This is their exact plan, luckily.
- DrWeegee
- Registered Member
Member for 9 years, 10 months, and 15 days
Last active Sat, Jul, 13 2019 03:33:34
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Jul 19, 2017DrWeegee posted a message on Mojang Hires Pixel ArtistPosted in: News
This is their exact plan, luckily. -
Jul 18, 2017DrWeegee posted a message on Mojang Hires Pixel ArtistPosted in: NewsQuote from DarianStephens»
Maybe if, before being implemented into the game, it was released as a resource pack so people can really see the impact it will have before being stuck with it...
Jul 18, 2017DrWeegee posted a message on Mojang Hires Pixel ArtistPosted in: News
I don't mind any of them except Jungle logs. Not enough contrast I don't think.
I also don't like Acicia logs but I don't like acicia in general anyways.
Jun 23, 2017DrWeegee posted a message on Minecraft At Sydney Opera HousePosted in: News
Well you're just the most fun person ever.
I don't exactly recall the devs considering updates like the "World of color" update huge updates, even if they are much more bigger than you put them out to be. And even if some of the features are much more huge alone compared to even full, massive updates.
If anything, it's quite the opposite. They have stated multiple times the updates are intentionally small and lightweight for quite a few reasons. Ranging from them just simply wanting the updates to be smaller for now, to keeping content light that way players can adjust rather than be overwhelmed. -
Jun 12, 2017DrWeegee posted a message on Better Together Update AnnouncedPosted in: NewsQuote from TacoOverlord729»
Actually, Sony specifically told Microsoft that they didn't want to be part of it. Microsoft offered, but Sony declined. This doesn't make Microsoft guilt-free though. They still have to make up for renaming Minecraft to "Java Edition".
It was never officially renamed. It's just dubbed that to avoid confusion between Java/Win10 edition since both are technically PC edition. -
Jun 11, 2017DrWeegee posted a message on PC 1.12 "World of Color" ReleasedPosted in: NewsQuote from CheshireWesterfield»
Get a mop and bucket when you're done.
People enjoy different things. Traumatizing, isn't it? No one could POSSIBLY actually like THIS excuse of an update!
Jun 11, 2017DrWeegee posted a message on PC 1.12 "World of Color" ReleasedPosted in: News
You should have them right now. They're called "Purpur slabs" and are one of the many purpur blocks that appear in end cities. -
Jun 2, 2017DrWeegee posted a message on Minecraft 1.12 Release Date RevealedPosted in: NewsQuote from Linventor2»
", sans-serif">I'll take your word for it, since I don't see any real difference in it.
It was added to the top of the post
"Unfortunately we will not be able to release Minecraft 1.12 today. Sorry The new plan is to aim for Wednesday (7th). We'll let you know!" -
Jun 2, 2017DrWeegee posted a message on Minecraft 1.12 Release Date RevealedPosted in: NewsQuote from Linventor2»
", sans-serif">But what TIME today? Cuz it's 5:40 here in Florida, and no update out yet.
Update was postponed. You can see the new time by re-reading the article. -
May 31, 2017DrWeegee posted a message on Minecraft 1.12 Release Date RevealedPosted in: NewsQuote from ice000breaker»
they are going to release it before they fix parrots flying when you jump?
Unfortunately, most likely yes considering it's seen as a feature instead of a bug on their end. -
May 11, 2017DrWeegee posted a message on Minecraft 1.12 Pre-Release 1Posted in: NewsQuote from TheMinecraftNerd1»
For custom maps, will there be any way to completely disable the tutorial messages, advancement systems, and crafting unlock messages?
The tutorial message only shows up once, or never if you just play the game.
