Amazing, I would love to see this idea implemented. /support.
P.S. where can I edit my signature?
Click on your name on a post or on the top right corner of any forum page to view your forum profile. Go to edit profile and edit signature. You should be able to just copy what is in the text box of the first post straight into that signature entry.
Is anyone else having trouble with the banner in their signature?
You have the shortened version of the url copied. If you look at the one you have right now, there are 3 dots in the middle, which is what the forum does between when you enter a url and when it gets displayed in a post. Try copying the exact signature text from the OP again and seeing if that works.
This would be a very cool addition to the game. I know this sounds cliche but it would be cool if behind them there would be some kind of treasure or bonus. But this would make the waterfall more rare unless there is only a bonus behind some of them
That does actually sound interesting as a preset chest, but I think that they should still just be natural. You can dig out the cave entrances and houses you want behind them, that shouldnt be part of the actual generation.
don't they already have waterfalls? Just really small ones?
As I stated, there are indeed single blocks of water that you might call waterfalls, but these are so small that they're meaningless. The whole point of the suggestion is to get recognition for them and for them to actually be visible and aesthetically pleasing.
You got a support from me, but just smaller ones. TO avoid "redundancy" I suggest a waterfall biome, which is basically extreme-hills/forest biome with the spruce wood trees. That would be pretty neat. OR maybe even when a waterfall forms, there's a layer of stone around it. And maybe it could be a generated structure, and even a loot chest beind the water flow. But again, SIPPORT.
I would more prefer that waterfalls looked similar, or even the same, because I know it would be harder to create smooth transitions if they needed to be actual biomes. Biome or not, creating a smooth transition is very important. I would love to make a waterfall mod, but this smooth transition is what I cant do.
If you want that to become your signature, copy that text again, go to your profile settings, find the signature section, and paste that in the signature box.
Other than pollen, I am allergic to corn, beans, peas, shrimp, rice, nuts, milk, soy, gluten, and eggs, along with grass and cats. I have to avoid milk and rice because I can't digest them and they make me sick. For the rest of them, I have no reactions at all, but my medical conditions get better when I avoid all of the foods listed above, so I have to avoid them. I am allergic to cats but I will never get rid of the cats I have had for years. When I go away from home I feel the exact same as I do around them, so theres no reason to get rid of them over a little congestion.
Aha, as soon as someone mentions the idea of a terrain change people start thinking that all the things they find are new or overexaggerate some terrain features.
The terrain generator has not changed.
People tend to say this a lot, but I disagree. The fact that every individual update generates a completely different world for the same seed name to me means that the generation code changes every single update. It might not have any major changes, but I am pretty sure that it does get updated in every single version update of the game.
This doesn't mean that I am noticing a ton of differences, or that I am going to exaggerate anything, but I do think every update has it's own generator. Not every update that gets added by Mojang makes the short list of updates for the current version.
Click on your name on a post or on the top right corner of any forum page to view your forum profile. Go to edit profile and edit signature. You should be able to just copy what is in the text box of the first post straight into that signature entry.
You have the shortened version of the url copied. If you look at the one you have right now, there are 3 dots in the middle, which is what the forum does between when you enter a url and when it gets displayed in a post. Try copying the exact signature text from the OP again and seeing if that works.
That does actually sound interesting as a preset chest, but I think that they should still just be natural. You can dig out the cave entrances and houses you want behind them, that shouldnt be part of the actual generation.
As I stated, there are indeed single blocks of water that you might call waterfalls, but these are so small that they're meaningless. The whole point of the suggestion is to get recognition for them and for them to actually be visible and aesthetically pleasing.
I would more prefer that waterfalls looked similar, or even the same, because I know it would be harder to create smooth transitions if they needed to be actual biomes. Biome or not, creating a smooth transition is very important. I would love to make a waterfall mod, but this smooth transition is what I cant do.
If you want that to become your signature, copy that text again, go to your profile settings, find the signature section, and paste that in the signature box.
Other than pollen, I am allergic to corn, beans, peas, shrimp, rice, nuts, milk, soy, gluten, and eggs, along with grass and cats. I have to avoid milk and rice because I can't digest them and they make me sick. For the rest of them, I have no reactions at all, but my medical conditions get better when I avoid all of the foods listed above, so I have to avoid them. I am allergic to cats but I will never get rid of the cats I have had for years. When I go away from home I feel the exact same as I do around them, so theres no reason to get rid of them over a little congestion.
People tend to say this a lot, but I disagree. The fact that every individual update generates a completely different world for the same seed name to me means that the generation code changes every single update. It might not have any major changes, but I am pretty sure that it does get updated in every single version update of the game.
This doesn't mean that I am noticing a ton of differences, or that I am going to exaggerate anything, but I do think every update has it's own generator. Not every update that gets added by Mojang makes the short list of updates for the current version.