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    posted a message on Villagers / Iron Golem Spawn Rate
    At long last. Pictures of my underwater farm. Just in case anyone was curious or wanted to make one themselves. Underground would be a lot easier with the tops of the glass in the dirt and grass instead of water. And no risk of suffocating.

    Top of ocean view from the edge of my island

    Looking down from just under the water surface at the iron farm

    Looking up at the glass blocks above the doors from the roof of the iron farm.

    People pods, with water in the corners to keep them in the center so they don't glitch outside and drown

    Glass ceiling of the top level of the spawn area. The people are walled up behind the stone walls, 1 pod on each side.

    Bottom level of spawn area where you can see the doors.

    Down the hatch !

    bottom of the hole to show the 1x2 block of lava held up by signs.

    And finally, end of the short tunnel, showing my hoppers and double chest. I think the tunnel is only 5 blocks long, which is the reason for the signs stopping the water. You could extend the tunnel to the end of the water flow and still have the people pod on that side above and behind you. Compact is good sometimes.

    That's it, thanks for playing the home version of "How Long Will It Take For Him To Figure This Out" :) Thanks for all your help IronMagus.

    Posted in: Survival Mode
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    posted a message on Villagers / Iron Golem Spawn Rate
    65 blocks is all ? Shoot, I can built an extension to my small island on the other side from where the iron farm is cuz it's about 100 blocks. Thanks.
    Posted in: Survival Mode
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    posted a message on Villagers / Iron Golem Spawn Rate
    Yeah, I get enough iron as it is. More than enough actually. I have about 600 iron blocks since I made it a week or so ago so have just been hoarding it so I don't ruin the server economy for others who mine iron. As a side note about the fabled Iron Trench, a buddy tried to make it and it will produce golems but a lot slower than what the Iron Trench is supposed to do, which is about 1000 ingots an hour. Also, how do you add pictures to this forum ? I wanted to show off my underwater marvel lol. Last question I just thought of is with the top of the glass at lvl 63, even with the surface of the water, and my people pods down about lvl 43 I think, can I build ground and a small building in the middle of the top of the glass at lvl 63 (above the spawn area below) for more villagers that I can trade with ? Or will that throw off the village parameters for spawning ?
    Posted in: Survival Mode
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    posted a message on Villagers / Iron Golem Spawn Rate
    The underwater iron farm is very successful, I get a stack of ingots about every 90 minutes give or take. Question is, once I have the villagers bred to the amount necessary to start producing golems (I currently have 20) do I still need the glass blocks above the doors leading up to the surface of the water or can I remove all the glass so nothing can be seen from land ? Someone told me the doors don't need light for the villagers to spawn golems. Oh, also, if I add more doors, will that increase the golem spawn rate or just the villager breeding rate ? I currently have 20 villagers and 48 doors.
    Posted in: Survival Mode
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    posted a message on Villagers / Iron Golem Spawn Rate
    Okay, in final stage, got the people pods setup, the spawn areas made and the doors installed and glassed up to the surface. Now, last question I can think of is - do the villagers need sunlight too ? And if so, how much ? Like a single row of glass to the top or their whole pod ? Oh, and does it matter if one pod has 8 people and one has 3 or does there have to be at least 5 in each pod ?
    Posted in: Survival Mode
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    posted a message on My minecraft.jar has disappered!
    This happened to me before too, and yeah I could run the game just fine but of course it was impossible to add any mods or anything else that needs the jar. Eventually I just deleted everything MineCraft related and downloaded it again. Since I only use Creative servers as a testing ground for designs, it didn't bother me.
    Posted in: Discussion
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    posted a message on Villagers / Iron Golem Spawn Rate
    Alright, so if I'm following this (difficult at work and not being able to SEE docm77's design or attach pictures) but here goes. On your pictures, the pink wool is on the "inside" of the door and the blue wool is "outside". He has nothing on the outside of the door, but the inside has a solid stone block against the top half of the door right against the door. I built it and it works so that tells me the sunlight only has to hit the outside of the door. His design calls for 8 sections of 6 doors each - 2 sections per side of his spawning area with the villager pod in between them.

    So if I were to put this underground, or underwater, let's say 20 blocks down. For each section of 6 doors, I could have the space above the outside of the doors with a 1x6x20 section of glass cubes leading to the surface ? So if you stood above it, you'd see a single row of glass cubes directly above the 6 doors 20 blocks down. Also, if there's a tree on the ground above all this, will the low-hanging leaves of the trees block the sunlight or do the doors only need 1 block of outside sunlight to count ?
    Posted in: Survival Mode
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    posted a message on Villagers / Iron Golem Spawn Rate
    a handful of glass cube blocks even with the surface of the water, and thus barely noticeable, sounds perfect. Are the doors the only things that need the sunlight or do the pods with villagers or the golem spawning area need sunlight ?

