on fire. Burns much longer than regular coal when used in a furnace.
1 x FogBlock - Walk through this wispy fog, also comes as a half slab.
1 x ToxicFogBlock - Walk through this toxic fog at your peril. It has a slight glow and will cause you nausea, also comes as a half slab.
1 x Glowpaint & 1 x DullGlowpaint - Tip the contents of these bottles on any block to make them glow at either full or half brightness.
2 x Fountains - These blocks come in two parts (top & bottom). Decorative blocks that spurt water particles.
2 x Ladders - Gold and Iron ladders.
1 x HealBlock - Walk on this block to receive a health boost.
1 x HungerBlock - Walk on this block to receive a hunger bar boost.
1 x NightVisionBlock - Walk on this block to receive a hit of night vision.
1 x ScubaBlock - Walk on this block and be able to hold your breath underwater for 1 minute.
1 x Sugar Cube - Stack your sugar into a block. Walk on this block to receive a speed boost.
1 x HotCoals - This block gives of a slight glow and will burn your toes.
1 x SmoulderingHotCoals - This block gives of a slight glow and smoke particles, will burn your toes.
1 x MeatMelon - A melon with a zombie twist.
1 x Mud - this block will slow you down.
1 x Set of Path Blocks - 5 x multitextured rotating blocks to make paths with kerbs and corners.
1 x Set of Road Blocks - 6 x multitextured rotating blocks to make Roads with kerbs, lines and corners.
1 x redstone Block - Stack your redstone dust into a block, right click the block to make it powered.
1 x SlimeBlock - A thick gooey block that you can pass through.
1 x Spike - A deadly block of spikes.
1 x UnlitTorch - Right click this torch with a Zippo and it will light up. Right click the lit torch with a torch snuffer to put it out.
1 x UnPoweredTorch - Right click this torch with a Zippo and it will light up and become a power source. Right click the lit torch with a torch snuffer to put it out.
1 x Torch Snuffer - Used to put out the active versions of Unlit/UnPoweredTorches.
1 x Zippo - Used to light the Unlit/UnPowered Torches.
2 x Vines - Make Vines with your favorite textures. Change color with biome.
1 x WallLight - A small flat block that glows. Can be placed on walls, floors or ceilings.
1 x Wheat Bale - Stack your wheat into a block. (Textures work the same as a log).
1 x TikiLamp - Right click with a Zippo and it will light up. Right click with a torch snuffer to put it out.
1 x PermaDirt - Just like regular dirt, but it won't grass over. (good for use with paths)
10 x Sets of path blocks - These blocks are overlays that can be used for making paths.
There is Grass, Patchy Grass, Wood, Cobblestone, Patchy cobblestone and 5 x blank sets.
1 x Brazier - Used for cooking only food items. Requires kindling for fuel.
1 x CampFire - Used for cooking food items and making coal. Requires kindling for fuel.
1 x Candelabra - Brighter than a single candle, light it with a zippo or extinguish with a torch snuffer.
1 x CandleHolder - A single candle, light it with a zippo or extinguish with a torch snuffer.
1 x Chandelier - Hang it from your ceiling, light it with a zippo or extinguish with a torch snuffer.
1 x Kindling - Used as fuel in the brazier and campfire, requires wood splitter to make.
1 x WoodSplitter _ Place in a crafting bench with a wood log to make kindling.
These blocks have a record associated with them and will play when powered. Handy if you want to play a song in a certain area, or maybe add some atmosphere or a voice over.
You can edit the records the same as with DIYDiscs. Audio must be in .ogg format.
Note: The discs are not available in game, They can only be played via their specific block.
Music blocks are affected by each other, activating a second music block will cancel out the first music block..
To use DIYMusicBlocks, audio must be in .ogg format and be placed at:
Name each .ogg file sequentially as: SoundDisc01 - SoundDisc16
32 x DIYSoundBlocks
These blocks play a sound when activated. These work best when the sound file is kept between 1 & 15 seconds long.
Sound blocks are unaffected by each other, so multiple blocks can be used at the same time.
To use DIYSoundBlocks, audio must be in .ogg format and be placed at:
Name each .ogg file sequentially as: 01Sound - 16Sound
1 x Barrel - A barrel.
2 x Benches - Park bench style
3 x chairs - A selection of different chairs.
1 x Stool - A stool.
1 x Throne - A chair fit for a King or Queen.
2 x Church Pew's - Comes in 3 pieces so you can make them whatever size you need.
1 x Kneeler - Accompanies the church pew.
1 x Screen - Accompanies the church pew.
1 x Computer - A computer with mouse.
1 x Computer Monitor - Computer monitor to accompany the computer.
1 x Picnic Table - Comes in 3 pieces so you can make them whatever size you need.
1 x Table - A single block table.
5 x Collider Blocks - invisible blocks in different sizes to add collision to some of the furniture.
1 x Low Table - A low table for use with the low table lamp.
1 x Low Table Lamp - A lamp that will turn on when right clicked.
1 x Table Lamp - A lamp that will turn on when right clicked.
1 x StagTrophy - Decoration for walls.
2 x Pool Table blocks - Build yourself a pool table. Use with lime wool and panels for the best effect.
Sets PA_A - PA_H are regular blocks and PA_I - PA_P support transparencies (for stained glass).
Requires Forge: Built for "forge-1.7.10-".
XtraBlocks-1.7.10-1.1.7b Download
For those who want to add their own recipes.
XtraBlocks-1.7.10-1.1.7b (No Recipe)
Requires Forge: Built for "forge-1.7.10-".
XtraBlocks-1.7.10-1.1.7b (No Recipe) Download
Requires Forge: Built for "forge-1.7.2-".
XtraBlocks-1.7.2-1.1.6 Download
Requires Forge: Built for "minecraftforge-installer-1.6.4-".
1.6.4_XBEEModulated_v1.1.1 Download
Older Releases
Requires Forge: Built for "forge-1.7.10-".
XtraBlocks-1.7.10-1.1.7 Download
Requires Forge: Built for "forge-1.7.10-".
XtraBlocks-1.7.10-1.1.6 Download
Requires Forge: Built for "forge-1.7.10-".
XtraBlocks-1.7.10-1.1.2 Download
Requires Forge: Built for "forge-1.7.2-".
XtraBlocks-1.7.2-1.1.2 Download
Requires Forge: Built for "minecraftforge-installer-1.6.4-".
1.6.4_XBEEModulated_v1.1.0e Download
Older versions are available upon request
Video (outdated, but will give you the basics)

