Playing on a Project Flux server (Resonant Rise version When I created my bound armor in RR Version the Night Vision did not work. However the soul network bar is always present as normal. I really miss my night vision, any idea why it doesn't work?
Edit: Also there is a few things I wanted to point out.
1. The only calculator you can shift-click items into is the Flawless.
2. Possibly make it so that you can turn coal dust into normal coal?
I forgot the rest but it'll come back to me eventually.
3. Make all End Forged Tools Enchantable in an Enchantment Table? Or do you just want to leave it as books only?
4. Make End Forged Pickaxe have a higher than Obsidian Mining level? That way I can use it instead of using a Tinker's Construct pickaxe.
5. You might have done this for balance reasons, but I think it makes a lot more sense to place Iron Ore into a Stone Separator to get Reinforced Iron Ingots, rather than an Algorithm Separator, since you are extracting the ore I suppose.
6. Sometimes recipes are listed twice in NEI, such as Flawless Glass, and if you look at what Reinforced Iron Ingots can be used for, Transmitter, Weather Station, and Storage Module are all listed twice.
7. The Machine Upgrade for Speed has .name at the end of it.
8. Small Stone's information says, "Can change Dirt to Farmland", Soil says, "Can change Dirt to Gravel"
9. Neither of the above actions seem to work either. (Tried putting in crafting table, tried right clicking dirt/grass).
I have started on the wiki, here's the first page I did as it caused much confusion for me: Also edited the Special Items page heavily and created a page for Gems and one for Ingots.
Hey! I already posted that one. Also if you could please fix the issue with if you press R while having your inventory open, the Nutrition Module/Calculator goes into your hand (Mouse), I accidentally dropped and lost my Nutrition module this way.
Also there is apparently crashing issues with the newest version of RR ( Cauldron and Calculator apparently have issues (just relaying what the server owners have said), and they removed the mod from the Project Flux server when they updated, much to my dismay. If you could find it in your ever-knowledgeable heart to find and fix these issues, I would be so grateful and be able to play again.
On a side note, I might make some tutorials/wiki stuff for Calculator as I am completely in love with this mod. It makes Blood Magic so much easier and I love me some Blood Magic. I do believe this is my favorite mod right now.
More bugs found in the previous version that is still on RR.
19. I shift-clicked pumpkin seeds into the flawless greenhouse, due to lag or something, it turned my four seeds into 6, placing two phantom plants in the greenhouse. These did not seem to grow, so I broke them.
20. The pumpkins grown in the flawless greenhouse only return seeds.
Another, slight modification to be made:
21. WAILA says locator.state:Idle when looking at an Atomic Multiplier
And on a side note, what is the increase in speed of magical crops?
I wont be able to test this build until RR updates but I'm really glad to see so many fixes! I notice I did forget to add the issues with WAILA but you had that covered.
Is there ever going to be a easier method to making diamond saplings? Because as of right now, it's incredibly expensive to make, for so little diamonds. Also the trees seem to have a tendency to grow as bushes (only 2 logs high), is that on purpose?
Oh and one more thing pertaining to number 3 (Research not actually researching), a normal calculator cannot preform most of it's functions until you place it in the research chamber, this is tied to the specific calculator, as I ended up accidentally losing my original one and had to research a second to reclaim the functionality.
Example of functionality not present until Calculator is placed in Research Chamber:
(Iron) + (Redstone) = (Calculator)
Another thing I just remembered: So for #6 (The issue with half-real items from Analyzing Chamber) Only when the server restarts does this issue reset. So upon a server reset you can get real items again. But after getting them once, if you get them again, it will once again be an issue.
Also another thing that I believe is a bug, as it was working fine in the previous version:
15. Right clicking the side of a machine with a wrench (Such as an Extraction Chamber) does not affect the graphic of the machine at all, however it is still required in order to designate which sides are being pumped in or pumped out of.
16. This may not be a bug, although the End Stone Sword is enchantable, you cannot put it in the enchanting table to enchant it. Nothing shows up on the right when placed in the enchanting table.
Found out some new information. First off research actually does seem to work? But it seems a bit erratic. I still need to place the calculator in the research chamber to unlock the recipes I already know, and it seems that for some reason I have also mysteriously logged on to find all of my research gone. However, yes I just confirmed going from 9 pages of recipes to 11 after placing an iron ingot in the Research Chamber.
Found more bugs:
17. If you press R to autosort your inventory with the (I believe) Inventory Tweaks mod, the Nutrition Module is placed in your hand, same as some other items in other mods. This can cause problems as it may cause you to drop it. Same behavior happens with a regular Calculator.
