to mine or to find? to mine it would be to use a diamond pick, but I think iron is the minimum.
To FIND redstone I'd say the best way is to find a really deep cave. If you can find a cave that goes so deep it hits lava, you'll be stocked on redstone for a good while (depending on how much redstone you use, of course)
My idea is simple and effective. Have craftable dog collars that are required to claim ownership of a tamed wolf. This would change the taming process a bit, but would be much better in the end.
When you tame a wolf; he will follow you, but he will not have a collar and will eventually despawn just like an untamed wolf. In order to claim him as your pet, you will need make a collar. Once you've crafted a collar, simply use it on a tamed wolf and he will don the collar and become your lifelong companion. Using a collar will also give you an opportunity to name the wolf, after which his name will show above him.
There would also be different types of collars, some with different benefits than others.
The first type would be a basic colored collar.
[] []
[] []
Where is a dye of your choice. This will make a basic collar with no special benefits, with the color of the applied dye (no dye will leave it brown).
The next type would be a studded collar. []
[] [] []
Where is a plain collar and is either an Iron Ignot, Gold Ignot, or diamond. The studded collar would provide attack bonuses depending on what material is used for the studs.
Then comes the rimmed collar.
[] []
[] []
A rimmed collar provides a defense bonus instead of an attack bonus, again depending on the type of material used.
By using this you would be able to differentiate between your pets, and you could also equip them depending on how you like to use them. Discuss.
I just built a boat dispenser based on this design. Except that when I press the button to make the doors open allowing the boats to move, they don't even budge. I did some messing around and figured out that vacant boats will only be affected by a current if I shove them in the direction the current is moving, which pretty much makes my new dispenser completely useless. Anybody know of a solution?
God people like this **** me off. You have something great, doesn't matter what it is. Then, when someone attempts to make it even better, you get all pissed off and decide that your once great thing is now horse ****. The fact is that whenever any game is given a major update, there's always issues. So I have a solution for you, go outside, catch up on your sun for a few days and wait for Notch to fix the bugs.
Thanks maybe i will when you learn that i said this post is for people to let there little rants out and things of such nature now get off my post!
That post was not directed at you specifically, however it definitely applies to you. And if you want me out of the thread, fine, I've made my points. Goodbye and enjoy your Jellysickle.
God people like this **** me off. You have something great, doesn't matter what it is. Then, when someone attempts to make it even better, you get all pissed off and decide that your once great thing is now horse ****. The fact is that whenever any game is given a major update, there's always issues. So I have a solution for you, go outside, catch up on your sun for a few days and wait for Notch to fix the bugs.
Actually, now that I look for it, it isn't there anymore... It used to be in the main directory in minecraft.jar, right next the the normal char.png. I've looked through the whole archive and I can't find it, it must have been removed in a recent update.
I think you've got too much contrast on the skin areas, which has kind of made him look like raw hamburger... Make the shades a little lighter and the highlights a little dimmer and you should be good :biggrin.gif:
To FIND redstone I'd say the best way is to find a really deep cave. If you can find a cave that goes so deep it hits lava, you'll be stocked on redstone for a good while (depending on how much redstone you use, of course)
When you tame a wolf; he will follow you, but he will not have a collar and will eventually despawn just like an untamed wolf. In order to claim him as your pet, you will need make a collar. Once you've crafted a collar, simply use it on a tamed wolf and he will don the collar and become your lifelong companion. Using a collar will also give you an opportunity to name the wolf, after which his name will show above him.
There would also be different types of collars, some with different benefits than others.
The first type would be a basic colored collar.
The next type would be a studded collar.
Then comes the rimmed collar.
A rimmed collar provides a defense bonus instead of an attack bonus, again depending on the type of material used.
By using this you would be able to differentiate between your pets, and you could also equip them depending on how you like to use them. Discuss.
I just built a boat dispenser based on this design. Except that when I press the button to make the doors open allowing the boats to move, they don't even budge. I did some messing around and figured out that vacant boats will only be affected by a current if I shove them in the direction the current is moving, which pretty much makes my new dispenser completely useless. Anybody know of a solution?
Entrance. To the right is the kitchen, to the left is the not finished/started basement, straight ahead is the living room.
The kitchen.
The living room.
Upstairs, the library. Through the doors is the bedroom.
The bedroom.
That post was not directed at you specifically, however it definitely applies to you. And if you want me out of the thread, fine, I've made my points. Goodbye and enjoy your Jellysickle.