For crafting unlocks I'm not entirely sure, but you can have the player unlock every recipe right away so they never show. -
May 10, 2017DrWeegee posted a message on Minecraft 1.12 Pre-Release 1Posted in: News
They should only show up once per account, (And never if you just started playing instead of idling for ~6 seconds), so disabling them really wouldn't be worth the effort. (I don't think they count as advancements anyways, so toggling them is a no-go)
If it's resetting per game update, then I can see that as an annoyance, but I haven't experienced that and it'd really just be a bug that could be reported. -
May 4, 2017DrWeegee posted a message on Minecraft 1.12 Snapshot 17w17aPosted in: NewsQuote from CheshireWesterfield»
Damn. Mojang copied Angry Birds and now has been stealing content from old arcade games?
Well, they never copied angry birds, but what exactly are you talking about, arcade games? Mob spawners? About 3 extra seconds of thinking would make you realize how much of an exaggerated and silly claim that is.
5 more seconds and you realize even if it was inspired by it, there literally is nothing wrong with it. Almost, if not every game in existence has at least one reference in it or has content inspired by other games, books, movies, etc.
6 more seconds and you'd realize your phrase makes no sense since it implies mob spawners were barely just added when in reality they've been here since almost forever now. -
Apr 28, 2017DrWeegee posted a message on Minecraft 1.12 Snapshot 17w17aPosted in: NewsQuote from AugiteSoul»
You're right, but do you know what happened in 1.9? Overhaul. Community rages and complains. Better do overhaul slowly (aka changing things one by one, not just flipping the table and suddently changing big things in one update) Oh, and backward compatibility. Some users want to keep their world(s) they made in older versions (hey TheMasterCaver).
I feel combat was a special case due to what exactly it changed. A very vocal and, not to be rude, but toxic part of the community flourishes around the PvP side of things, so when things got changed up, outrage came from them. (And lots, and lots, and lots of ignorant statements)
If Mojang were to overhaul something, say some internal mechanics or hunger or armor (Which has been reworked slightly), it'd be less outrage. The only other thing that would probably make the community snap is a major change in how redstone works. - To post a comment, please login.
People understandably don't want to make a second account to use a forum about something entirely unrelated to Twitch. No other forums does that.
It can be many reasons, really.
For some, including me, the forums have been declining in quality, and the whole Twitch thing was kind of the final breaking point, I'd imagine Twitch would want to make some changes to the forums if they're going all out with it, I really don't have any faith in those changes being good, either not really mattering or being overall terrible.
Others it's probably just a bias against twitch, with or without good reason. It's a pretty big company, and many people view big companies as generally bad or "evil", which is also understandable due to the behavior of a large portion of them.
Also possible that people just don't want to merge. There's weren't really any really good reasons provided for the merge, so I can see the hate against it.
Everyone has their own reasons, there happens to be a lot of them, so that's why it's kind of turning into a big deal.
Personally I feel it's not that big of a deal, but I'm already kind of over the forums and don't use them, so that's probably why I don't care as much.
Blindness can be fine if it gets a slight nerf. Right now it makes it pretty much impossible to see and prevents sprinting.
Increase the radius you can see while blind a bit and remove the sprinting deal, and I can see it being nifty.
It does need a single player use, though, maybe it makes affected mobs unable to agro on anything while blind, or severely lower their detection radius.
That's why the community tends to create mods and plugins and whatnot. A bit of work for one person, but everyone else gets to enjoy what has been made in a few clicks. Which amazes me that there seems to be no true combat backport considering the seemingly high demand for it.
But I really don't think it's a matter of "Is it possible/worth putting effort in it", otherwise we'd obviously have a gamerule now.... Or not, it's Mojang, so you never know. Mojang just feels against adding it in for various reasons of their own, we'd probably be better off finding those reasons instead.
About 4-ish(?) hours coming from mostly no experience in command blocks (I mostly used tools like that command combiner and mcstacker to do about 60% of the work for me, I just had to figure out the logic).
It's Mojang's own reasoning, so that's where I'd imagine the argument stems from in the first place. Maybe it's wrong, they have been before, but it's how Mojang personally feels, and I'd agree with them on it. I wouldn't want a compromised that seems half baked and ends up making 1.8 PvP worse in later releases.
