Can somebody tell me the seed of the current server map?
Members are not allowed to know the seed, as it will give them an unfair advantage in using it on a solo creative mode and finding locations of diamonds, naturally generated spawners, nether fortresses, etc.
As Ducky said, we're just updating to 1.8 and expanding the map. We only reset the map about every 12-15 months, and we justdid that on June 1st so there's plenty of time to enjoy thenew update on our current map.
I think Nacho said sometime sunday evening due to real life getting in the way for him. But remember, he's 5 hours ahead of Eastern Standard Time (8 hours ahead of Pacific Time). So let's cross our fingers for around 3pm (for me) on sunday. Can't wait to be back in the game where everyone's not blowing stuff up lol
Here are my three submissions to the Screenshot Contest
IGN - Dominicus_Saxon
VanillaCraft Spawn at Sunset
Building Credits - VanillaCraft Ops
Ray's Music Exchange - Saxon's music disc store
Building Credit - Saxon
The View From My Front Porch
Building Credit - Mother Nature
Zyin, I am begging you to update to 1.9. I'll name my first born sheep after you if you do.
Members are not allowed to know the seed, as it will give them an unfair advantage in using it on a solo creative mode and finding locations of diamonds, naturally generated spawners, nether fortresses, etc.