I have had a "chicken coop" underground several times without too much trouble. My only problem was that sometimes one or two of the chickens would go in the walls and then if I logged off and back on again, they would suffocate. I would hear squawking and if I went down there, I'd find feathers and raw chicken left over.
Oh whew, I have an underground one too and went down there a few weeks ago and found raw chicken and feathers. I thought some had gone canniblistic and got scared. Haven't been back down there since
Thanks Iron and everyone else for the tips, hints and advice ! This really is a great comminuty
Oh, incidently, I took some fire res potions, found my top layer of stone and managed to float downward in the lava placing blocks above my head so I knew they'd be in line. Only took 5 potions and several stacks of stone but I got it !
I looked around but couldn't find this question answered. I have the PC Desktop game installed. I'm guessing that I can't download the PE version of MineCraft to my Android phone or tablet and then log into my Desktop PC game, right ? I mean I'd have to start over with a whole new purchased account, new Steve, everything ?
I will be placing the blaze spawner myself when I'm done building the room, they make construction as difficult as a union rep. That's right, I said it lol.
I will give optifine a shot and see if it clears up the lava. My server admin lets us use optifine (Vanilla survival hard) but I know some of the features of Optifine aren't allowed so I'll have to check if the invisible lava is allowed or now. Does anyone have the link to download Optifine ? And where in the .minecraft folder do I put it ?
Otherwise I think the best step is to make the stone edge on the top (even with the level of lava) and then dump sand down to clear it out. Was hoping to avoid that but *shrugs* oh well.
Alright, I got a wild hair to try to build a blazer spawner, in Survival, in the middle of a lava lake. Now some of you are saying "What ? Can't be done !" to which I say ... yeah, you're probably right lol. But doing it anyway.
Trouble is, the lava. No, not the burny-burny-ouchy-ouchy part, I have fire res potions for that. Nope, it's the seeing that has me in trouble. Once I dunk under the surface, it gets all red and fire obscures the bottom part of my vision since I'm technically on fire, then I have the swirls in front of my eyes from the potion effects, makes it dang hard to see anything.
So, question is - what's the best way to build in lava ? Do night-sight potions help ? Looking for any advice out there from those crazy enough to do something like this too. Thanks in advance !
I updated to the 1.5 minecraft today but the problem is, my multiplayer server hasn't updated yet so I can't play it and I'm starting to get the shakes ...
I need to download and install the 1.4.7 jar file but I have no idea where to get it from. Also, I'm just no good at working with jar files and that kind of thing. I have no idea where to put it in my .minecraft folder or how to get it to replace the 1.5 I updated to earlier today Can anyone lead me by the hand thought this really scary tech maze lol ?
I wanted to re-install it because over the past year I'd downloaded this mod or that mod, made this sub-folder, etc etc etc. I just wanted to start over with a whole new clean slate on my computer. I don't have any creative servers I play on. Only time I go there is to test an idea out on how to make something on my multiplayer server. So yeah, just wanted to clear out all the junk. My only worry is that I would lose all the stuff I have created on the multiplayer server I play on.
I have a technical issue here that will require me to re-install a number of things, including possibly MineCraft. How do I go about downloading it again but not being charged for it. Also, if I re-install it, will it erase everything on the multiplayer server I play on ?
Thanks for the very detailed and informative answer ! I've managed to talk to several other people about this and I've deicded that if something ain't broke - don't fix it. My cable internet will be about $15 more than Century Link but I know it, I know how extremely stable it has been over the last 12 years (might need to do a modem reboot once a year if even that often). Yep, sticking with cable internet and DTV for the tv. Only saving me about $20 a month but getting a heck of a lot more tv. Plus, CL was telling me they were at 1.5mb but that's really equivilant to 11mbs. Huh ? Either it's 11mbs or it's 1.5mbs lol. Too shaky sounding for me to trust.
Thanks again, SeaWry, for confirming what I already suspected.
Okay, I am considering switching my internet company from the local cable company to Directv which actually uses Century Link as their internet service. Now it's pretty good internet, runs netflix on two tvs, at least one or two laptops and a desktop and probably a kindle fire or at least a cell phone all using the wireless at the same time. SO yeah, it's very stable and very dependable. Thing is, it's a bit pricey.
Now, question is, I am thinking of switching to Century Link (again, through DTV) as my internet provider but I don't know how good it is, how fast it is, how stable it is, etc.
Does anyone out there use Century Link for internet and can let me know what trouble they've had with the service or company ?
Problem is, I have no idea which MC folder mods need to be downloaded into or how to get it to actually work in my MC game. I also need to make sure this is only on my creative server and not my survival server since the admins there wouldn't like that very much lol.
Please bear in mind that I'm a complete newbie with this stuff so if someone could give me step by step instructions that a blind guy could follow, I'd appreciate it
/give playername 52 [num] will give you that mob's spawner, but it's not a simple 1=cow 2=chicken 3=pig thing, the numbers seem very random. I believe they're the entity ids visible on the wiki's right sidebar.
Anyone happen to know the numbers list of critters you can set on a spawner ?
Oh whew, I have an underground one too and went down there a few weeks ago and found raw chicken and feathers. I thought some had gone canniblistic and got scared. Haven't been back down there since
Oh, incidently, I took some fire res potions, found my top layer of stone and managed to float downward in the lava placing blocks above my head so I knew they'd be in line. Only took 5 potions and several stacks of stone but I got it !
I will give optifine a shot and see if it clears up the lava. My server admin lets us use optifine (Vanilla survival hard) but I know some of the features of Optifine aren't allowed so I'll have to check if the invisible lava is allowed or now. Does anyone have the link to download Optifine ? And where in the .minecraft folder do I put it ?
Otherwise I think the best step is to make the stone edge on the top (even with the level of lava) and then dump sand down to clear it out. Was hoping to avoid that but *shrugs* oh well.
Trouble is, the lava. No, not the burny-burny-ouchy-ouchy part, I have fire res potions for that. Nope, it's the seeing that has me in trouble. Once I dunk under the surface, it gets all red and fire obscures the bottom part of my vision since I'm technically on fire, then I have the swirls in front of my eyes from the potion effects, makes it dang hard to see anything.
So, question is - what's the best way to build in lava ? Do night-sight potions help ? Looking for any advice out there from those crazy enough to do something like this too. Thanks in advance !
I need to download and install the 1.4.7 jar file but I have no idea where to get it from. Also, I'm just no good at working with jar files and that kind of thing. I have no idea where to put it in my .minecraft folder or how to get it to replace the 1.5 I updated to earlier today
Thanks again, SeaWry, for confirming what I already suspected.
Anyone around SE Idaho with Century Link ? Come on, I can't be the only MineCraft addict in Idaho ...
Now, question is, I am thinking of switching to Century Link (again, through DTV) as my internet provider but I don't know how good it is, how fast it is, how stable it is, etc.
Does anyone out there use Century Link for internet and can let me know what trouble they've had with the service or company ?
Thanks in advance, it's greatly appreciated !
Here is a link from Curse.com for a mob spawner mod that will let me pick what critter I want the spawner to pop out so it's not always a pig.
Problem is, I have no idea which MC folder mods need to be downloaded into or how to get it to actually work in my MC game. I also need to make sure this is only on my creative server and not my survival server since the admins there wouldn't like that very much lol.
Please bear in mind that I'm a complete newbie with this stuff so if someone could give me step by step instructions that a blind guy could follow, I'd appreciate it
Thanks in advance !
Anyone happen to know the numbers list of critters you can set on a spawner ?