Wasn't hunger this way? People still claim to this day it was the end of Minecraft. I only make claims like that in the first place because of what I've seen. First snapshot came out and... no combat changes and server forums would be filled of "I dont know what they changed in combat but it already feels worse", even before the combat changes everyone doubted the devs which probably actually directed the changes to the way they went because they've made a post asking about how to change it up due to everyone's doubts.
I've made a command to revert combat that does exactly this. It's outdated, so it only works in 1.9, but you can see it here (Command converters to like 1.12 or whatever break it as well from experience):
/summon FallingSand ~ ~1 ~ {Block:stone,Time:1,Passengers:[{id:FallingSand,Block:redstone_block,Time:1,Passengers:[{id:FallingSand,Block:activator_rail,Time:1,Passengers:[{id:MinecartCommandBlock,Command:gamerule commandBlockOutput false},{id:MinecartCommandBlock,Command:"fill ~3 ~-2 ~ ~10 ~ ~3 purpur_block 0 hollow"},{id:MinecartCommandBlock,Command:"fill ~3 ~-1 ~ ~10 ~-1 ~3 end_rod 1 replace purpur_block"},{id:MinecartCommandBlock,Command:setblock ~2 ~-2 ~1 wall_sign 4 replace {Text1:"{\\\"text\\\":\\\"Spam Clicking\\\",\\\"color\\\":\\\"black\\\"}",Text2:"{\\\"text\\\":\\\"enabled.\\\",\\\"color\\\":\\\"black\\\"}",Text3:"{\\\"text\\\":\\\"Drop the sword\\\",\\\"color\\\":\\\"black\\\"}",Text4:"{\\\"text\\\":\\\"to update it\\\",\\\"color\\\":\\\"black\\\"}"}},{id:MinecartCommandBlock,Command:setblock ~2 ~-1 ~1 wall_sign 4 replace {Text2:"{\\\"text\\\":\\\"Destroy\\\",\\\"color\\\":\\\"dark_red\\\",\\\"bold\\\":true}",Text3:"{\\\"text\\\":\\\"Machine\\\",\\\"color\\\":\\\"dark_red\\\",\\\"bold\\\":true}",Text4:"{\\\"text\\\":\\\"\\\",\\\"clickEvent\\\":{\\\"action\\\":\\\"run_command\\\",\\\"value\\\":\\\"fill ~ ~-1 ~-1 ~8 ~1 ~2 air\\\"}}"}},{id:MinecartCommandBlock,Command:setblock ~4 ~-1 ~2 chain_command_block 1 replace {auto:1,Command:"/entitydata @e[type=Item,score_OldItems_min=5,score_OldItems=5] {Item:{id:diamond_sword,Count:1,tag:{AttributeModifiers:[{AttributeName:\\\"generic.attackDamage\\\",Name:\\\"generic.attackDamage\\\",Amount:7,Operation:0,UUIDLeast:425958,UUIDMost:108964,Slot:\\\"mainhand\\\"},{AttributeName:\\\"generic.attackSpeed\\\",Name:\\\"generic.attackSpeed\\\",Amount:1,Operation:0,UUIDLeast:170835,UUIDMost:965703,Slot:\\\"mainhand\\\"}]}}}"}},{id:MinecartCommandBlock,Command:setblock ~5 ~-1 ~2 chain_command_block 4 replace {auto:1,Command:"/scoreboard players set @e[type=Item] OldItems 5 {Item:{id:minecraft:diamond_sword}}"}},{id:MinecartCommandBlock,Command:setblock ~6 ~-1 ~2 chain_command_block 4 replace {auto:1,Command:"/entitydata @e[type=Item,score_OldItems_min=4,score_OldItems=4] {Item:{id:iron_sword,Count:1,tag:{AttributeModifiers:[{AttributeName:\\\"generic.attackDamage\\\",Name:\\\"generic.attackDamage\\\",Amount:6,Operation:0,UUIDLeast:425958,UUIDMost:108964,Slot:\\\"mainhand\\\"},{AttributeName:\\\"generic.attackSpeed\\\",Name:\\\"generic.attackSpeed\\\",Amount:1,Operation:0,UUIDLeast:170835,UUIDMost:965703,Slot:\\\"mainhand\\\"}]}}}"}},{id:MinecartCommandBlock,Command:setblock ~7 ~-1 ~2 chain_command_block 4 replace {auto:1,Command:"/scoreboard players set @e[type=Item] OldItems 4 {Item:{id:minecraft:iron_sword}}"}},{id:MinecartCommandBlock,Command:setblock ~8 ~-1 ~2 chain_command_block 4 replace {auto:1,Command:"/entitydata @e[type=Item,score_OldItems_min=3,score_OldItems=3] {Item:{id:stone_sword,Count:1,tag:{AttributeModifiers:[{AttributeName:\\\"generic.attackDamage\\\",Name:\\\"generic.attackDamage\\\",Amount:5,Operation:0,UUIDLeast:425958,UUIDMost:108964,Slot:\\\"mainhand\\\"},{AttributeName:\\\"generic.attackSpeed\\\",Name:\\\"generic.attackSpeed\\\",Amount:1,Operation:0,UUIDLeast:170835,UUIDMost:965703,Slot:\\\"mainhand\\\"}]}}}"}},{id:MinecartCommandBlock,Command:setblock ~9 ~-1 ~2 chain_command_block 4 replace {auto:1,Command:"/scoreboard players set @e[type=Item] OldItems 3 {Item:{id:minecraft:stone_sword}}"}},{id:MinecartCommandBlock,Command:setblock ~9 ~-1 ~1 chain_command_block 3 replace {auto:1,Command:"/entitydata @e[type=Item,score_OldItems_min=2,score_OldItems=2] {Item:{id:golden_sword,Count:1,tag:{AttributeModifiers:[{AttributeName:\\\"generic.attackDamage\\\",Name:\\\"generic.attackDamage\\\",Amount:4,Operation:0,UUIDLeast:425958,UUIDMost:108964,Slot:\\\"mainhand\\\"},{AttributeName:\\\"generic.attackSpeed\\\",Name:\\\"generic.attackSpeed\\\",Amount:1,Operation:0,UUIDLeast:170835,UUIDMost:965703,Slot:\\\"mainhand\\\"}]}}}"}},{id:MinecartCommandBlock,Command:setblock ~8 ~-1 ~1 chain_command_block 5 replace {auto:1,Command:"/scoreboard players set @e[type=Item] OldItems 2 {Item:{id:minecraft:golden_sword}}"}},{id:MinecartCommandBlock,Command:setblock ~7 ~-1 ~1 chain_command_block 5 replace {auto:1,Command:"/entitydata @e[type=Item,score_OldItems_min=1,score_OldItems=1] {Item:{id:wooden_sword,Count:1,tag:{AttributeModifiers:[{AttributeName:\\\"generic.attackDamage\\\",Name:\\\"generic.attackDamage\\\",Amount:4,Operation:0,UUIDLeast:425958,UUIDMost:108964,Slot:\\\"mainhand\\\"},{AttributeName:\\\"generic.attackSpeed\\\",Name:\\\"generic.attackSpeed\\\",Amount:1,Operation:0,UUIDLeast:170835,UUIDMost:965703,Slot:\\\"mainhand\\\"}]}}}"}},{id:MinecartCommandBlock,Command:setblock ~6 ~-1 ~1 chain_command_block 5 replace {auto:1,Command:"/scoreboard players set @e[type=Item] OldItems 1 {Item:{id:minecraft:wooden_sword}}"}},{id:MinecartCommandBlock,Command:setblock ~5 ~-1 ~1 chain_command_block 5 replace {auto:1,Command:"/gamerule commandBlockOutput false"}},{id:MinecartCommandBlock,Command:setblock ~4 ~-1 ~1 repeating_command_block 5 replace {auto:1,Command:"/scoreboard objectives add OldItems dummy"}},{id:MinecartCommandBlock,Command:setblock ~ ~ ~1 command_block 0 replace {Command:fill ~ ~-3 ~-1 ~ ~ ~ air}},{id:MinecartCommandBlock,Command:setblock ~ ~-1 ~1 redstone_block},{id:MinecartCommandBlock,Command:kill @e[type=MinecartCommandBlock,r=1]}]}]}]}
It's also possible to directly edit items held, but I haven't found an easy way to do it, though I haven't looked too long.
