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    posted a message on [128x][1.8] LIFE - Photo-Realistic HD Resource Pack
    Which link is the one for the newest most updated version of your texture pack ?
    Posted in: Resource Packs
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    posted a message on Broken Redstone Pistons
    Okay, so are pistons run by redstone ever going to start working again ? Every time I try to build something with sticky pistons powered by the red stuff, it only kinda works. Some pistons get stuck half way through their motions or just don't work at all. Driving me crazy :(
    Posted in: Redstone Discussion and Mechanisms
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    posted a message on Minecraft server 15 people hermitcraft/mindcrack based it is whitelist
    No idea what hermitcraft or mindcrack is but sign me up please, wouldn't mind seeing what it's all about.

    Posted in: PC Servers
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    posted a message on Big cruise ship
    Do you have a schematic on how to build this ourselves ? I've love to see if I could do it.
    Posted in: Creative Mode
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    posted a message on Elevator - Up & Down
    I need to make an elevator that will go up and down, and not one of the ones with water. I want a slick neat redstone one. I found a great tutorial on making one on youtube but there seems to be a glitch with pistons in 1.3 right now. Does anyone have a up & down elevator that will work with the current version of MineCraft ?
    Posted in: Redstone Discussion and Mechanisms
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    posted a message on Are there Single Player Commands for 1.3 yet ?
    Quote from Erasels

    Now there is yes :)

    Is there a link for it somewhere ? I'm not sure which forum to look for it, or how far down on the list it would be
    Posted in: Mods Discussion
  • 0

    posted a message on Are there Single Player Commands for 1.3 yet ?
    Are there Single Player Commands for 1.3 yet ? I had it for 1.2 but now it doesn't work. I guess it isn't compatible for the updated MineCraft .... but is there some single player commands for 1.3 ? They would be ones that let you do some Creative things on Survival mode, like fly or instantmine or no damage. Things like that. Thanks in advance !
    Posted in: Mods Discussion
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    posted a message on [1.3.2] Survival Server [20 Slots] [Large Map] [No Whitelist]
    Quote from xz38

    Letting everone know the server has been rolled back. All people that took part in the greifing have been banned. Sorry for any trouble this caused anyone.

    Boss, I just sent you a private message, let me know if you received it. It kept putting it into my own message box so I had to do it a few times. Sorry for any duplicates :)
    Posted in: PC Servers
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    posted a message on [1.3.2] Survival Server [20 Slots] [Large Map] [No Whitelist]
    Quote from xz38

    Added Dominicus Saxon and armagecrafter to the server.

    Sorry, forgot the underscore in my name


    Please white list me, thanks :)
    Posted in: PC Servers
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    posted a message on 18+ Mature server. Solid friendly community.
    Alright, let's see ...

    IGN - Dominicus_Saxon
    AGE - 41 (Forget Moomin the Panda, I'm the oldest and wisest here ...)

    SEX - Male
    LOCATION - Idaho
    Use/willing to use mumble - Never heard of it before but have used Vent and TS before so this won't be an issue.
    Additional info: - Well, played MC about 6 months now I think, I enjoyed it on solo for a bit but lately have been on a couple of multiplayer servers for the company. I seem to have a pechant for making small homes/farms on self-built islands completely out of sight of anything else, not sure why I do that on multiplayer servers ... When I'm not playing MC or working, I'm out on my bike eating bugs.
    Posted in: PC Servers
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    posted a message on [1.3.2] Survival Server [20 Slots] [Large Map] [No Whitelist]
    Name - Dominicus Saxon
    Age - 41
    MineCraft Experience - Played for about a year, took the last few months off but ready to get back in the saddle. I hate drama and griefing and expect server admins to keep it in check. I'm a good conversationalist (if a bit unorthodox at times) and will do my part in keeping the peace or helping out as needed. This looks like it is a good server so I wouldn't mind joining up. Let me know.
    Posted in: PC Servers
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    posted a message on Map Web Address
    Is there a way to have the whole map visible ? The admin of my server has a ip addy that when you put it in like a website with the http etc etc, it pulls up a map of the explored world and where you are on it. How is that set up ?
    Posted in: Survival Mode
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    posted a message on Tall Buildings and Darkness
    Yeah, I've seen them spawn 2 or 3 blocks above a spawner but not high enough to take damage. Anyway, thanks for the advice about mid-air darkness. Last thing I needed was a skellie falling and plunking arrows at me as he fell like some bad John Woo movie ... what am I saying, like EVERY John Woo movie ! :)
    Posted in: Survival Mode
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    posted a message on Tall Buildings and Darkness
    Alright, I have a tall building about 20 blocks high and it's well-lit at the bottom part but the rest is probably going to remain empty all the way up to the top, which also has plenty of light. Now in the middle is a ton of darkness. Will mobs spawn in that darkness even though it's in mid-air ? If they do, should I be concerned, or will the fal kill them ?
    Posted in: Survival Mode
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    posted a message on [1.2.5] 24/7 Semi-Vanilla Survival Surver - small community, friendly people, lots to do!
    Syn, it's Saxon ... what's the seed for our quaint little world ? Feel free to find me on your server and tell me there if you don't want it to be public domain :) Thanks !
    Posted in: Minecraft Survival Servers (archive)
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