Will you be putting the old custom mob spawners back up? I've been trying to get more creeps and weirdos so I can finally play the mod but I can't find the 1.2.5 mob spawner anymore
Hello Dr.Zhark i hope this is really your account i just wanted to apploigse about using your name.
i really thought the person i was talking too was you but i ddint read correctly it was drzahrk and i coulndt tell due to my dyslexia.
so i quoted as speeking to you to some of my fello staff members on the mocreatures server. once again a cincerally appologise.
I know you do not have time and things like that but when you could find some time i would like to see mo creatures page and see all the suggestions because they are all cool mobs and they are some people that can help you with models of the mod.
I have some ideas for new mobs and items, most of them taken from atmosmobs (outaded) Bird mobs and items: Items: •Birdcage Put birds in it •Nest Naturally spawning in the world with birds in them. Can be mined with an axe and drop a nest which your own birds will use •Perch Birds can sit in them (Maybe they will try to fly back there every night?) •[url=http://atmosmobs.wikia.com/wiki/Scar...
when I downloaded Mo Creatures from Skydaz I tried to spawn in some horse so i can breed a horse, but I have noticed that I only get a few type of horses whats wrong can you help? I need a black horse and a white horse but it wont spawn
ok is it just me or is someone else un able to install this mod and its siblings without it crashing cause i really waiting for 1.6.2 cause forge was coded better and my computers vid card driver is called 'bad' by the 1.5.2 forge but forge works for the 1.6.2 b ut actually i think im just missing a widget de/matthiasmann/twl/Widgetwas cause i cant run pixlemon either plz someone help
darn it he didnt chack his massages but as an update its my mo creatures that fml cant construct witch makes it remain unloaded and then fml will call that an error big enough to crash minecraft also the GUIAPI (etc) doesnt show up either
darn it he didnt chack his massages but as an update its my mo creatures that fml cant construct witch makes it remain unloaded and then fml will call that an error big enough to crash minecraft also the GUIAPI (etc) doesnt show up either
Will you be putting the old custom mob spawners back up? I've been trying to get more creeps and weirdos so I can finally play the mod but I can't find the 1.2.5 mob spawner anymore
Hello Dr.Zhark i hope this is really your account i just wanted to apploigse about using your name.
i really thought the person i was talking too was you but i ddint read correctly it was drzahrk and i coulndt tell due to my dyslexia.
so i quoted as speeking to you to some of my fello staff members on the mocreatures server. once again a cincerally appologise.
Hello DrZhark
I know you do not have time and things like that but when you could find some time i would like to see mo creatures page and see all the suggestions because they are all cool mobs and they are some people that can help you with models of the mod.
Best Regards, you have done a great job.
I meant i would like if you saw the page. anyway nevermind xp.
in mo'creatures 1.8 is the horse breeding the same as 1.7.10???