A cooldown gamerule is different from other gamerules due to what group of players it targets. It would have to be balanced because unlike other gamerules who's target is to please map-makers, builders, etc. a cooldown gamerule would have to ensure it suits survival/PvP player needs, and thus needs to actually be balanced around the game, unlike other gamerules.
That's why the glaring issues of using gamerules like daylight cycle, health regen, mob loot/spawning and such wouldn't need to be patched or bugtested while the issues with only the gamerule of removing the combat mechanics would have to be extensively tested with other features.
That being said, my personal reason for being against it is because it shows Mojang is willing to back down on their changes when yelled at, and you'd end up with "Shadow the Hedgehog", where they gave him guns and stuff simply because someone thought of it at the top of their head. It shows weakness in a way.
I mean, sure you have to please the fanbase, but you can't just be adding (Or removing) everything a 9 year old says off the top of his head to a game. Most of the outrage was caused by knee-jerk reactions.
For having to wait for the cooldown, it's advised, but not required. Even so, getting cornered is, and always was your fault. Only this time you have to suffer the consequences for it.
Sharpness enchanted hoes are irrelevant because you cannot obtain them unless you get them via completely unlegitimate means, either via commands or other external tools.
DPS is important. Sharpness axes are powerful, but for the entities that can survive your attack (I.E: Literally any iron+ armored player), you're a sitting duck if you just idle by while it recharges again. They're only good for a quick first strike and that's about it.
A very well-written and thought out suggestion.
I like the concept and execution. Giving golden boomerangs a quirk is pretty nice. I can't really complain too much about it, though I feel the boomerang has a little too much going for it. There's lots of enchantments for just the boomerang, and it's excessive by maybe 1 or 2. But that's a bit nitpicky. Even with that in mind, I can pretty much 100% support this.
Giants were buggy messes that couldn't even properly traverse the ground due to their size. They also fall into your complaint as "Just reskins of zombies", only with a bigger size. (They literally even used the same textures and AI).
I can see you want new content, but you're forgetting it's quality over quantity. Husks and stray were results of people's constant "Need" of new mobs, and look how they turned out. Adding more stuff randomly doesn't always just make the game better, there has to be more thought put behind it than "You know pizza rifles sound pretty funny.... Why doesn't Minecraft have those?"
That's probably why updates like 1.12 took so long. Sure it's "Just a bunch of blocks", but there actually was a whole bunch of thought put into 1.12. Terracotta took forever to design to make it look nice when rotated around, the advancements and soon-to-be new crafting system directly enhances the player's experience no matter what side of the spectrum they're on. Rewriting all of that took tons of thought.
Besides, I don't really think your issue with Minecraft is that there's not enough stuff to do. For everything new they've done, you've found complaints for them right away. There's a point in time where it's not the game that's uninteresting, it's you who's lost interest. Any game will always inevitably get boring, and no major updates are going to permanently fix that unless the game got overhauled into essentially a whole new entire game, unrecognizable from the original.
For mobs: Polar bears, parrots, husks, strays, Guardians, illagers (3 types, I believe?)
For adventures: Woodland mansions, Ocean monuments, End cities
For weapons: Axes (Sort of), lingering potions, tipped arrows.
For enchants: Sweeping edge, Mending, Depth Strider, Frost walker
For potions: eh, you got me there. Levitation and that Spectral effect, I guess.