18. When first opening the crafting of Dynamic or Flawless using a Flawless calculator, your inventory gets reset in the sense that if I picked up lets say a piece of glass or any other item, it would pop right back into my inventory where it was as if I just opened my inventory, this happens once, and is only a minor inconvenience.
Flawless Greenhouse baffles me. First off the Wiki says to put the chests at the other end, but that's not true, you have to put the chests in front of the two machines. The Input Chest in front of the Greenhouse block and the output chest in front of the CO2 block.
Then I come across the odd issue of why it never actually fills up the CO2, despite putting in Controlled Fuel and having maximum energy on both machines, all it ever does is occasionally flash 0% at the bottom and 100% at the bottom of the Oxygen bar. Other than that very quick flash, there is never anything in either bars.
I had the greenhouse working for a while, it was making wheat, when suddenly it just stopped. Perhaps because I put seeds, carrots, and potatoes in the input chest, but also because now I can't get anything to grow.
Scratch that, the issue is that the Input chest doesn't input anything into the green house. The only things that will grow is the items placed in the slot of the greenhouse. I'll try to pump things into the greenhouse using some sort of item pipe.
EnderIO item pipe works fine to directly pump things into the greenhouse, although it also fills the power slot with seeds, which is kind of a problem in a way. So the wiki is wrong in saying that it needs two chests, as it will function perfectly without chests at all.
Just another suggestion, make some sort of method of turning off the Flawless Greenhouse. Preferably just something in the GUI.
Another edit another suggestion: With the Flawless Calculator, allow for Shift-Left Clicking to go upwards in the list. Shift-Right click goes from Flawless to Dynamic, allow Shift-Left Click to go from Dynamic to Flawless etc. Minor suggestion really, so not very important.
Love your mod, can't wait to see more from you!
I'm saddened by the lack of detail on the wiki however. I'd be willing to contribute to articles and add pictures and examples if needed, but I would really love it to have more instruction as a lot of this information I had to figure out on my own or through a lot of work like reading through the code to find the recipes for Conductor Mast. (I realize now that only NEI is broken for research, however the Atomic Calculator crashes you if you read the recipe list, so I still wouldn't have been able to figure it out no matter what).
List of bugs I have encountered playing on RR version using the Project Flux subpack:
1. Using the Flawless Calculator's Dynamic Crafting does not work. No recipes so far have worked in any of the three types.
2. Crafting Diamond Sapling does not work (you already confirmed this is fixed).
3. Research does not work at all. Nothing is ever unlocked or revealed in NEI.
This makes it impossible to know the crafting recipe for the Conductor
Mast as it is no where online as far as I have seen. Looking through the
code I have found the recipe:
Weather Station is: (Reinforced Iron Ingot) + (Fire Diamond) + (Reinforced Iron Ingot)
Transmitter is: (Reinforced Iron Ingot) + (Electric Diamond) + (Reinforced Iron Ingot)
4. End Diamonds do not stack (Most likely not a bug).
5. Shift clicking a stack of any amount into the Research Chamber eats the entire stack and returns only one item.
Often, very often, when putting circuits into the Analyzing Chamber,
upon getting an item, it will be glitched. It cannot be shift clicked
ever and if thrown, it will be returned to your inventory. If dropped on
the ground it will disappear instantly. If placed on another of it's
own type (Soil on a stack of X Soil) it will disappear as it doesn't
really exist. This has created several instances of infinite Grenades,
infinite Small Stone, infinite Soil to chuck as I please. The issue
seems to be that if you have already gotten the item once (While server loaded up? Rejoining server does not help) it will be glitched.
Sometimes, when placing a circuit into the Analyzing Chamber, the item
will skip the first slot and be put in the second. There is nothing in
the first slot.
8. Information on the wiki says that it can hold any number of items 1-6, however you will never get more than one item.
Information in Info Calculator and on NEI says that Small Stone when
thrown will blind. Soil says it will do damage. This is the reverse in
10. Circuits will say Stable before they are analyzed.
When you get a Stable circuit analyzed, the machine places "Stable" at
the top of the GUI, this will never go away until the chunk is unloaded.
12. Is the Diamond Tree supposed to regrow its leaves? It doesn't seem to. There also doesn't seem to be a cheaper solution to making the sapling again.
Suggestions for additions to mod:
1. Please add armor of the corresponding tiers!
2. Possibly make it so that Conductor Mast can turn off and on the rain? That would be amazing.
If the previous is NOT possible, then make it so that when it is
thunderstorming/raining, Conductor Mast gets time cut by some amount?