An example of what can be done with XBlocks, by Wreckage

Much thanks and credit goes to CptSpaceToaster for allowing me to pick through his code for the stained glass panes.
A big thanks to coolAlias for his help getting bows and arrows working correctly again.
Thanks again to microjunk for his tutorials on chests and gui's.
Added six iron bars to the "Buildings" module.

Made some changes to the spiral staircases.
Now they are a single block with a separate invisible collision block for the top step.
Added 3 new path blocks, dirt, gravel and cobble (DIYXtras).
The path blocks sit just below the level of regular blocks, similar to tilled dirt.
Added 4 new window blocks. Windows can be opened and closed by right clicking.
When open, objects can pass through them. (Currently the wooden shutter does not block out light)
Fixed a bug that caused some models to disappear at certain angles.
There are still a few models in the Tombs and Furniture modules that could not be fixed due to their size.
Decided to leave the 3 particle blocks (that I made a while back) in the DIYPowered module for testing.

I have released several updates via the forum, but many people may have missed them.
Below is a list of all the changes made since XtraBlocks-1.7.10-1.1.2
Fixed an old bug where disabling blocks with an item renderer for models (render the model as a 3D block when in hand/inventory) would cause a crash on the server. As a result, I have reimplemented the item renderer for all of the different dice blocks as well as for all of the models in DIYXtras.
Added some new particle effects to the Brazier and Campfire (DIYXtras).
Fixed up a few recipes, most notably the DIYSigns. They now craft the item as intended (instead of the block).
Added some new recipes to the Buildings module.
Added 16 more SoundBlocks, in keeping with the additions to 1.6.4 and 1.7.10.
Removed door handles from the textures of all iron doors (DIYPowered).
Fixed the attack damage for all the swords (DIYWeapons).
Added an additional 64 blank items (DIYAdmin).
Added 8 x DIYBeds (DIYDecorations).
Added models for all the card readers.
Added a Master Card that works on all card readers and card buttons.
Added 2 sets of spiral stairs.
Added 6 x Upright Slabs.
Fixed the bounding box for the upright slab collision block (DIYFurniture)
MOD - modification, plugin, a piece of software that interfaces with or alters the Minecraft software to extend, add, change or remove original capabilities.
MOJANG - Mojang AB
OWNER - Aginsun, Current Maintainer of the MOD. Under the copyright terms accepted when purchasing Minecraft (http://www.minecraft.net/copyright.jsp) the OWNER has full rights over their MOD despite use of MOJANG code.
USER - End user of the mod, person installing the mod. (You!)
2. USE
Use of this MOD to be installed, manually or automatically, is given to the USER without restriction.
This MOD may only be distributed where uploaded, mirrored, or otherwise linked to by the OWNER solely. All mirrors of this mod must have advance written permission from the OWNER. ANY attempts to make money off of this MOD (selling, selling modified versions, adfly, sharecash, etc.) are STRICTLY FORBIDDEN, and the OWNER may claim damages or take other action to rectify the situation.
This mod is provided freely and may be decompiled and modified for private use, either with a decompiler or a bytecode editor. Public distribution of modified versions of this MOD require advance written permission of the OWNER and may be subject to certain terms.