This is also skipping stuff not in your exact categories.
I'd say that's plentiful. Creative users got a bunch of blocks, but that can't really count since blocks are both survival and creative content.
Considering 1.7, 1.8, 1.9, and 1.11 were based off of enhancing mainly the survival experience (Or at least contained major changes related to survival), I really doubt they're trying to kill it off.
Blockhitting was a glitch, and if we were to add it back, there'd be no reason not to use it. It wouldn't do anything but slow down pvp because everyone would be doing it.
You can't even properly blockhit with the new update because blockhitting relied on spamclicking to work effectively.
With the ability to save toolbars, I feel this suggestion is largely irrelevant unless we get enough "Developer tools" like barriers, command blocks, etc. to fill in at least 20-30 slots. Once there's enough hidden items to justify a tab, I could agree, but as of now those hidden blocks come in very small numbers, so there's no need to have them ever so slightly easier to access.
Dark Souls
Most Legend of Zelda games
All Smash bros. games
Marvel Vs. Capcom series
Tekk- All 5 billion different fighter games
Call of Duty, believe it or not.
The Monster Hunter Series
Rune Factory Series
Risk of Rain
Faster Than Light
Don't Starve Series
Lego games... Believe it or not
Wings of Vi, kind of.
Elder Scrolls series
Fallout Series
Witcher Series
Player Unknown's Battlegrounds
World of Warcraft
I can go on for days. Best part about those timed combat games? Most of them are fast paced, similar to the "timed combat" here. The only thing you guys are dragging yourself down with is "There's a visible bar muh spamkliking bring bak noa!"
But it's obvious everyone here is against removing it, I can agree being against it, but let's find some actual reasons to hate the combat system and use those reasons as an excuse to give combat an overhaul or to remove it, because I can't really agree with anything you've just said, op.
Let's start off easy, with the biggest legitimate complaint... The sweep attack works automagically. It should not work automagically, but I mean you guys did want simple combat.
Shields making you 100% resistant to damage also I feel hurts the combat system, before it was just 66% damage reduction, but my gripe with this is that shields are now a nerf to all mobs. You can stand in a corner and be immortal for as long as you want, not that you'd need to since mobs (almost) never swarm you or deal enough damage to justify blocking over attacking. Except creepers. Shields should only reduce creeper damage
On top of that, there's the sweeping edge enchantment, which basically is a buff for players that was extremely unnecessary. Shields blocking too much of the screen I guess is a valid complaint...
There's also a lack of depth to the combat. There is a LOT more than before, but it's still nothing great. I feel combat should be "easy to use, hard to master", that way competitive pvp isn't a joke and there's an actual skill ladder larger than 5 seconds of work. But it's again unnecessary because Minecraft generally is a single player focused game, barring realms and realms only, and mobs are too simple to justify the game's extra depth. Plus "Muh simplicity"
On top of that, some can say there's a lack of weapons. Sure we got an expensively different and not worth it type of throwable potion, and an equally expensive and not worth it tippable arrows, but we really don't have much. We got DPS/Area of Attack swords, then we got high base damage axes. There was a lot of untapped potential here.
Some could also say the golden apple nerf was just slightly too much, and I can ever so slightly agree, but not enough to care. A valid fix is to simply re-implement the recipe and keep it in its nerfed state.
There we go, we've successfully came up with 6 reasons to hate the combat system! So what happens when we remove the current system? The issues get worse. Even if you hated the combat system with your every burning passion, removing it does not fix the issues you wanted to be fixed. It makes those issues even bigger issues.
So I could of agreed with you op if you were willing to think for a moment and try to consider an overhaul rather than an outright removal, but as of now, I can't actually support you even if I wanted to.
A bit nitpicky, but the way you wrote the command wouldn't work. You'd have to specify what the datatag is.
/summon player_mob ~ ~ ~ {PlayerUUID:"102299",AI:"Hostile"}
Something like that.
But I mean I can support.