EDIT: Remembered another bug
13. Every time you get a Calculator (normal) from a circuit in Analyzing Chamber, if you shift click it you will be able to pick it up again and get two. If you don't shift click it, you get one.
EDIT: Found another bug
14. If you click on Recipes (The equals sign) on the Atomic Calculator you will crash to desktop. Crash report:
*This is a application for my friend, who does not have a forum account.*
Did you register at our website (MANDATORY)?: Yes In Game Name(CaSe-SENsitIVE): DrBone Age: 16 Location/Time Zone: GMT -6 How could you contribute to the community?: Joining Rubicon What real life skills to do you have? Your profession?: Student What other servers have you played on?: Tons, I go where DrWhoCares goes. How often can you play?: Daily Do you have a mic/teamspeak? If not, are you able to get them?: Yes, I have teamspeak. Any extra info you want to give us: Nope. Do you understand that this server is community run and is completely 100% funded by players like you?: Indeed. Please vote for us on minestatus! VOTE HERE! Did you vote? Please vote for us every 24 hours too!: Sure did.
Did you register at our website (MANDATORY)?: Yes. In Game Name(CaSe-SENsitIVE): DrWhoCares. Age: 15. Location/Time Zone: GMT -6:00. How could you contribute to the community?: Leader/PvPer. What real life skills to do you have? Your profession?: Nothing. What other servers have you played on?: Tons, mainly PvP. How often can you play?: Daily. Do you have a mic/teamspeak? If not, are you able to get them?: Yes I have teamspeak. Any extra info you want to give us: No. Do you understand that this server is community run and is completely 100% funded by players like you?: Yes. Please vote for us on minestatus! VOTE HERE! Okay. Did you vote? Please vote for us every 24 hours too!: Yes.
This mod needs someone to take it over as the creator has left for a indefinite hiatus due to real life responsibilities.0
They aren't highest tier, according to me attempting to mine Cobalt with an End Forged Pickaxe.
Playing on a Project Flux server (Resonant Rise version When I created my bound armor in RR Version the Night Vision did not work. However the soul network bar is always present as normal. I really miss my night vision, any idea why it doesn't work?
I would be honored to work on the wiki!
Edit: Also there is a few things I wanted to point out.
1. The only calculator you can shift-click items into is the Flawless.
2. Possibly make it so that you can turn coal dust into normal coal?
I forgot the rest but it'll come back to me eventually.
3. Make all End Forged Tools Enchantable in an Enchantment Table? Or do you just want to leave it as books only?
4. Make End Forged Pickaxe have a higher than Obsidian Mining level? That way I can use it instead of using a Tinker's Construct pickaxe.
5. You might have done this for balance reasons, but I think it makes a lot more sense to place Iron Ore into a Stone Separator to get Reinforced Iron Ingots, rather than an Algorithm Separator, since you are extracting the ore I suppose.
6. Sometimes recipes are listed twice in NEI, such as Flawless Glass, and if you look at what Reinforced Iron Ingots can be used for, Transmitter, Weather Station, and Storage Module are all listed twice.
7. The Machine Upgrade for Speed has .name at the end of it.
8. Small Stone's information says, "Can change Dirt to Farmland", Soil says, "Can change Dirt to Gravel"
9. Neither of the above actions seem to work either. (Tried putting in crafting table, tried right clicking dirt/grass).
I have started on the wiki, here's the first page I did as it caused much confusion for me: Also edited the Special Items page heavily and created a page for Gems and one for Ingots.
Hey! I already posted that one. Also if you could please fix the issue with if you press R while having your inventory open, the Nutrition Module/Calculator goes into your hand (Mouse), I accidentally dropped and lost my Nutrition module this way.
Also there is apparently crashing issues with the newest version of RR ( Cauldron and Calculator apparently have issues (just relaying what the server owners have said), and they removed the mod from the Project Flux server when they updated, much to my dismay. If you could find it in your ever-knowledgeable heart to find and fix these issues, I would be so grateful and be able to play again.
On a side note, I might make some tutorials/wiki stuff for Calculator as I am completely in love with this mod. It makes Blood Magic so much easier and I love me some Blood Magic. I do believe this is my favorite mod right now.
More bugs found in the previous version that is still on RR.
19. I shift-clicked pumpkin seeds into the flawless greenhouse, due to lag or something, it turned my four seeds into 6, placing two phantom plants in the greenhouse. These did not seem to grow, so I broke them.