    Quote from IronMagus

    Anyway, if you do want to hide it, water will diffuse the light, and so it counts as an opaque block for "roofing" purposes. You'll need to stick with glass or other transparent blocks all the way up. They don't need actual open air, but they do need truly transparent blocks, not water or ice.

    Okay, so does that mean I can have this 10 blocks under the surface and completely hidden except for the light for the doors, or is there a limit of how many opaque blocks there can be before the sunlight can't affect the doors ? Sorry for all the questions but it's slow at work and iron farms are completely new to me. At least anyone who reads this now will know everything they need to know about them lol
    Posted in: Survival Mode
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    posted a message on Villagers / Iron Golem Spawn Rate
    5 in each pod ? Yeah if that works I'll plan for that route *glares at the clock in my office* Villagers are just a pain to get from a village and my home is a self-made island about 500 blocks from land, never mind how much further it is to a village. So yeah, the less I need the better. Plan is to make the top even with the surface of the ocean so it's not as much of an eyesore. Maybe I'll cover the top and have it all below the surface except for glass walls leading down to the doors since they need direct sunlight. That way I can look over the ocean from my yard and not have this monstrosity staring back at me. (Reason #17 why I got divorced). Do the doors need open air and direct sunlight or can they be covered in glass and under say 1 block of water ?
    Posted in: Survival Mode
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    posted a message on Villagers / Iron Golem Spawn Rate
    For anyone interested, I capitalized on Iron's suggestion of a lava blade where the golems land right below where they spawn and it worked really good, the iron doesn't burn up. So no redstone, no piston head pounding blocks, just pure lava.

    Next test (after work) is to see if the golems still spawn at the average rate when I have only 2 villager pods - opposite sides - with 10 villagers in each pod. Trying to make this as compact as possible and having it 20x30 sounds better than 30x30 :)
    Posted in: Survival Mode
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    posted a message on Villagers / Iron Golem Spawn Rate
    Perfect, thanks Iron ! To the Build Site !
    Posted in: Survival Mode
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    posted a message on Villagers / Iron Golem Spawn Rate
    Yeah I was just thinking about moving the pressure plate that activates the skull-thumper to the landing zone but thanks for confirming it works :)
    Posted in: Survival Mode
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    posted a message on Villagers / Iron Golem Spawn Rate
    Wow, thanks for the incredible amount of detail and information. This really helps me decide on where and how to build it. Oh, just thought of one more question. How close do you have to be to the villagers before they will start spawning golems ? Also, how far do the golems need to be from the villagers before they are considered "outside" of the village ?

    *feeling like Columbo* And just one more thing, is there a video somewhere that uses Docm77's style kill/collection area but will do an auto-kill feature so I can afk ? My server rules are that we can't let spawned critters build up.
    Posted in: Survival Mode
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    posted a message on Villagers / Iron Golem Spawn Rate
    Okay, just starting to build an iron golem farm on my server and used Docm77's youtube video, which works pretty good. I don't need a huge amount of iron so I only built one of the 4 pods he does. Now he has 4 "pools" with villagers in them but I think I've seen set ups with only 1 pool of villagers. Using his set up but using only 1 pod, I get 1 golem to spawn about every 4-8 minutes, seems random. I'm also using 4 pools with 16 villagers in each pool.

    Question #1 ) How many villagers do you need before an iron golem will spawn ?

    Question #2 ) Do more villagers equal faster golem spawning ?

    Thanks in advance !
    Posted in: Survival Mode
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    posted a message on Critter Counter Mod
    I'm trying to find a mod that will show a small counter on my screen that shows the number of critters that's actually visible on my screen. I know F3 shows the number of entities but it may not actually be critters, I think it could be a variety of "things" and also shows things behind walls or out of line of sight. And F3 has a ton of other info that covers up part of the screen - good info definitely but when I just want to see the number of creatures, it's too much.

    See, I have a mob spawner (Blaze) and need to keep it down under 50, as per server rules. F3 will give me a rough idea but it's not accurate and, again, has a lot of info that covers my screen.

    Is there a mod from Curse or someplace that will show up a small counter I can move around on my screen (or have it in an out of the way spot) that shows just the number of critters that are actually in view on your screen.
    Posted in: Discussion
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