20. The pumpkins grown in the flawless greenhouse only return seeds.
Another, slight modification to be made:
21. WAILA says locator.state:Idle when looking at an Atomic Multiplier
And on a side note, what is the increase in speed of magical crops?
I wont be able to test this build until RR updates but I'm really glad to see so many fixes! I notice I did forget to add the issues with WAILA but you had that covered.
Is there ever going to be a easier method to making diamond saplings? Because as of right now, it's incredibly expensive to make, for so little diamonds. Also the trees seem to have a tendency to grow as bushes (only 2 logs high), is that on purpose?
You've been doing great work, honestly just scrolling through the thread it goes:
Player: I found a bug
You: I fixed bug
It's wonderful to see that. Keep up the great work.
Oh and one more thing pertaining to number 3 (Research not actually researching), a normal calculator cannot preform most of it's functions until you place it in the research chamber, this is tied to the specific calculator, as I ended up accidentally losing my original one and had to research a second to reclaim the functionality.
Example of functionality not present until Calculator is placed in Research Chamber:
(Iron) + (Redstone) = (Calculator)
Another thing I just remembered: So for #6 (The issue with half-real items from Analyzing Chamber) Only when the server restarts does this issue reset. So upon a server reset you can get real items again. But after getting them once, if you get them again, it will once again be an issue.
Also another thing that I believe is a bug, as it was working fine in the previous version:
15. Right clicking the side of a machine with a wrench (Such as an Extraction Chamber) does not affect the graphic of the machine at all, however it is still required in order to designate which sides are being pumped in or pumped out of.
16. This may not be a bug, although the End Stone Sword is enchantable, you cannot put it in the enchanting table to enchant it. Nothing shows up on the right when placed in the enchanting table.
Found out some new information. First off research actually does seem to work? But it seems a bit erratic. I still need to place the calculator in the research chamber to unlock the recipes I already know, and it seems that for some reason I have also mysteriously logged on to find all of my research gone. However, yes I just confirmed going from 9 pages of recipes to 11 after placing an iron ingot in the Research Chamber.
Found more bugs:
17. If you press R to autosort your inventory with the (I believe) Inventory Tweaks mod, the Nutrition Module is placed in your hand, same as some other items in other mods. This can cause problems as it may cause you to drop it. Same behavior happens with a regular Calculator.
18. When first opening the crafting of Dynamic or Flawless using a Flawless calculator, your inventory gets reset in the sense that if I picked up lets say a piece of glass or any other item, it would pop right back into my inventory where it was as if I just opened my inventory, this happens once, and is only a minor inconvenience.
Flawless Greenhouse baffles me. First off the Wiki says to put the chests at the other end, but that's not true, you have to put the chests in front of the two machines. The Input Chest in front of the Greenhouse block and the output chest in front of the CO2 block.
Then I come across the odd issue of why it never actually fills up the CO2, despite putting in Controlled Fuel and having maximum energy on both machines, all it ever does is occasionally flash 0% at the bottom and 100% at the bottom of the Oxygen bar. Other than that very quick flash, there is never anything in either bars.
I had the greenhouse working for a while, it was making wheat, when suddenly it just stopped. Perhaps because I put seeds, carrots, and potatoes in the input chest, but also because now I can't get anything to grow.
Scratch that, the issue is that the Input chest doesn't input anything into the green house. The only things that will grow is the items placed in the slot of the greenhouse. I'll try to pump things into the greenhouse using some sort of item pipe.
EnderIO item pipe works fine to directly pump things into the greenhouse, although it also fills the power slot with seeds, which is kind of a problem in a way. So the wiki is wrong in saying that it needs two chests, as it will function perfectly without chests at all.
Just another suggestion, make some sort of method of turning off the Flawless Greenhouse. Preferably just something in the GUI.
Another edit another suggestion: With the Flawless Calculator, allow for Shift-Left Clicking to go upwards in the list. Shift-Right click goes from Flawless to Dynamic, allow Shift-Left Click to go from Dynamic to Flawless etc. Minor suggestion really, so not very important.
Love your mod, can't wait to see more from you!
I'm saddened by the lack of detail on the wiki however. I'd be willing to contribute to articles and add pictures and examples if needed, but I would really love it to have more instruction as a lot of this information I had to figure out on my own or through a lot of work like reading through the code to find the recipes for Conductor Mast. (I realize now that only NEI is broken for research, however the Atomic Calculator crashes you if you read the recipe list, so I still wouldn't have been able to figure it out no matter what).
List of bugs I have encountered playing on RR version using the Project Flux subpack:
1. Using the Flawless Calculator's Dynamic Crafting does not work. No recipes so far have worked in any of the three types.
2. Crafting Diamond Sapling does not work (you already confirmed this is fixed).
3. Research does not work at all. Nothing is ever unlocked or revealed in NEI.
This makes it impossible to know the crafting recipe for the Conductor
Mast as it is no where online as far as I have seen. Looking through the
code I have found the recipe:
Atomic Calculator:
Conductor Mast is: (Energy Module) + (Fire Diamond) + (Energy Module)
Weather Station is: (Reinforced Iron Ingot) + (Fire Diamond) + (Reinforced Iron Ingot)
Transmitter is: (Reinforced Iron Ingot) + (Electric Diamond) + (Reinforced Iron Ingot)
4. End Diamonds do not stack (Most likely not a bug).
5. Shift clicking a stack of any amount into the Research Chamber eats the entire stack and returns only one item.
Often, very often, when putting circuits into the Analyzing Chamber,
upon getting an item, it will be glitched. It cannot be shift clicked
ever and if thrown, it will be returned to your inventory. If dropped on
the ground it will disappear instantly. If placed on another of it's
own type (Soil on a stack of X Soil) it will disappear as it doesn't
really exist. This has created several instances of infinite Grenades,
infinite Small Stone, infinite Soil to chuck as I please. The issue
seems to be that if you have already gotten the item once (While server loaded up? Rejoining server does not help) it will be glitched.
Sometimes, when placing a circuit into the Analyzing Chamber, the item
will skip the first slot and be put in the second. There is nothing in
the first slot.
8. Information on the wiki says that it can hold any number of items 1-6, however you will never get more than one item.
Information in Info Calculator and on NEI says that Small Stone when
thrown will blind. Soil says it will do damage. This is the reverse in
10. Circuits will say Stable before they are analyzed.
When you get a Stable circuit analyzed, the machine places "Stable" at
the top of the GUI, this will never go away until the chunk is unloaded.
12. Is the Diamond Tree supposed to regrow its leaves? It doesn't seem to. There also doesn't seem to be a cheaper solution to making the sapling again.
Suggestions for additions to mod:
1. Please add armor of the corresponding tiers!
2. Possibly make it so that Conductor Mast can turn off and on the rain? That would be amazing.
If the previous is NOT possible, then make it so that when it is
thunderstorming/raining, Conductor Mast gets time cut by some amount?
EDIT: Remembered another bug
13. Every time you get a Calculator (normal) from a circuit in Analyzing Chamber, if you shift click it you will be able to pick it up again and get two. If you don't shift click it, you get one.
EDIT: Found another bug
14. If you click on Recipes (The equals sign) on the Atomic Calculator you will crash to desktop. Crash report:
Moving to new topic.
Did you register at our website (MANDATORY)?: Yes
In Game Name(CaSe-SENsitIVE): DrBone
Age: 16
Location/Time Zone: GMT -6
How could you contribute to the community?: Joining Rubicon
What real life skills to do you have? Your profession?: Student
What other servers have you played on?: Tons, I go where DrWhoCares goes.
How often can you play?: Daily
Do you have a mic/teamspeak? If not, are you able to get them?: Yes, I have teamspeak.
Any extra info you want to give us: Nope.
Do you understand that this server is community run and is completely 100% funded by players like you?: Indeed.
Please vote for us on minestatus! VOTE HERE!
Did you vote? Please vote for us every 24 hours too!: Sure did.
In Game Name(CaSe-SENsitIVE): DrWhoCares.
Age: 15.
Location/Time Zone: GMT -6:00.
How could you contribute to the community?: Leader/PvPer.
What real life skills to do you have? Your profession?: Nothing.
What other servers have you played on?: Tons, mainly PvP.
How often can you play?: Daily.
Do you have a mic/teamspeak? If not, are you able to get them?: Yes I have teamspeak.
Any extra info you want to give us: No.
Do you understand that this server is community run and is completely 100% funded by players like you?: Yes.
Please vote for us on minestatus! VOTE HERE! Okay.
Did you vote? Please vote for us every 24 hours too!: Yes.
- petererer
#2 Country and Age (this is for our demographic purposes)
- 30 The U.K.
#3 How did you hear about us?
- DrWhoCares
#4 Why do you want to Join DarkTide?
- I follow DrWhoCares
#5 Did you read and understand the rules?
- Yep.